Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

Peony Salmon Glory (Salmon Glory) – herbaceous perennial. Its creators are American breeders. The variety was bred in 1947. In one place, beautiful peonies bloom profusely for more than 10 years.

Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

Despite such a venerable age, the variety continues to be popular.

Description of peony Salmon Glory

The peony variety Salmon Glory belongs to tall collection plants, the shoots reach 75-85 cm. The stems are powerful, thick. But since there are a lot of buds and they are heavy, you can’t do without support.

The bush grows quickly, it is sprawling, so it requires a lot of space for normal growth. The leaves are deep green, wide.

For planting, you can choose partial shade, but the color palette of the peony is best revealed in a sunny, draft-protected area. Variety Salmon Glory frost-resistant. The culture is recommended for cultivation in almost all regions of Our Country.

Features of flowering

Salmon Glory peonies are large-flowered varieties with large double buds, their diameter is about 20 cm. Up to 20 inflorescences bloom on one adult bush.

The petals are pink-coral, pressed against each other very tightly, so that the core is not visible. Their size is gradually decreasing. The outer petals are much larger than those in the center.

Attention! The longer the culture of Salmon Gloria blooms, the paler the outer petals become.

Flowering is early, but the splendor of the buds depends on:

  • the right place for landing;
  • soil composition;
  • timely feeding and protection from diseases and pests.

To understand the features of Salmon Glory peonies, it is better to watch the video at the end.

Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

The plant is famous for its long flowering – up to three weeks

Application in design

Before buying a Salmon Glory variety, you need to think in advance where to place the plants. They can be planted singly or in flower beds with other garden flowers. In order not to spoil the landscape design, you should decide which plants can coexist with peonies.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. Flowers must match. You should not plant crops with the same color next to Salmon Glory pink-salmon peonies.
  2. Flower beds look great if the variety is supplemented with irises and delphiniums, lilies and bluebells, clematis. Only inflorescences they should have a contrasting color.
  3. You can plant Salmon Glory peonies on even green lawns.
  4. High deciduous trees, conifers, including juniper, perfectly set off the pink-salmon color. Only peonies need to be planted at a distance so that there is no strong shading.

Between Salmon Glory bushes and other horticultural crops, you need to leave enough distance so that they do not interfere with each other.

Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

Suitable culture for growing on balconies, only flowerpots need to be taken voluminous

Methods of reproduction

Peony variety Salmon Glory can be propagated:

  • seeds;
  • division of the bush;
  • green cuttings;
  • layering.

The most effective gardeners consider the division of rhizomes or the cultivation of seedlings from cuttings.

Rules of landing

The further development of the bushes will depend on how Salmon Glory peonies are planted. It is necessary to decide on the timing of planting, the choice of location, the preparation of seedlings.

Terms of planting

Salmon Glory peonies can be planted in spring or autumn. In cold regions, it is better to plan work for the spring so that the plants take root well and do not die by winter.

In the spring, flowers can be planted until the buds wake up. Autumn work is performed depending on the region:

  • middle lane – during September;
  • Siberia, Ural, Leningrad region – from the last days of August to mid-September;
  • Krasnodar Territory, North Caucasus – at the end of September and until October 15.

If it was not possible to plant peonies in the fall in open ground, the seedling is placed in a pot and left on the loggia so that the plant takes root. When the temperature outside drops below 0 degrees, they dig a hole in the garden, put the Salmon Glory peony in it and cover it. In the spring they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Preparation of planting material

Only high-quality seedlings will allow you to get lush and healthy Salmon Glory peonies.

Tips for choosing and preparing:

  • the division is chosen from 3-4-year-old bushes, each should have from three to five buds;
  • if the delenka is two years old, then a rhizome is chosen on which there are at least two buds;
  • on the rhizomes there should be no damage and blackness;
  • root length – at least 20 cm;
  • seedlings that smell like rot or have mold are not suitable for planting.
Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

The green mass after separation is cut to a third of the length

Before planting, delenki of Salmon Glory peonies are inspected, cut off damage, disinfected with ash, potassium permanganate solution or Maxim.

Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

In order for rooting to be successful, the roots are dipped in a special composition, for which they take for 10 liters of water:

  • “Heteroauxin” – two tablets;

    Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

  • copper sulfate – 50 g;
  • clay.

The roots are dipped in a creamy solution, then dried in the shade for 24 hours.

Site and soil selection

Peony variety Salmon Glory prefers a sunny, lit all day place without drafts. In the shade, the plant blooms poorly or does not form buds at all. There must be at least 1 m from the fence or building. Flower beds are located on an elevated area where groundwater occurs at a height of at least 1 m.

