Pepper Claudio F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Pepper Claudio is a hybrid variety obtained by Dutch breeders. It is grown in summer cottages and farms. The variety is distinguished by early maturation and disease resistance. Its presentation and taste qualities of a vegetable are highly valued.

Below are photos, a description of Claudio pepper, as well as the features of its cultivation and care.

Botanical description

Pepper Claudio has a number of characteristics:

  • hybrid variety of early ripening;
  • seed germination from 97 to 100%;
  • after the transfer of seedlings, fruiting occurs on the 70-80th day;
  • powerful upright bushes;
  • height of bushes from 50 to 70 cm;
  • on one plant grows up to 12 fruits.

Features of the fruits of the Claudio variety:

  • weight 200-250 g;
  • wall thickness 10 mm;
  • prismatic shape with 4 chambers;
  • unripe peppers have a rich green color, changing to dark red;
  • high palatability.

Pepper Claudio F1: characteristics and description of the variety

The variety is suitable for planting in greenhouses and open areas. Pepper Claudio is characterized by good transportability and can withstand long hauls.

The fruits of the Claudio variety are harvested in a state of technical maturity, then their shelf life is up to 2 months. If the fruits have already turned red, then they need to be plucked and used as soon as possible. The Claudio variety is suitable for canning and daily diet.

seedlings of peppers

Pepper Claudio F1 is grown by seedling method. First, prepare the soil and containers in which the seeds are placed. After germination, seedlings are looked after and transferred to a permanent place.

Preparing for planting

Peppers are planted in February – March. Before work, the seeds of the Claudio variety are dipped in water heated to 50 degrees. When the seed material swells, it is wrapped in a damp cloth and left warm for 3 days. This stimulates the growth of sprouts.

Pepper Claudio F1: characteristics and description of the variety

If the seeds are covered with a colored shell, then they do not need additional processing. The manufacturer coated the material with a nutrient mixture that promotes the development of plants.

For planting the Claudio variety, soil is prepared, which includes:

  • humus – 1 cup;
  • sand – 1 glass;
  • garden soil – 1 cup;
  • wood ash – 1 spoon.

The components are mixed and disinfected in a heated oven or microwave. After cooling, the soil is laid out in separate cups. The seeds of the variety are buried in the ground by 2 cm. 2-3 seeds can be planted in one container, then the strongest plants can be selected.

Advice! Instead of soil mixture, peat pots are used for planting peppers.

When using boxes, grown seedlings of the Claudio variety will need a pick. Pepper does not respond well to transplants, so it is recommended to immediately plant the seeds in separate containers.

After planting, the soil is watered, and the containers are covered with glass or polyethylene. A few days of planting is kept in a warm place until the seeds germinate.

Pepper Claudio F1: characteristics and description of the variety

seedling conditions

When shoots appear, Claudio peppers need special care:

  • daily temperature is about 26 degrees;
  • night temperature – 12 degrees;
  • moderate soil moisture;
  • watering with settled water.

Seedlings provide high humidity. Peppers are sprayed with warm water. When exposed to cold water, plants are stressed, develop slowly and become susceptible to diseases.

The room with seedlings of the Claudio variety is regularly ventilated. Within 12 hours, plants are provided with access to light.

When the second leaf appears in the peppers, they are fed with Agricola or Fertik liquid fertilizer. The second dressing is performed after 14 days.

Pepper Claudio F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Planting peppers

When the first buds are formed in the Claudio variety, it is planted in a greenhouse or in open areas. Work is carried out at the end of May, when the air warms up to 15 degrees.

Pepper prefers light soil with low acidity. Soil preparation begins a year before planting. The best predecessors for culture are zucchini, cucumbers, onions, pumpkins, carrots.

Important! Pepper Claudio is not planted after potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants.

In autumn, when digging the soil per 1 sq. m contribute 5 kg of compost, 50 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. In the spring, before planting, add 30 g of ammonium nitrate.

When planting, 40 cm are left between Claudio peppers. If several rows are organized, then gaps of 70 cm are made between them.

Pepper Claudio F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Pepper Claudio is planted in holes, where 1 tbsp. l. any complex fertilizer containing phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. Plants are lowered into the pit without deepening the root collar. After the roots are covered with earth, abundant watering is carried out.

