Pepper Gemini F1: description + photo

It is no secret that Dutch hybrids of vegetable crops are especially valued by summer residents and gardeners from all over the world. Bulgarian pepper is no exception. For example, a hybrid called Gemini F1 is famous for its high yield, disease resistance and unpretentiousness to weather conditions. From English, “Gemini” is translated as “twins”. This is most likely due to the appearance of ripe peppers: they all have the same shape, size and color. The Dutch variety is appreciated not only by private gardeners, but also by farmers who grow vegetables on an industrial scale.

Pepper Gemini F1: description + photo

Characteristics and description of the Dutch variety, photos and reviews of Gemini F1 pepper can be found in this article. Here it will be told about all the advantages of the hybrid, as well as how it should be grown properly.

Features of the variety

Gemini F1 pepper is very recognizable: the fruits of this variety are colored in a rich, canary yellow hue. Gardeners love Gemini for its high yield and excellent taste, farmers appreciate the unpretentiousness of the variety and the excellent presentation of the fruit.

Important! When purchasing sweet pepper seeds, you need to pay attention to their quantity in the package. The Gemini variety is packaged by different manufacturers in 5-25 pieces, for large farmers there are packages of 500-1000 seeds.

Pepper Gemini F1: description + photo

Gemini pepper variety has the following characteristics:

  • fast ripening – the growing season from sowing seeds to the technical maturity of the fruit is 75-82 days;
  • the average size of the bush: the plant is compact, medium leafy, sprawling;
  • the height of Gemini bushes is usually within 60 cm;
  • the leaves on the bushes are large, wrinkled, dark green in color (a large number of leaves and their large sizes protect the fruits from the scorching sun);
  • the shape of the peppers is cuboid-elongated, drooping;
  • about 7-10 fruits are formed on each bush;
  • fruits are four-chamber, thick-walled (wall thickness, on average, is 0,8 cm);
  • in a state of technical ripeness, the pepper is colored in a dark green shade, the bright yellow color of the fruit indicates biological ripening;
  • staining speed is average;
  • the length of the fruits and their diameter are approximately equal – about 18 cm;
  • the average weight of peppers depends on the method of cultivation: on the ground – 230 grams, in a greenhouse – 330 grams;
  • the taste of the Gemini F1 variety is excellent, moderately sweet with a barely noticeable bitterness – the real taste of bell pepper;
  • the skin on the fruit is thin, and the pulp is very tender;
  • the culture is resistant to the sun, the fruits are practically not baked, they rarely get burned;
  • the variety has good immunity to viral diseases, including potato virus;
  • the purpose of the Gemini pepper is universal – it can be planted both in open ground and in a greenhouse, greenhouse or under a film;
  • the purpose of the fruits is also universal: they are good fresh, in various salads, snacks, hot dishes and preservation;
  • the productivity of Gemini is high – about 350 centners per hectare, which is comparable to the indicator of the standard of productivity, Gift of Moldova;
  • the hybrid is unpretentious to climatic and weather conditions, it can be grown even in cold regions with cool and short summers;
  • the fruits ripen together, it is easy to collect them, since the peppers are well separated from the stalk;
  • The presentation and keeping quality of Gemini are excellent, so the hybrid is perfect for growing for sale.

Pepper Gemini F1: description + photo


Important! In sweet pepper, even after heat treatment, most of the vitamins are preserved, so Gemini fruits can be safely preserved for the winter.

Advantages and disadvantages

The description of the Gemini pepper would be incomplete without mentioning the strengths and weaknesses of this hybrid. Reviews of gardeners indicate that the Gemini F1 has the following advantages:

  • early and simultaneous ripening of all fruits;
  • beautiful appearance of peppers;
  • large fruit sizes;
  • excellent taste characteristics, including crunchiness and juiciness of the pulp;
  • the compact size of the bushes, allowing you to grow pepper in small greenhouses or under film shelters;
  • good yields;
  • unpretentiousness to the climate;
  • resistance to viral diseases;
  • universal purpose of fruits.

Pepper Gemini F1: description + photo

Much to the chagrin of gardeners, the perfect pepper does not yet exist in nature. Gemini, like all other varieties and hybrids, has its drawbacks:

  • slow coloring of fruits – which leads to the loss of a certain percentage of peppers;
  • strong dependence of the hybrid on top dressing – with a lack of fertilizer, the walls of the pepper become much thinner;
  • Gemini shoots are quite fragile, so the bushes often break off under the weight of large fruits – they need to be tied up;
  • the color of the fruits is often uneven, which affects their marketability.


Attention! You need to understand that Gemini pepper is large-fruited, it is not suitable for stuffing, for example, but it will be very good in salads.

Growing rules

It is not difficult to grow a Dutch hybrid, because it is very unpretentious and resistant to external factors. The gardener must remember the hybrid origin of Gemini: the seeds of this pepper do not retain complete information about the genes – the fruits will mutate, change color, size or shape. Therefore, planting material will have to be bought annually.

