People with this blood group are called “universal donors”. Take the challenging blood quiz!

Do you know how blood groups differ? What is serological conflict? Test your knowledge about it.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, we asked Orina Krajewska what, according to her, a holistic approach to health is. How to combine the three aspects – body, spirit and mind to enjoy balance and good health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of the topic in the latest episode of our podcast.

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1. When were the existence of blood groups discovered?

In the first half of the nineteenth century
At the beginning of the XNUMXth century
In the 50s
At the beginning of the XNUMXth century Next question
The Austrian physician Karl Landsteiner discovered the existence of blood groups in 1901. In 1930, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research.

2. A person with blood group 0 may have transfused:

The blood of each group
Group 0 blood only
Blood of group AB and 0
Group 0 blood only Next question
People with blood group 0 can only have blood from this group transfused.

3. A serological conflict occurs when:

The mother and the fetus have different blood groups
The Rh factor of mother and fetus is different
Parents have different blood groups
Rh factor differs between mother and fetus Next question
A serological conflict is the incompatibility of the Rh factor in the blood of the mother and the fetus – namely, Rh- in the mother and Rh + in the fetus. When a fetus inherits a Rh factor from the father that differs from that of the mother, the mother’s body may react by producing antibodies that are dangerous to the fetus.

4. The rarest blood type is:

AB Next question
The prevalence of blood types varies across regions and ethnicities – but the AB group is the least common everywhere. In Poland, this blood group affects only a few percent of the population.

5. What might the effects of a serological conflict have on the fetus?

Anemia sierpowata
Hemolysis Next question
Haemolytic disease can develop as a result of a serological conflict when maternal antibodies enter the bloodstream, destroying the fetal erythrocytes.

6. Does Rh factor matter during transfusion?

Roof Next question
Only blood with the same Rh value is transfused. Even in a situation where blood from another group is transfused (for example, someone with an AB group gets blood from group B), the Rh factor must have the same value.

7. Holder of whose blood type is the universal recipient?

AB Next question
People with this blood group can be transfused with blood from all other groups – of course, with Rh compatibility.

8. A child whose parents have blood groups A and 0 will have blood type:

Same as father
Same as mother
And the 0
And the 0 Next question
A child of such a couple may have blood group A or 0. It is different in the case of parents with blood group A and B – their offspring may have blood group A, B, 0 or AB.

9. Individual blood groups differ in the presence of red blood cells …

Antigens Next question
On the surface of group A erythrocytes there are A antigens, on the surface of AB group erythrocytes – AB antigens. Group 0 blood cells lack any antigen.

10. Can the blood group change during life, for example due to an illness?

No Next question
The blood group remains the same throughout life and does not change by itself.

11. The Rh + test shows that there is an antigen in the blood:

D Next question
The presence of the D antigen in the blood is denoted as Rh +, and the Rh- notation denotes its absence. The name of this factor comes from the Rhesus monkeys who obtained Rh + cells for the first time.

12. Do animals also have different blood groups?

Roof Next question
Different blood groups are found in monkeys, horses, and cattle, among others. In cats, as in humans, there are blood groups A, b, AB and 0, while in dogs there are as many as eight antigen groups.
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