Here’s a paradox – people tend to buy products that preserve their health. But, nevertheless, they do not want the packaging to contain a reminder of this. The mention of “healthy food” scares them away… Experts have found this out empirically.
The experiment was carried out by scientists from the University of Minnesota. They examined the participants’ attitudes towards food labels. For this, experts conducted a survey of 400 men and women. As a result, it turned out that the word “healthy” in people does not evoke positive emotions. And, accordingly, it pushes them to abandon the specifically selected product. Here is the data obtained by doctors when interviewing residents of the country. 65% of women and men will eat an apple instead of a candy. But on one condition: if the manufacturer draws a heart on it – a symbol of preserving health. The word “healthy” will not have a similar effect on the same apple. Only 45% of people will purchase such a product.
A similar picture is observed for carrots. 20% will happily buy carrots with a health mention on the product, and prefer them, for example, to chips. If a product is decorated with a heart – a symbol of health, then a larger number of participants – at least 30% of people – will buy it. Here is the third confirmation of the theory: if you first offer the children broccoli and pepper for lunch in the school cafeteria, they will eat them about 4 times more often than if the same vegetables are put on the tables after hot meals, reminding schoolchildren that they are the ones that bring health …