Pepper Gemini F1: description + photo


In the southern regions, Gemini F1 seeds begin to be sown in the second half of February. In colder areas, the vegetable is sown for seedlings a little later – in the first decade of March. If you need early seedlings for a heated greenhouse or greenhouse, you need to sow peppers as early as January.

Pepper Gemini F1: description + photo

It is better to sow the seeds in plastic glasses with a capacity of 200 ml or in special peat tablets so that later the seedlings do not have to dive – pepper does not tolerate this procedure well.

Gemini Sweet Pepper loves warmth and light. The first 12-14 days of seed containers should be at a temperature of 24-27 degrees. During this time, the first shoots will appear, then the pepper seedlings can be removed to a cooler, but brighter place.

Important! Usually, Gemini is illuminated artificially, because the seedlings will turn out strong and healthy only under the condition of twelve hours of illumination.

When the pepper is 40-50 days old, it is planted in a permanent place. Depending on where Gemini will be grown, the recommended planting dates also change: seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse in mid-May, and sweet peppers can be planted in open ground no earlier than the first days of June.

The height of pepper seedlings at the time of transplantation should be 16-17 cm, each bush should already have 5-6 true leaves. Flower buds are allowed. But it is not recommended to overexpose bell pepper seedlings. At 65-70 days of age, Gemini is planted only in heated greenhouses, they do this in the middle of spring.

Planting Gemini pepper in a permanent place is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Choose a site on level ground or on a small hill.
  2. Well, if there is protection from strong winds and drafts.
  3. Soils are preferred nutritious, loose, carbonate.
  4. Cabbage, legumes and grains are considered the best predecessors for bell peppers.
  5. The planting scheme for small volumes is three bushes per square meter.
  6. Gemini shows the best yield with this scheme – 50×40 cm.
  7. The soil on the site or in the greenhouse should warm up to at least +15 degrees.
  8. Planting holes are recommended to be filled with nutrient soil mixed with organic matter or mineral fertilizers.
  9. Immediately after planting, pepper seedlings are watered, and the soil around the root collar is mulched. Mulch will protect the roots from overheating and hypothermia, and help retain moisture.

Pepper Gemini F1: description + photo

Advice! In the northern and central regions of Our Country, it is recommended to cover Gemini seedlings with a film for the first time. Gradually, the shelter is removed, monitoring the weather and the condition of the plants.


The yield of Gemini pepper declared by the originator of the variety in practice can vary greatly. This indicator largely depends on the nutritional value of the soil, the quantity and quality of top dressing. Bulgarian pepper will not grow on its own, this culture needs care.

Caring for the Gemini F1 is as follows:

  1. Cover the soil with mulch or constantly loosen, remove weeds, monitor moisture.
  2. Use a drip irrigation system or water the bushes by hand, avoiding cracking the soil and exposing the roots.
  3. Cut off the first “royal” buds.
  4. Form seedlings of pepper in one or two stems, removing excess stepchildren.
  5. In greenhouses, it is better to cut off the central ovaries in order to prevent the fruits from shrinking.
  6. Tie up bushes when the fruit begins to fill and increase in size.
  7. If necessary, normalize the number of fruits, leaving no more than ten pieces on each plant.
  8. Feeding Gemini peppers is a must. Since autumn, the land has been filled with organic matter, and in summer this hybrid is fed only with mineral fertilizers. There should be at least three top dressings: the first time a week after planting, the second – in the flowering phase, the third top dressing is carried out when the fruits begin to change color.
Attention! Gemini pepper does not like excess fertilizer: it is better to feed it often, but little by little. Especially culture needs elements such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, boron and magnesium.

Write Your Review

Irina, Vladimir
I didn’t really like the Gemini hybrid, now I’ll tell you why. Firstly, the seeds were quite expensive (however, all 25 pieces that were in the bag sprouted). In the Central region, I planted this pepper in the ground. Seedlings “sat” in place for a long time, went into growth only after fertilizing with nitrogen. There were few ovaries on the bushes – 5-7, so I can’t say that Gemini is very fruitful. The fruits grew large and beautiful, but were unevenly colored: green prevailed. The taste of pepper is the most ordinary, but pleasant. Large fruits are only suitable for making salads, you can’t stuff them and you can’t push them into a jar. I think that Gemini is more suitable for farmers, and for your own garden you can choose some other variety (for example, the same Gift of Moldova).


Reviews of gardeners and farmers about Gemini pepper are contradictory. Most farmers note the large-fruitedness of the sweet vegetable and its good taste. The variety is valued for its unpretentiousness and resistance to viral diseases, but needs good care and frequent fertilizing with mineral components.

With proper care, the hybrid will please with high yields and uniform fruit color. Commodity quality Gemini on top!

Gemini F1 laying sweet pepper (Bayer Nunhems) culture in the field

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