The disappointing findings led to the research of scientists at the Norwegian Institute of science and technology. The subject of their study was feeding behavior and, in particular, the volume consumed by people. Scientists analyzed the period between 1975 and 2014, i.e., almost the last 30 years.
It turned out that during this time, people began to weigh more and consume more food. Thus, the average adult in 2014 weighs 14% and consumes 6.1% more calories than in 1975 (2465 calories vs. 2615 calories, respectively).
This allowed scientists to conclude that the need for food increased over the last 30 years by almost a third.
The reasons for the change in eating habits and attitudes to food waste and increased growth and body mass of the average person. And even the aging population is not much help to the situation. Although older people need less food, they weaken the indicators by only 2%.
Of course, this harms the environment. After all, if the trend continues, then in 2050, to feed 9 billion people, that planet will need a significant amount of food.