People at risk and risk factors for vaginitis – vaginal infection

People at risk and risk factors for vaginitis – vaginal infection

People at risk

  • Women with diabetes whose disease is not well controlled (therefore experiencing hyperglycemia crises) are more prone to yeast vaginitis, since yeasts are fond of glucose.
  • The women Pregnant. Yeast vaginitis is 10 to 20 times more common during pregnancy. Bacterial vaginosis is also more common, affecting 15% to 20% of pregnant women27. The main reason would be the increase in estrogen level, pH, vaginal glycogen level and blood sugar level in pregnant women.

Risk factors

Yeast vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis

  • Fatigue caused by not getting enough sleep, dieting, stress, medication, illness, or any other condition that weakens the immune system.
  • Taking antibiotics, because they destroy the natural bacterial flora of the vagina. Corticosteroids can also stimulate the growth of Candida.
  • Taking the contraceptive pill, in some women.
  • Wearing synthetic underwear and tight clothing, which retain body heat and create a moist environment conducive to the proliferation of yeast Candida.
  • Consumption of foods high in sugar.
  • Estrogen treatment.
  • The regular use of vaginal douches for “hygienic” purposes (3 or more times per month) or the use of intimate antiseptic products.
  • Wearing a copper IUD.
  • A new sexual partner or many partners (this is a hypothesis regarding bacterial vaginosis29).


People at risk and risk factors for vaginitis – vaginal infection: understand everything in 2 min

  • Unprotected sex with an infected partner or with multiple partners.

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