Pepper Flight: characteristics and description of the variety

Among the many modern varieties of sweet pepper, it is easy to get confused not only for beginners, but also for professionals. Among the peppers, there are those that were bred relatively long ago, but somehow got lost in the general stream of new products, the volume of which only increases every year. This happened with Poljot pepper, which is grown with pleasure by professional vegetable growers and farmers, but is little known to ordinary gardeners and gardeners. This variety of pepper is appreciated by professionals, first of all, for its attractive presentation and amazing aroma, which, moreover, are preserved for a long time. But gardeners may also be interested in getting to know this variety of sweet pepper.

Pepper Flight: characteristics and description of the variety

Variety description

Perhaps one of the reasons for the insufficient prevalence of Polet pepper among gardeners is that it owes its appearance to the scientific breeders Yu.I. Panchev. and Ilyenko T.S., who work at NIITSSSA (Research Center for Seed Breeding and Agricultural Technology), located in Transnistria. In Moldova and Ukraine, Polet pepper is quite widespread. And in Our Country it appeared only in the 90s of the last century. In 1997, it was included in the State Register of Our Country with recommendations for cultivation in the open field of the Central Black Earth and North Caucasus regions. In other regions of Our Country, it is desirable to grow this pepper in greenhouses, or at least in greenhouses, which is quite realistic, given the small height of its bushes.

Pepper bushes Poljot are standard, medium leafy, do not exceed 45-50 cm in height. Large dark green leaves are ovoid. In terms of ripening, judging by the reviews, Polet pepper can be classified as medium-early (fruits ripen 80-110 days after germination) and mid-ripening (when the growing season to technical maturity is 120-130 days) depending on growing conditions.

Pepper Flight: characteristics and description of the variety

Comment! Usually in the open field, the ripening time is extended.

In any case, in order for the fruits to reach biological maturity (acquire the color required for pepper according to its characteristics), it is necessary to wait another 10-20 days.

As for the yield of Poljot pepper, there are some discrepancies between the actual results obtained and the declared characteristics in the description of the variety. The originator claims that the potential yield of this pepper variety can be up to 8-9 kg per square meter. In terms of hectares in industrial cultivation, this amounts to about 80 -90 tons of pepper fruits per hectare of plantings.

Pepper Flight: characteristics and description of the variety

According to farmers’ reviews, when planting Polet pepper in the fields in the Central Black Earth region, they were able to achieve a yield of only about 1,5-2 kg per square meter. In the North Caucasus region, the situation with the yield of this pepper was better, but still it could not produce more than 3-4 kg per square meter of marketable fruits. Perhaps, yield figures closer to the declared ones can be obtained by growing this pepper in greenhouse conditions. In addition, the harvesting period is quite extended and in the total harvest for several months it is quite possible to collect up to 8-9 kg per square meter.

Important! Pepper Polet is distinguished by good resistance to many diseases, in particular, to verticillium wilt and blossom end rot.

Plants tolerate relative cold quite well, are able to recover from stress quite quickly, and set fruit well in conditions of sharp temperature fluctuations.

Pepper Flight: characteristics and description of the variety

Fruit Characteristics

Pepper fruits Poljot have a very attractive appearance and have the following characteristics:

  • The shape of the fruit is regular cone-shaped, with a wide base, while the edges are weakly expressed. The fruits are located, drooping to the ground.
  • The surface of the skin is shiny and smooth.
  • Inside there are only 2-3 seed chambers. The flesh is juicy and even crispy. Peppers contain from 7,2 to 8,3% dry matter.
  • The color of the fruits at the stage of technical maturity is light green, when they ripen completely, they become dark red.
  • Peppers can be of different sizes depending on the growing conditions, but, as a rule, they are quite large, weighing from 100 grams. Individual peppercorns can reach 250-300 grams. In length, the fruits reach 15 cm, in circumference – 6-10 cm.
  • The wall thickness at the stage of technical maturity reaches 6 mm, and at biological maturity – 8 mm.

