People with diabetes live longer but are sick

The number of deaths among diabetics has decreased significantly in recent years, according to the latest data published by the Disease Control Center (CDC) in Atlanta (USA) in the June issue of Diabetes Care.

This is indicated by the observations of 107 thousand. healthy people and suffering from diabetes, which have been carried out since 1997. They showed that already in 2006, among patients with this disease, the number of deaths due to cardiovascular disease decreased by as much as 40 percent. (compared to the years 2007-2008). Even when all causes of death were taken into account, it turned out that among diabetics there are 23% of them. less than 10 years earlier.

The authors of the study stipulate that there were fewer deaths also among healthy people, but in their case the decrease is much smaller. Therefore, there is no doubt that better prognosis in patients with diabetes is associated with improved treatment of this disease and greater self-control on the part of patients.

Dr. Sharon Saydah of the CDC admits in a comment that while diabetics live longer, which is obviously to be welcomed, it is important to remember that they are still at risk of serious complications from diabetes. These are mainly heart attacks, amputation-threatening atherosclerosis of the lower limbs (the so-called diabetic foot), chronic kidney failure, eye diseases, dementia and disability.

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