Peonies are flowering herbaceous perennials with an ancient history. Today they can be found in almost every garden. Peonies are widespread throughout the world, but are especially highly valued in China. 2000 years ago, only representatives of the nobility could grow these flowers. Currently, festivals and exhibitions are held in the Celestial Empire in honor of this unsurpassed plant. There are more than 5000 varieties of peonies. One of the most beautiful is Sarah Bernhardt. Peony Sarah Bernard is famous for its unpretentious care and incredibly beautiful delicate flowers of different shades.

Sarah Bernhardt is famous for her beauty and delicate fragrance.
Description of peony Sarah Bernhardt: photo and description, reviews
This unique variety appeared thanks to the efforts of the French breeder Pierre Louis Lemoine. The gallant Frenchman named his new creation in honor of the outstanding actress Sarah Bernhardt, whose beauty and talent were admired by the whole world. Wherever this peony is planted, it is always in the spotlight, like an actor playing a major role on stage.
The plant belongs to a herbaceous species with a high decorative effect. Large, beautiful flowers bloom on long strong stems (about 1 m tall). The bushes look neat, perfectly retain their shape.
The leaves of the peony Sarah Bernhardt are also distinguished by a special decorative effect. Thanks to the openwork shape, they make the bush lush and unusual, with the advent of cold weather they do not turn yellow, but acquire an original purple color. The bushes do not require complex care, but they delight with long and very generous flowering.

Stems reach one meter
The plant is light-loving and frost-resistant (up to -40 ° C). It can grow in regions with different climates: from the Central part of Our Country to the Urals and Siberia. If the winter is mild, additional insulation is not required. Covering materials are used in severe frosts.
Features of flowering
Sarah Bernard blooms late, when his brothers are already withering. Terry or semi-double flowers with concave petals are formed on the bush. Their main distinguishing feature is their impressive size (up to 20 cm in diameter). Most often there are specimens with pale pink petals, edged with a thin silvery stripe. White and red specimens have also been bred.

You can admire the flowers for more than a month
They look very impressive and, when placed correctly, create an original contrast. You can admire their beauty from 30 to 45 days. The attention of those around is immediately riveted to themselves by lush hats of the most delicate shades. With too abundant flowering, the stems may still need additional support.
Peony varieties Sarah Bernhardt
Having received a unique plant, breeders try to bring out several of its varieties. All of them differ in shades, but together they create a harmonious ensemble, striking in its brightness and beauty.
Peony Sarah Bernard Red
The Red Sarah Bernhardt peony rarely grows above 85 cm. The bright petals exude the finest spicy aroma and look especially unusual against the background of the deep tones of the leaves.

Terry variety with a wide range of shades: from pink to purple and carmine
Peony Sarah Bernard White
Peony White Sarah Bernhardt is used to create wedding arrangements. White petals with a lemon sheen seem weightless and airy. Their diameter is only 15 cm, but they differ in a variety of shapes (they can be spherical or resemble a rose) and have a silver border.

White Sarah Bernhardt is great for wedding bouquets
Peony Sarah Bernard Yunick
The flowers resemble pink pearls that shimmer in the sun. Closer to the edge of the petals, the shade becomes noticeably paler. There are also specimens with a lilac tint. Peony Sarah Bernard Unique (pictured) looks equally impressive both in flower beds and in the cut.

The color of Sarah Bernhardt is dominated by pastel shades.
Peony Sarah Bernard Select
Opinions of gardeners about this variety vary: some consider it a separate variety, while others see similarities with Unique. This peony has not yet received wide distribution, so it is too early to talk about its characteristics.

This is Mr. X among the vast family of peonies
Application in design
Peonies Sarah Bernhardt go well with many garden plants. “Neighbors” in the flower bed is better to match the color, creating interesting contrasts. But flowers of approximately the same shades will merge into a “spot”. White peonies Sarah Bernhardt are usually combined with irises, sage, poppies, daylilies or bluebells. The deep beauty and mystery of red specimens will be shaded by a well-groomed, even lawn. Pink peonies create complete harmony with thuja and barberry.

Peonies are combined with irises and poppies
The flower will not like the neighborhood of strongly growing plants. They will take away nutrients from the peony and obscure natural light.
Low peonies (45-60 cm) are suitable for growing on the balcony. However, the view can feel good on a bright and ventilated balcony, if you create the most comfortable conditions for it.
Methods of reproduction
There are three main methods:
- Seeds. They are harvested from their own bushes, not fully ripe. Sowing material is placed in open ground at the end of summer. At the first stage, they need heat (from + 18 to + 28 ° C), and then the temperature should gradually decrease (to + 5-10 ° C). Plants may differ in characteristics from parent specimens.
- Layers. This process is quite troublesome, so only experienced gardeners resort to it. The mother bush requires careful care so that shoots with roots form on it.
- Cuttings. The most efficient and simple method. A healthy bush is dug up and cut off at a distance of about 10 cm from the root. Next, the roots are thoroughly washed, completely dried. Then they must be treated with potassium permanganate and kept in a solution of “Heteroauxin” (at least 12 hours). Now you can plant a peony Sarah Bernhardt in a flower bed.

Propagation by cuttings is the most effective method
Rules of landing
The life expectancy of Sarah Bernhardt peonies can reach 30 years or more. These plants require a perfectly matched place. The first condition is a sufficient amount of soft diffused light. The second important point is the soil. Best of all, grassy peony Sarah Bernard feels in slightly acidic soil with a high content of clay and sand.
Loose earth must be flavored with humus. Clay areas are dug up with the addition of sand. But swampy soils are categorically not suitable.
In conditions of constant humidity, the roots of the plant will quickly die. The site must be cleared of weeds and fertilized.

Peonies should be planted in a well-lit area.
For planting, they usually choose self-harvested seedlings or purchased from trusted nurseries. The best time is spring, when the thermometer will be stable at + 12 ° С.
The scheme for planting peonies Sarah Bernhardt is very simple:
- A deep hole is prepared in advance so that a powerful root system can freely fit in it.
- Drainage is laid out at the bottom and sprinkled with organic fertilizer (loam + compost with a small amount of wood ash). Potash should be added to too acidic soil.
- Planting material is carefully placed in the hole and all the roots are straightened so that they lie freely in the ground. The kidneys are buried by about 5 cm and carefully sprinkled with earth. If the roots are too close or, conversely, far from the surface of the earth, the peony will not bloom.
- At the final stage, the bush is watered, and the soil is mulched to conserve moisture in it.
If you plan to plant several bushes at once, a distance of at least 1 m must be left between them.
Peony Sarah Bernard is an unpretentious plant. When budding, it is necessary to moisten the soil every 7 days, the rest of the time – less often. You can choose the right irrigation regimen empirically, taking into account the condition of the soil. Peonies Sarah Bernard do not like drought and waterlogging. Under each bush at a time goes from 3 to 4 buckets of water.

Peonies require regular watering and fertilizing.
According to reviews of the peony Red Sarah Bernhardt and other varieties of the variety, if all the rules of planting are observed, the first few years of feeding will not be required. Over time, fertilizers are applied only three times in the whole year. In autumn, superphosphate is used, in summer – a solution based on bird droppings, and in spring it is enough to carry out the mulching procedure.
You also need to regularly weed the soil around the bushes and remove dried flowers in a timely manner, otherwise they will cause the development of diseases.
Preparation for winter
In mid-October, it’s time to start pruning the stems. Stumps 10 to 15 cm high are left above the ground. An adult formed bush survives the winter without shelter. Warming is required for young plants, as well as in cold winters. To do this, use a layer of peat or immature compost.
Pests and diseases
Peony Sarah Bernhardt belongs to plants with good immunity. Problems can arise from errors in landing or care. Most often it is unsuitable soil, high humidity, frequent transplants, lack of nutrients. Of the pests, rodents and nematodes are most often bothered by bushes.12
Plants get sick only with improper care
With poor care, such dangerous diseases develop as:
- Rust. It appears as brown spots on the leaves. Affected stems are immediately cut and destroyed by fire.
Rust on the bushes appears as brown spots
- Gray mold. Dangerous for young plants. An unpleasant gray coating appears on their flowers, stems and leaves. The best way to fight is preventive treatment with a solution of garlic or Bordeaux mixture.
Gray rot affects foxes and buds
- Mosaic. The most dangerous of all ailments, which is not treated. The virus is resistant to both chemicals and traditional methods. Plants must be uprooted and burned.
Mosaic on peonies can not be cured
Peony Sarah Bernhardt is one of the most beautiful in the history of floriculture. Seeing him at least once, gardeners tend to grow this unusual variety on their site. A rich palette of shades, the original shape of the petals and ease of care have made it one of the most popular. Even a small yard will turn into a fabulous corner, decorated with spherical flowers that look like bright lamps.