Pepper Admiral Kolchak F1

Bell peppers are highly valued for their versatility. From it you can make not only an excellent fresh salad, but stuff it with minced meat, pickle, preserve. It is not surprising that the vast majority of summer gardeners are trying to grow a rich harvest of this particular vegetable on their site.

Growing the variety “Admiral Kolchak” will help every lover to fulfill his cherished dream.


Pepper “Admiral Kolchak f1” refers to hybrids. Fruit color is yellow. The shape is cuboid, slightly rounded. In terms of maturation, the variety belongs to mid-season. The growing season is 112-120 days. The height of the bush reaches 100 cm. The fruits are large, weighing from 90 to 150 grams. The wall thickness of the pepper ranges from 8 to 10 cm. Unpretentious. Resistant to diseases and pest attacks. Special storage conditions are not required.

Pepper Admiral Kolchak F1

Advice! To preserve the beneficial properties of bell pepper for a long time, it is enough to freeze it.

With this method of storage, the vegetable does not lose vitamins, and when defrosted, it retains its properties and appearance.


Among the positive qualities of the species should be noted:

  • large vegetable size;
  • high productivity;
  • good disease resistance;
  • excellent taste properties;
  • versatility (suitable for salads, stuffing, pickling and canning).


Galina Petrovna, 58 years old, Sochi
I live in my own house and love to tinker on my yard. There are a lot of different vegetables and fruits in my garden. I especially like to grow sweet peppers. I experimented for a very long time and selected varieties for planting. For about three years I have been growing the Admiral Kolchak variety. Peppers grow large, beautiful, sunny yellow. The harvest is always excellent. And what dishes are obtained from it! Just a meal. I highly recommend this wonderful variety.
Ivan Fedorovich, 64 years old,Tver
I have been growing sweet bell peppers for many years. At first he bred classic varieties, later he tried to plant hybrids. I was not disappointed in my choice. Hybrid varieties get sick less, are unpretentious, are well stored and at the same time are in no way inferior to ordinary varieties.
Olga, 35 years old, Red Field, Republic of Belarus
My children simply cannot live without sweet bell pepper, so I cook almost everything from it and quite often. Previously, I had to constantly suffer when choosing varieties for cultivation. The solution to the problem was the variety “Admiral Kolchak”. Thanks to its versatility, it has taken pride of place on my family’s everyday table. Plus, it’s pretty easy to grow. It is not necessary to create special conditions, diseases bypass him, and the result is always excellent. High yield, easy to store. It is especially pleasing that pepper can also be frozen, preserving not only the product, but also its beneficial properties, which is important for cooking dishes for children. I recommend this variety to all gardeners with children. You won’t regret it at all!

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