People are more and more willing to make “Greek love”. Doctors warn

People are increasingly opening up to new bodily sensations, including Greek love, i.e. anal sex. British doctors point out the possible consequences of this type of sexual fantasy. In addition, they called on health professionals to talk to their patients more often about this form of intercourse.

  1. People all over the world, including Poles, are more and more willing to open up to new forms of sexual activity every year. According to the report of prof. Zbigniew Izdebski, 22 percent. men and 20 percent. women have tried anal sex at least once in their lives
  2. However, this form of love comes with possible health consequences, which UK doctors have warned about
  3. They add that healthcare professionals are ashamed to talk about it with patients and patients
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Medics feel a sense of shame

British doctors – Dr. Lesley Hunt and Tabitha Gana – are sounding the alarm. More and more women report to them with health problems located in the area of ​​the anus, which is caused by anal sex.

The minor consequences of this type of sexual activity are, among others, minor injuries, bleeding or burning sensation in the anus. However, viral and bacterial infections that can be infected are much more serious (e.g. infection with herpes, HIV, HPV, i.e. human papilloma, the virus that causes hepatitis A and C, chlamydia or the bacterium that causes syphilis), as well as urinary incontinence.

The rest of the text below the video.

The aforementioned surgeons draw attention to the fact that doctors know about the possible consequences of anal sex, but when they hear from patients about the problem they face, they do not ask if they are having anal sex, although it has an impact on making an appropriate diagnosis. Doctors also make the mistake of not informing their patients about the possible consequences of making love in Greek on other occasions. This is due to the fact that doctors are ashamed to talk about this topic or are afraid that someone will be offended by the question.

«Przy tak dużym odsetku młodych kobiet uprawiających seks analny, brak rozmowy na temat tego, jakie występują objawy rektalne, naraża kobiety na nietrafione diagnozy, daremne leczenie i dalsze szkody wynikające z braku otrzymania odpowiedniej porady lekarskiej» – twierdzą lekarze, cytowani przez «The Guardian».

Women complain of pain and rectal bleeding more often

Jak dodają, konsekwencje zdrowotne uprawiania seksu analnego częściej dotyczą kobiet niż mężczyzn. U pań częściej odnotowywano nietrzymanie moczu i urazy zwieracza odbytu.

“Women have less solid anal sphincters and lower anal canal pressure than men, so penetration damage has more serious consequences,” explain the doctors quoted by The Guardian.

Women also complain of pain and rectal bleeding more often. Doctors emphasize that such symptoms appear more often when anal sex has been “forced” on the partner.

Doctors point out that it would be helpful for healthcare professionals to routinely ask patients if they are having anal sex in order to have a complete clinical picture of them. They emphasize that such a conversation must take place in an appropriate atmosphere, and the questions cannot be “evaluative” and must be asked with sensitivity and “delicacy”.

Is it a venereal disease? Don’t be shy and check it out. You can find the venereal disease mail-order package at Medonet Market.

Greek love – what is it?

Greek love, or anal sex, is a form of sexual activity that involves stimulating the anus. It is estimated that in Poland even one in five people has tried this form of intercourse at least once in their life, which we read in the report of the sexologist prof. Zbigniew Izdebski, “Sexuality of Poles 2017” (exactly 22 percent of men and 20 percent of women). This is an increase of 8 percent. compared to the same 2005 study.

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