People at risk and risk factors for inguinal hernia

People at risk and risk factors for inguinal hernia

People at risk

Men are more affected than women. However, an inguinal hernia can affect both sexes at all ages.

The men are more concerned than women since, in the uterus, the testes form in the abdomen and then pass through the inguinal canal. Right after birth, this duct only lets the spermatic cord pass. An area of ​​weakness therefore exists at this location. This fragile area can let the peritoneum pass and thus cause the appearance of a hernia.

The chances of developing an inguinal hernia are higher if a parent has been affected by this disease.

Risk factors

The factors favoring the appearance of an inguinal hernia are numerous. These include being overweight, constipation, work that requires carrying heavy objects, chronic cough or difficulty urinating. Pregnancy also puts a lot of pressure on the abdominal wall. Premature infants are more affected by inguinal hernias than full term infants. Finally, a person who has developed a hernia inguinal on one side has an increased risk of suffering from a second hernia on the other side.


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