Pepper Apricot favorite

Sweet bell pepper is a popular vegetable among gardeners. After all, its fruits are needed for the preparation of many dishes. Most of the species originally appeared abroad. But we also enjoyed this delicacy. The vegetable needs proper care, although the harvest is worth the effort. Often, from one bush you can collect many fruits that are distinguished by excellent taste and quality.

Pepper Apricot favorite


Before planting pepper seeds, they need to be prepared, you can start from January 25 to February 10. To begin with, they need to be held in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes, then washed and placed in a growth stimulator or microelement solution for 11 hours. Then again you need to rinse the seeds and hold them wet for 2 days. You can not sow pepper directly into the ground. We are waiting for seedlings to emerge, and we are already planting them in an open area.

After the sprout has appeared, the plant must be moved to heat so that the pepper does not freeze. This vegetable is distinguished by its thermophilicity. The approximate temperature in the room is from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Light is also important, when the room is dark, you need to turn on the LED, or fluorescent lamps. It should be watered only with warm water.

And already in May, you can plant seedlings in a permanent place. When it is covered with a film, then May 10-20, if the plant is planted in an open area, in May 20-30. If cold snaps are foreseen, then you should shed the soil around the plants, put arcs over them and cover with a film.

Pepper Apricot favorite

Species classification

It is possible to divide sweet pepper varieties, like many other crops, according to their ripening time.

They are divided into:

  • Early and super early. Such seeds after germination have time to ripen in 100-120 days. Among this type of seeds there are many good varieties that differ in their quality and taste.
  • Medium. After sprouts appear, fruits can be harvested after 120-135 days. Interestingly, if you plant them a little ahead of schedule, then this species will ripen along with the early one. If you delay the planting a little, then you can harvest along with late varieties.
  • Late and very late. Only 135-150 days after seed germination, and sometimes even a little later, you can harvest.

The choice of seeds and variety is perhaps one of the most important stages, if you take the time to do this and choose the right variety, then there will be much less problems later. But it should be selected individually, starting from the desired result. Next, I would like to consider one of the most versatile types.  


Pepper “Apricot Favorite” refers to early ripe varieties. The favorite ripens for about 100 days. It will grow well both in open areas and in a greenhouse. The plant itself is not very tall, reaching a maximum of half a meter. 1-5 pieces can be planted per 8 m². And about 20 fruits grow on one bush, so their compactness cannot be ignored. This is a very sweet and tasty variety, you can eat it in any form, it is suitable for cooking and preservation.

The shape of the pepper resembles a cone. It looks shiny and smooth to the touch. When the favorite ripens, the pepper becomes light green, and after a bright apricot color. The wall thickness is 7 mm, and the fruit itself weighs an average of 150 grams.

In order to get a quick good harvest, it is permissible to use special plant growth stimulants.


  • High yield;
  • Heavy fleshy fruits;
  • Sings quickly;
  • Disease resistant;
  • In cooking, it can be used for various dishes;
  • Grows both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground;
  • The fruit is very fragrant, pleasant in taste and looks beautiful;
  • He is not afraid of the weather.

This is a good enough option for planting, because basically many varieties of sweet pepper are incredibly demanding and prone to a large number of diseases, they have to be constantly monitored. But this variety, as mentioned above, cannot be called whimsical; it can grow in any conditions. The main thing is to get enough high-quality seeds. To avoid incidents, it is better to choose trusted companies.

Consumer Feedback

Kolokolnikova S., 45 years old, Khabarovsk
“Apricot favorite” was bought by my husband, advised in the store. I myself have often heard good reviews. They praised the beautiful appearance and taste. I am already a summer resident with experience, so I did everything in the usual way: seedlings, then planting. The harvest turned out to be good, from one bush I collected about 18 fruits. The plant does not require particularly scrupulous care, no problems have arisen. The vegetable itself is tasty and juicy. Did lecho, everyone really liked it.
Lovtsova I.S., Astrakhan
Decided to buy pepper “apricot favorite” for the first time. I am a supporter of early varieties, somehow it’s more convenient for me. Previously, I mainly bought the Lumina variety and everything suited me, but the description interested me. It was very interesting to try. As a result, she gathered a good harvest, the fruits are tasty and ripened on time. There was no special fuss, I planted seedlings, and then watered, and, of course, I did not forget about fertilizers.
Goncharova Anna, 25 years old, Izhevsk
I have never gardened myself, my only experience was helping my mother. She just did what she asked without thinking. But it so happened that my mother had to leave, and the garden was already planted. So I had to take care of it myself, it’s a pity that the work already invested. There were no questions with the Apricot Favorite pepper, which cannot be said about other cultures. It’s simple: she came twice a week, watered. Then bright and tasty fruits ripened. There was a lot of harvest, from each bush I collected 2 dozen.
Krapivina O.V., Novosibirsk
I liked the favorite very much, when buying she gave preference to her, since the plant is not prone to disease. Last year I suffered with a black leg, and now I did not want to repeat the experience. And, really, no problems, the fruits are tasty, but not very large.

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