Pepper Bogatyr

Garden lovers experience well-deserved satisfaction and pride, getting a rich harvest. The sweet variety Bogatyr fell in love with gardeners, as it justifies the expectations placed on it.

Any harvest begins, first of all, with the purchase of seeds. Many manufacturers have in their assortment the popular Bogatyr variety, although data on the appearance of the fruit vary. Agrofirm “SeDek” declares that peppers have a cone shape, weight 80 -130 g. “Siberian varietal seeds” have a cuboid shape. Firm “Aelita”, “Search” produce seeds of plants, the fruits of which are cone-shaped, weighing up to 200 g. Carefully read the information from the manufacturer on the description of Bogatyr pepper, so as not to be deceived in your expectations. What the fruits look like, look at the photo:

Pepper Bogatyr


When describing Bogatyr pepper, the other characteristics of the plant remain the same, regardless of who produced the seeds. It bears fruit stably, refers to mid-season.

Seeds sprout together, massively. If you plant seedlings of Bogatyr pepper in the second half of February, then in May it will be ready for planting in the ground. How to sow sweet peppers, look at the video:

How to sow sweet peppers + Bonus

Advice! Keep the seedlings warm and use additional light sources.

The fruits of the Bogatyr variety have an average wall thickness of 6 mm, sometimes reaching up to 8 mm, and excellent taste and aroma. Suitable for canning, freezing, heat treatment and for fresh consumption. Keep a trade dress during transportation. An important characteristic for those gardeners who are engaged in growing crops for sale.

Pepper Bogatyr

Bogatyr pepper grows powerful, sprawling, up to 80 cm high. It is recommended to plant in compliance with the following interval: 50 cm between rows and 30 – 40 between plants.

Advice! Bushes are very fragile. Therefore, create additional support for the plant and tie it up.

For regular watering and loosening, weeding and fertilization, the variety responds with active growth and fruiting. 120 – 135 days pass from the emergence of seedlings to green fruits. This is the technical maturity of the fruit for the most impatient. About three more weeks will be required for the onset of biological maturity, when the fruits acquire a rich red color. They contain the maximum amount of vitamin C. Not everyone knows that it is peppers that are the leader among vegetables in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and participant in the recovery processes in our body.

Pepper Bogatyr

Sweet pepper Bogatyr is disease resistant. It is not affected by tobacco mosaic, late blight, verticillium and other misfortunes. The variety endures temperature fluctuations and low illumination, gives a consistently high yield of up to 6 – 8 kg per 1 sq.m.


Stepanova A.K., 47 years old, Korolev
We definitely grow the Bogatyr variety in our garden. The fruits have a specific peppery aroma and rich taste. Bushes grow huge, always give a rich harvest. I prefer to freeze peppers for the winter. The taste, color, and even aroma are preserved. I want to give a little advice: read carefully the description of Bogatyr pepper on a bag of seeds. Otherwise, you will get a harvest that is not at all a heroic type
Churkin E.A., 68 years old, Vladimir
For the past few years, I have been planting exclusively Bogatyr peppers. The good name speaks for itself. Large, elongated fruits have an excellent taste. It happened that I grew up weighing more than 200 g. I made my choice and advise others.
Voropaeva I.A., 57 years old, Lipetsk
I love red bell peppers, and so that you can grow them without any problems. A neighbor in the garden recommended the Bogatyr variety. Yes, there were many and very large peppers. I just had to be patient to wait for the peppers to turn red.

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