Care scheme

With proper care Claudio F1 Peppers give a good harvest. Plantings are watered and fed, and the beds are mulched, loosened and weeded from weeds.

A healthy and strong bush of the Claudio variety is obtained through formation. On each plant, the central flower that grew on the first branch is eliminated. As a result, the crop yield increases. Peppers form in 2 or 3 stalks. Lateral shoots are pinched by hand.


According to reviews, Claudio pepper develops well even in drought. However, the maximum yield is removed with the correct organization of irrigation.

Pepper Claudio F1: characteristics and description of the variety

The Claudio variety is watered every week until flowering begins. With the formation of fruits, the intensity of watering is increased up to 2 times a week. After adding moisture, the soil is carefully loosened so as not to damage the roots of the peppers.

Advice! For irrigation, take warm water, settled in barrels.

With a lack of moisture in peppers, development slows down, leaves droop, ovaries fall off. Mulching the beds with rotted straw helps to maintain soil moisture.

Additional fertilizing

Peppers are fed with a solution of chicken manure in a ratio of 1:10. The procedure is repeated twice during the season. Fertilizer is applied under the root.

Plants are sprayed with a solution of nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per bucket of water). Processing is carried out on a leaf in the morning or in the evening, when there is no direct sunlight.

Pepper Claudio F1: characteristics and description of the variety

To pollinate Claudio peppers, insects are attracted to the site. Therefore, plantings are sprayed with a solution consisting of 2 liters of water, 4 g of boric acid and 0,2 kg of sugar. Boric acid stimulates the formation of ovaries in plants.

The lack of nutrients in peppers is determined by external signs:

  • twisted leaves and dry edges indicate a lack of potassium;
  • in the presence of matte small leaves, the plants are fed with nitrogen;
  • the appearance of a purple hue on the underside of the leaf indicates the need to add phosphorus.

Protection against diseases and pests

The Claudio variety remains resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus. This is a dangerous disease, which can only be dealt with by destroying the affected plants.

Pepper Claudio F1: characteristics and description of the variety

Fungal diseases affect peppers growing in conditions of high humidity. To combat them, plantings of the Claudio variety are sprayed with Akara, Oxyh, Barrier, Zaslon preparations. After 20 days, the treatment is repeated.

Important! During the period of flowering and fruiting of peppers, do not use products containing copper.

The Claudio variety is attracted to aphids, spider mites, slugs and wireworms. An infusion of wood ash or tobacco dust helps to fight aphids. Spider mites are repelled by infusion of dandelion leaves or onion peel.

Traps made from sweet root vegetables are effective against wireworms, which attract pests. From slugs, mustard powder, ground bitter pepper is used.

Insecticides against pests are used with caution. Effective drugs that quickly decompose are Keltan and Karbofos.

Reviews of gardeners

Lyudmila, 48 years old, Kursk
Sweet pepper is a must-have vegetable in my garden. I think that it is better to overpay a little and get a good harvest than to spend your time and effort on growing cheap varieties. I chose Claudio Pepper based on reviews. I bought seeds from a specialized store. They were sold individually, I bought 10 pieces. All seeds sprouted, in the spring the seedlings were transferred to open ground. The fruits of the Claudio variety grew large, on the bushes they changed color from green to bright red. I was more than satisfied with the taste and yield.
Eugene, 51 years old, Togliatti
The seeds of the Claudio variety were planted at the end of February. He kept the seedlings under a fluorescent lamp, then transferred them to a glazed balcony. After landing in a greenhouse, he looked after vegetables according to the standard scheme: watered and fed with organic matter. The fruits were born large, with thick walls.
Anna, 35 years old, Krasnodar
Everyone tries to plant new varieties of vegetables in the country. Last year, the choice fell on the photo and description of pepper Claudio. I bought the seeds in a bag. They cost about 120 rubles. for 10 pieces, much more expensive than regular varieties. I planted the Claudio variety as usual for seedlings at the end of February. All shoots were very strong. There were no problems with them in the greenhouse either. As a result, she gathered a huge harvest of juicy fruits.


The Claudio Pepper is a high yielding variety producing sweet fruit. It is valued for its early ripening, good taste, universal application. Plants need care, which includes watering, fertilizing, forming a bush.

Claudio F1 sweet pepper seed (Bayer Nunhems) culture in the field

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