Attention! Peonies do not tolerate stagnant moisture, as the root system will begin to rot.

No need to choose a place where sprawling trees grow, they give a strong shadow.

Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

Ideal to plant in the southern or southwestern part of the garden plot

As for the soil, Salmon Glory peonies are unassuming. But they bloom profusely on slightly acidic, moisture-intensive and drained soils. Before planting, the soil is filled with nutrients. Use mineral or organic fertilizers.

Pit preparation

If it is planned to plant several peony bushes on the site, then the holes are located in increments of at least 1 m. They are prepared in 30 days so that the soil has time to settle.

Stages of work:

  1. The soil is dug up, the roots of weeds are selected.
    Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

    Preliminarily it is recommended to water the ground well

  2. The pit should be about 80 cm deep and about 70 cm wide.

    Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

  3. The bottom is filled with a layer of drainage from broken bricks, gravel or coarse sand.
    Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

    The drainage layer should be about 15-20 cm, especially in the lowlands

  4. The soil selected from above is mixed with compost or humus (one bucket), wood ash (300 g) and superphosphate (100 g), poured into a pit.
    Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

    Fill with soil, leaving 10 cm to the edge

Landing algorithm

Peonies are planted, including Salmon Glory varieties, in the same way:

  1. A mound is made in the center and the plant is placed, having previously straightened and placed the roots down. Growth buds are added dropwise to a depth of no more than 3-4 cm.
    Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

    Root creases are unacceptable, otherwise the plant will not take root well

  2. Water the seedling to remove air pockets, and sprinkle with earth again.

    Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

  3. After the next watering, it is desirable to mulch the soil.
    Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

    In the spring, friendly shoots will appear on the site


Further care for peonies, including Salmon Glory varieties, traditional:

  • watering and fertilizing;
  • weed removal and mulching;
  • loosening the soil.

Watering the bushes should be moderate, as the roots do not like stagnant water. In dry weather, you need to irrigate more often, when it rains, stop altogether. One peony requires about 10 liters of water.

Peony Salmon Glory: photo and description, reviews

Water is poured into the groove in the root zone of the bush, trying not to erode the soil around the shoots.

Peonies are fed several times during the growing season:

  1. In early spring, pour over the snow with a solution of potassium permanganate, then with ammonium nitrate (10 g per 15 liters of water). Use mineral fertilizers for foliar feeding on the leaves. To keep the composition longer, add 1 tbsp to the solution. l. washing powder.
  2. When the buds are formed, the plants are watered with a solution consisting of superphosphate (10 g), ammonium nitrate (7,5 g), potassium salt (5 g) in a bucket of water. It is good to sprinkle the bushes with wood ash.
  3. After flowering, add organic matter for planting, for example, compost, humus.
Important! Throughout the season, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed.

Preparation for winter

Peony Salmon Glory is a herbaceous plant, so in the fall the shoots are cut out, leaving only 1-2 cm. Work is planned for late autumn, when a steady sub-zero temperature is established.

Cut leaves and shoots are burned, even if the plants are not sick. Then the bush is abundantly sprinkled with wood ash.

Since Salmon Glory is a frost-resistant peony, you only need to sprinkle the root zone of the bushes with humus or compost.

Pests and diseases

Peonies are resistant to many diseases and pests. Problems most often arise due to violations of agricultural technology or prolonged cold rains.

Salmon Glory peonies suffer from gray rot (botrytis). It spreads to foliage, stem, buds, a gray coating appears. At the slightest sign or for prevention, you need to spray the bushes and the soil around with a solution of copper sulfate or an infusion of garlic.

Of the pests, peonies are often annoyed by aphids and ants. Plants should be densely sprinkled with ashes or special preparations should be used.


Peony Salmon Glory is a variety that has been proven for decades. It is better to buy planting material in specialized stores or from experienced flower growers. The plants planted in autumn will delight you with fragrant and unusually large buds next year.

How to plant a peony The Garden World site

Peony Reviews Salmon Glory

Matveeva Alexandra Igorevna, 33 years old, Rostov.
My grandmother fascinated me with peonies. What kind of varieties she did not have! Salmon Glory bought it four years ago at a yard sale. Planted under a tree in the fall. And that was my mistake. Although the peony blossomed, the flowering was weak, the buds were sluggish, faded. The neighbor said that it is necessary to plant only in a sunny place, since the shadow is detrimental to the plant. Corrected my mistake. Now Salmon Glory takes pride of place on my site.
Stepanov Andrey Mikhailovich, 69 years old, