The peony Sorbet, beloved by flower growers, was named after the famous fruit dessert. Its extraordinary popularity is due to the unique flowering and ease of care. Compliance with the basic rules of cultivation enhances the decorative effect of the peony and protects it from diseases.

Description of the milky-flowered peony Sorbet with a photo

Variety “Sorbet” belongs to the milky-flowered species of perennial herbaceous peonies. Strong shoots grow rapidly and during the growing season the bush reaches a height of 80-100 cm. The leaves are large, dissected and pointed, dark green in color. They do not lose their original decorative effect until the end of the growing season, changing color to crimson at the end of the season. The bush is compact – it grows in breadth up to 80-90 cm. So that the branches do not fall apart, a support in the form of a ring is used.

Peony Sorbet: description and photo, reviews

Peony flowers can decorate the landscape of a summer cottage or garden plot

Variety “Sorbet” is hardy to zone 3, which indicates high frost resistance. The root system is able to survive temperatures of -40 ° C even without high snow cover. Peony “Sorbet” can be cultivated almost throughout Our Country. It is drought tolerant and tolerates low shade. Sunny areas are ideal for growing this variety. The greatest decorativeness of the plant is manifested when grown in nutritious and well-drained soil.

Features of flowering

Peony flowers Sorbet are terry and have an interesting three-layer structure. Outside, there is one row of large pink petals, in the middle – a large number of narrow beige ones, inside wide pink petals are collected in a crown. This variety impresses not only with unique flowers, but also with a pleasant persistent aroma.

Flowering begins in the first half of June and lasts 2 weeks. During this period, the petals gradually lose their original brightness, becoming pale pink on the eve of withering. The maximum diameter of the flowers is 20 cm. Their size and number depend, first of all, on the illumination. In deep shade, a peony may not throw out a single bud.

Advice! Peonies of the Sorbet variety are great for cutting – they can stand in water for up to 2 weeks.
Peony Sorbet: description and photo, reviews

Flowers have a unique three-layer structure and persistent aroma.

Application in design

The hardiness of the Sorbet peony has made it an indispensable crop for ennobling public gardens and parks. Compact bushes look spectacular near a house or a pond, as well as a hedge zoning space. “Sorbet” is ideal for planting along walls, in parks and alleys. Neat dark green bushes go well with most ornamental plants.

Successful options for using the Sorbet variety in group plantings:

  • with small coniferous or deciduous crops;
  • next to small-flowered plants;
  • in the center of a round flower garden;
  • in the background of a long flower bed;
  • as an element of a multi-tiered flower bed.

The advantage of Sorbet peonies is that after flowering, their beautiful crown becomes a suitable background for the flowering of other plants. For the neighborhood, it is better to select crops with lush greenery. Thuja, barberry, daylily, honeysuckle, sage, carnation, irises, phlox and asters are well suited.

Important! Within the same flower bed, you need to collect plants with similar requirements for growing conditions.

Methods of reproduction

Peony lactiflora Sorbet is propagated in three ways:

  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • division of the bush.

The first two methods are too labor-intensive and take a lot of time. They are usually applied to new varieties with unavailable or expensive planting material. Propagation by layering and cuttings gives a large number of seedlings with preserved varietal characteristics.

Dividing a bush is a simple and win-win option for propagating herbaceous peonies. It is in this way that planting material is produced for sale. The best period for dividing the roots of the Sorbet peony is the beginning of autumn, when the buds are in a dormant state.

Rules of landing

When choosing a place to plant a Sorbet peony, priority is given to lighting. Ideal when direct sunlight falls on the bush all day. Partial shade is allowed for several hours. If the peony is in the sun for less than 6 hours, it will not bloom.

Planting peony “Sorbet” is recommended to plan for the beginning of autumn. Favorable natural conditions and dormant buds will help him quickly take root. Planting is done immediately after dividing or buying a root. There are no rots and spots on high-quality planting material, but there are 3-5 live buds. It is prepared by soaking in a biostimulant solution.

Planting a peony of the Sorbet variety is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Dig a hole 50 cm deep and wide.
  2. Lay the drainage layer.
  3. Fall asleep soil mixed with compost and humus.
  4. A week later, the root is planted, deepening the upper kidney by 5 cm.
  5. Water the plant abundantly.
  6. Mulch the landing site.

The distance between adjacent Sorbet peonies should be at least 1 m. The downed soil can be loosened with peat and sand. Dried leaves, grass, sawdust or peat are used as mulch.

Attention! Flowering of herbaceous peonies usually occurs in the second year after planting.


The value of the variety “Sorbet” in ease of care. Water the plant rarely, but plentifully. 2-3 buckets of pre-settled water are used at a time. Leaves should be dry after watering. Periodically, the ground under the terry peony is loosened and mulched. Withered flowers are cut off immediately so that they do not provoke diseases.

In the first year after planting, the plant lacks nutrients. Then produce at least three top dressing per year:

  1. Organic – in the spring.
  2. Mineral mixture – during the budding period.
  3. Complex top dressing – immediately after flowering.

Herbaceous peonies can live in one place for up to 7-10 years. But experienced flower growers advise dividing and replanting bushes every three years. This contributes to the rejuvenation of plants and protection from diseases. Damaged planting material is discarded. Annually, preventive spraying of peonies from pests and fungal diseases should be carried out.

Preparation for winter

The beginning of September is the time to apply potassium-phosphorus top dressing if the peony is grown in infertile soil. This will prepare the plant for wintering. In mid-October, before the onset of frost, peonies of the Sorbet variety are pruned. Leave 2-3 cm from the length of each shoot. An adult plant does not need shelter for the winter. In regions with a harsh climate, gardeners recommend mulching the landing site.

Warning! In autumn, it is strictly forbidden to apply nitrogen fertilizers.
Peony Sorbet: description and photo, reviews

For the winter, the ground part of the Sorbet peony is cut off

A young plant needs winter shelter. It is made from spruce branches, sawdust, peat, immature compost or covering material. In the spring, as soon as the soil thaws, the shelter is removed so that the buds “wake up” faster.

Pests and diseases

Most often, peonies suffer from viruses carried by sucking insects. When the first symptoms are detected, measures should be taken immediately, since infection occurs instantly. Virus-affected peonies become easy prey for various fungi. A flower can become infected from cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, potatoes and other garden crops.

The main disease of Sorbet peonies is tobacco rattle virus. It appears as a bright marble pattern or stripes on the leaves. There is no cure for viruses, so it remains only to provide careful care and isolate diseased plants from healthy ones. It is important to carry out regular spraying from diseases caused by fungi and pests.

Fungal diseases of peonies


Gray mold

Stems cover with gray spots, they rot


Leaves are covered with yellow or brown spots


Brown or dark brown spots appear on leaves, stems and buds


Leaves are covered with yellow-brown spots on both sides.

Root rot

Roots and stems rot

There are few pests in the herbaceous peony Sorbet: bronze beetles, ants, gall nematodes, aphids. They are especially annoying to plants planted in shady areas. Ants are dangerous by the spread of aphids, which are carriers of the virus. Modern fungicides and insecticides help to successfully fight fungal diseases and peony pests.

Peony Sorbet: description and photo, reviews

Ants spread aphids, which are helped by insecticides.

Attention! Mulching with fresh manure or grass can lead to infection of a peony.


Every year the peony Sorbet gains more and more admirers. Its elegant three-layer flowers amaze the imagination and delight with a delicate aroma. Lush greenery remains decorative until the end of the season, creating the perfect backdrop for other flowering plants. Compact shrubs blend easily with most ornamental plants. For the full development of the Sorbet peony, good lighting and infrequent plentiful watering are necessary. A deep shadow and stagnant moisture in the soil have an extremely negative effect on it. Regular feeding is necessary for peony for lush flowering and protection from diseases. Even the harsh winter, he tolerates well without shelter.

Peony Reviews Sorbet

Variety Sorbet received a large number of positive reviews from flower growers from different regions. First of all, note the unpretentiousness and chic flowering.

Elena Popova, 35 years old, Arkhangelsk
From personal experience I can say that the development of the bush is very fast. In order for it to bloom well, it is necessary to water and fertilize on time. This is the whole secret of proper care.
Kristina Voronina, 32 years old, Kazan
I ordered a Sorbet peony because I liked the illustration on the Internet. The bush turned out to be very beautiful during the flowering period, but even after it it retains its decorative effect. Dropped him off in a recreation area near the house. I had to prop it up so the branches wouldn’t break.
Elena Zhukova, 47 years old, Yekaterinburg
I am in awe of the beauty of this variety. I am very glad that the consultant recommended this variety to me. For three years I have not had a single problem with him.

Peony lovers appreciated the unique Sorbet variety. It is easy for him to find a place in the garden, because he goes well with many cultures. The full potential of the plant is revealed with an abundance of sunlight and simple care rules.


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