    Pepper Flight: characteristics and description of the variety

  • Taste characteristics are rated as good and excellent. Fruits at the stage of technical maturity already contain from 2,4 to 4,2% sugars and about 55 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g of pulp.
  • But, the main thing that distinguishes the fruits of this variety is a pronounced peppery aroma that lasts for a long time.
  • The purpose of the fruits is universal, since they are equally good in salads, and in the preparation of second courses and in a variety of twists. Fruits can be frozen.
  • Peppers are distinguished by good keeping quality and high transportability. In a period of up to two or three weeks, they practically do not change their attractive appearance and aroma, which cannot but interest agricultural producers.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Pepper Polet has many advantages that make it attractive for growing both on farms and in household plots:

  • High yields;
  • It sets fruits well in conditions of temperature fluctuations;
  • Excellent presentation of fruits and excellent aroma;
  • Good preservation of fruits and their transportability.

    Pepper Flight: characteristics and description of the variety

Pepper Flight has some disadvantages:

  • Fruit size, as well as yield, is highly dependent on growing conditions.

Peculiarities of growing

Without a seedling period in Our Country, the cultivation of any variety of sweet pepper is impossible. Polet pepper seeds have a good germination rate, about 90%, which allows sowing even without special treatment.

Advice! Before sowing, be sure to pay attention to the color of the seeds, if it differs from the traditional light beige shade, then the seeds have already been processed by the manufacturer and do not need any additional soaking procedures.

The timing of sowing seeds depends on the timing of planting seedlings in a permanent place. If you are going to grow seedlings in the greenhouse in the future, then you can plant them in May. Therefore, it is better to sow seeds no later than February. In the case of growing peppers in open ground, bearing in mind the relatively early ripening of this variety of pepper, you can start sowing from the beginning of March.

Seeds can germinate from 4-5 days to two weeks. The fruit ripening time is calculated from the moment more than half of all shoots appear. The first two to three weeks after germination, seedlings need at least 12 hours of daylight, so it is advisable to arrange additional lighting for them. The temperature during this period should be moderate, about + 20 ° + 22 ° C, so that the root system is better formed. Watering is also minimal.

If you are growing seedlings of pickled peppers, then in the phase of the appearance of the first two true leaves, the plants must be carefully transplanted into separate containers. After transplantation, there may be some delay in development for 5-8 days. After the plants release two leaves, they can be additionally fed. It is better to alternate watering with fertilizers with foliar feeding, that is, spraying on the leaf.

At the age of 65-75 days, when the seedlings are preparing for flowering, they must be planted in a permanent place of growth. Between plants, 25-35 cm are left, while the aisles are made about 40-50 cm wide.

In the first days after planting, it is important to protect the peppers from cold and excess moisture until the roots of the plants begin to work in full force.

Pepper Flight: characteristics and description of the variety

During the entire growth period, it is important to water the peppers very moderately, but regularly. It is advisable to use drip irrigation.

Advice! To preserve moisture in the hot period, it is desirable to mulch the entire space between the bushes with straw and plant debris.

It is necessary to feed pepper plants at least three times during the growing season: before flowering, after flowering and during fruit ripening.

Harvesting usually begins in July and lasts several months until the onset of cold weather.


Polet pepper is grown mainly by farmers and professional farmers, so there are few reviews. But those who have dealt with him recognize qualities worthy of growing him on their site.

Pepper Flight: characteristics and description of the variety

Yaroslav, 36 years old, Stavropol
I learned about this variety of pepper a few years ago, according to the reviews of my friends, he interested me and decided to sow several acres in open ground with them. I grew seedlings in a heated greenhouse, grew up, as usual, strong, healthy. Before landing in the ground in May, he did not process it with anything, only once he fertilized it with Kristallon. Peppers began to ripen already in mid-July, the yield was average, about 4 kg per square meter, but for open ground I think that they showed themselves quite well. In addition, after the first harvest of fruits, the setting and ripening continued, in the future I no longer counted how much I collected from the bushes. The fruits are very fragrant, compared to other varieties are felt even at a great distance. The taste is good, in general, the variety left behind quite good sensations.
Valentina, 52 years old Volgograd
My son brought me Poljot pepper seeds as a gift, and I decided to sow it this year on the site. Seedlings grew well, transplanted into beds already with buds. Received well too. She fed him only with her classic fertilizer from a barrel – a mixture of litter with grass, ash and all sorts of things. The peppers have grown even, beautiful as a selection. I really liked the taste: juicy, crispy, thick-walled. And everything turned red already in August. I collected them all August and September, until the cold came. The size, of course, is not gigantic, but there were many fruits. I’m satisfied – it was enough to eat like that, and for twists.


Pepper Flight may be of interest to many gardeners for its attractive appearance, taste, and aroma. Its yield is also quite decent, and with suitable agricultural technology, record results can be achieved.

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