
Used in urination disorders caused by a benign enlargement of the prostate gland.

Peposterol (Herbapol Poznań)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
grave (Chapter 30) OTC (over-the-counter) pumpkin seed oil (cucurbita pepo oil)

SUBSTANCE 1 capsule contains pumpkin seed oil in an amount equivalent to 0,006 g of beta-sitosterol


A plant preparation containing beta-sitosterol


Disorders of urination caused by a benign enlargement of the prostate gland. Orally, before eating 2 capsules 2 × / day for at least 4 weeks. Repeat the treatment if necessary.


Hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation (including allergy to peanut oil).


Take special care when using the preparation because it alleviates symptoms but does not eliminate the disease. Patients should consult their doctor regularly. A medical consultation is necessary especially in the case of the presence of blood in the urine, urinary tract infection and in the case of acute urinary retention in the bladder. If symptoms worsen or persist, see your doctor. Relief or alleviation of symptoms may not be a reason for stopping regular visits to the doctor.


They are not known. In case of using any other medications, please consult your doctor.


They are not known.

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