People with oral diseases are at risk of coronavirus

Recently, dental specialists have discovered that tooth decay and other diseases of the oral cavity increase the likelihood of contracting coronavirus. Healthy Food Near Me decided to check with the dentist whether this is really so, and if so, whether it is possible to reduce the risks in conditions of self-isolation.

Recently, the Honored Doctor of Russia, pulmonologist and therapist Alexander Karabinenko said that the state of the oral cavity directly affects the risk of infection with COVID-19.

“If the mouth is in a state of trouble: there are carious teeth, stomatitis, this is the gateway for all infections, including coronavirus,” the expert told RIA Novosti. 

Dentists absolutely agree with the words of the therapist. Today, even the smallest damage can lead to the emergence of a dangerous infection. 

“The inflammation of the mucous membrane is always caused by bacteria. Due to the peculiarities of the dentition and gums, food residues are clogged in the space between the teeth or between the tooth and the gum. It is on them that pathogenic microflora begins to multiply rapidly, provoking inflammation. This is very dangerous, because our immune system is also “distracted” by such carious teeth: there are a lot of harmful bacteria, which means that we must fight them. This greatly weakens the protective properties of the immune system. And if another infection comes, then the body simply may not have enough strength to cope with it, ”explained Marina Kolesnichenko, dentist-therapist, chief physician of Beauty Line to Healthy Food Near Me.

That is why, if you are aware of the existing problems, even if they are old and almost do not bother you, it is better to pay special attention to dental care during a pandemic. 

“It is important that the injured areas of the mucosa heal as soon as possible. To do this, use special rinsing elixirs. They can be therapeutic – contain healing components – and prophylactic, aimed at reducing the number of pathogenic bacteria and promoting the breakdown of dental plaque, ”says the dentist. 

The specialist advises to rinse your mouth up to five times a day. If you don’t have a special tool at hand, you can get by with a baking soda solution. To do this, dilute a teaspoon of the powder in a glass of warm water. 

“Soda deactivates acids released by pathogenic bacteria. This reduces the risk of developing both inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and caries, ”says Kolesnichenko. 

Also, the specialist advises to abandon whitening toothpastes, which include hydrogen peroxide, during the quarantine period. This component irritates the already inflamed mucous membrane.  

Another dangerous ailment, the dentist calls xerostomia – or simply dry mouth. 

“Saliva is a powerful natural protective factor. First, it promotes mechanical cleaning of the teeth and mouth after meals. Secondly, it contains a special substance – lysozyme. This enzyme is capable of destroying the membrane of pathogenic bacteria, which leads to their death. A decrease in the production of saliva is observed in various chronic diseases – for example, with diabetes mellitus or dysfunction of the thyroid gland. The production of this secret also decreases with age, ”says Marina. 

The doctor advises to increase the production of saliva by drinking water with lemon juice. If you do not like the taste of such a drink, you can simply rinse your mouth with it. 

For the rest, the dentist advises more careful oral hygiene.

“You can brush your teeth three times a day, ideally after every meal. Use dental floss to clean the interdental space – caries very often occurs in hard-to-reach places that cannot be cleaned with a brush. Get an irrigator and learn how to use it. Overall, now is a great time to reinforce good dental and oral care habits! And even if you have foci of caries, then with such hygiene you will not let the disease worsen, which means you will reduce the load on the immune system, ”says the doctor. 

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