It turns out that the cultivation of heat-loving plants is possible in a cool climate. Proof of this are the huge harvests, for example, of bell pepper in the territory of central Our Country. Everyone knows that this plant prefers sustained warmth and needs long, warm summers to fully mature. Therefore, early and mid-early varieties of peppers are more suitable for a cool climate. Pepper Admiral f1 is one of these. In the photo below you can see what this pepper variety looks like.
Variety description
Pepper Admiral is a medium-early reliable hybrid with a ripening period of up to 110 days. Suitable for both greenhouses and open beds. Will normally tolerate lack of moisture. The bush is semi-spreading, 1-1,3 m high, there are usually a lot of leaves on it. Fruits with a color from greenish-white to red, weighing up to 150 grams, with a wall thickness of up to 6 mm, resemble a cone in appearance, smooth, shiny. The taste of peppers is just great – sweet and juicy, they are quite fleshy, they will be stored for a long time if the storage conditions are suitable. They tolerate transportation well, therefore they are of commercial interest, the yield is 5,5-6,5 kg per square meter.
How to prepare seeds for sowing
The period from the moment of planting the seeds to harvesting the Admiral pepper is quite long, it takes 3,5-4 months. Therefore, given these terms, the planting of seeds for seedlings begins from the end of January – the beginning of February. Pepper seeds germinate for a long time – about two weeks. In order to shorten this period a little, it is necessary
Pre-sowing preparation
- Pepper seeds should be pickled Admiral f1. To do this, prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and place the seeds in it for 15-20 minutes.
- After this time, put them on a sieve and rinse under warm running water.
- Place the seeds in a cup with a solution of trace elements or a growth stimulator for 11 hours.
- Rinse the seeds lightly and leave on a slightly damp gauze for two days. After that, the Admiral f1 seeds are ready for planting.
How to sow pepper seeds
This process is absolutely not difficult. The most important thing is good, high-quality soil and planting containers. If the land is purchased at a gardening store, you should pay attention to the markings, the land should be specifically for pepper.
Rules for sowing seeds
- pour the earth into the largest planting container 2 cm below the top edge. It is desirable that there are holes in the bottom of this container – this is necessary so that the soil is always wet, since the container must be in a pan filled with water;
- make a weak solution of potassium permanganate and spill the ground with it for planting;
- using a wooden stick or a regular pencil, make grooves about 1 cm deep and about 7 cm apart;
- spread the seeds into these grooves so that there is at least 2 cm between them and sprinkle with earth;
- stretch the film over the container and put it in a warm place.
If pre-sowing seed treatment was carried out, then seedlings will not keep you waiting and may appear within a week. It is necessary to look into the container with planted seeds every day to make sure that drying has not occurred, if necessary, carefully pour warm water.
What to do when shoots appear
When the first shoots appear, you should immediately remove the film from the container and rearrange it in the most illuminated place, for example, on the windowsill. It is necessary to pay attention to the air temperature near the window glass. If it is below 22 ° C, then the box with Admiral pepper seedlings should be shifted towards the dwelling, while not forgetting about the comprehensive coverage of the seedlings. It is advisable to extend daylight hours with an LED or fluorescent lamp, including it in the mornings, evenings, and when it is cloudy outside.
Watering of seedlings
It is not recommended to use cold water for watering seedlings so that the seedlings do not get sick and slow down growth. Water should be warm, approximately + 28 + 30 ° С. While the seedlings are still weak, you can water using a tablespoon instead of a watering can.
Dive seedlings
At the stage of the appearance of two true leaves (not counting the cotyledons), it is necessary to pick the pepper, that is, from the total capacity, each sprout must be transplanted into a separate peat pot or a single cup. Before transplanting, you should water the ground in a container with pepper seedlings, very carefully grab a sprout with a piece of soil and plant it in a prepared pot.
Landing in the ground
In the period from May 10 to May 20, Admiral pepper seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse, and on an open garden after May 25, when steadily warm weather sets in. If frost is expected, you should thoroughly water the bed with pepper, put a few arcs and cover with a film or other covering material. You can also use plastic bottles with a cut off bottom for this purpose. Just put them on each pepper while waiting for frost, during the day you can not remove it, but only unscrew the cap for air access.
According to experienced gardeners, the Admiral f1 pepper deserves to take pride of place on any personal plot.