“People with autism have their own strengths”

But do they want to communicate with us? What can give a person with autism a real chance of success, and what are the most important things that parents need to remember in whose family such a child grows? We asked experts to answer these questions.

Psychologies: It may seem that people with autism do not want to communicate. Is it so?

Sviatoslav Dovbnya: First of all, they are people, and only in the second – people with autism. And they have the same needs as all of us, including the need for communication – one of the basic needs of any person. Another thing is that it is more difficult for them to turn to another, establish contacts, maintain relationships.

Tatyana Morozova: Imagine how it feels for an ordinary person to find themselves among people of a foreign culture, speaking in an unfamiliar language. Similarly, people with autism do not understand our language, but this does not mean that people are unpleasant to them. They just don’t have adequate ways to communicate with us.

Their behavior looks strange, sometimes even frightening.

T. M.: This is due to the fact that we, in turn, do not understand the “language” in which such a child speaks to us. In most cases, his behavior is the only way to express his needs: for example, the desire to attract attention to himself or, conversely, to get away from him, the desire to get something or stop doing something. It can also be a manifestation of sensory needs: for example, if a child suffers from noise, he may slap his ears; if he is too anxious, he can calm himself in the usual way – spinning, laying out objects in rows, looking at his fingers …

S.D.: Different children have different “messages”. But they always mean something. Our task is to understand the characteristics of this particular child and find ways of communicating with us that are suitable for him: for some it is speech, for others it is gestures, cards or devices like the iPad. If they are found accurately, aggressive behavior – towards others or towards oneself – is reduced by more than 65%.

Their difficulties are obvious. Do people with autism have strengths?

T. M.: Yes, visual memory. They are focused on the visual channel of perception. The child may not be able to speak, but he can accurately remember routes or spellings of words. This is important to consider when developing his ability to communicate.

S.D.: Such a feature of them as a love of repetition and ritual also has its strong side. A strict routine, keeping a diary helps them in learning. Their perseverance, tendency to monotonous, monotonous work, great responsibility, attention to detail – for a number of professions this is a definite plus.

What would you say to the parents of such children?

T. M.: First of all, you must not forget about common sense. Since autism is not a disease, any promises of a cure cannot be taken for granted. It is also very important for parents not to lose faith in success. Children have different abilities, someone develops faster, someone much slower. But if the assistance program is chosen correctly, there will be positive changes.

S.D.: It is very important that parents do not forget about themselves. Otherwise, hands will drop and there will be no strength and desire to develop a child. Leisure time, friends, guests, theatres, family dinners, travel – we must do our best to save it.

Learn more

The websites autismspeaks.org and autism.org.uk are the most authoritative websites on autism in the world. Information in English.

Opening the Doors of Hope by Temple Grandin, Margaret M. Scariano. In her best-selling book, Temple Grandin, professor at the University of Colorado (USA), tells how she managed to find her calling and live an active life despite being diagnosed with autism (Terevinf, 2012).

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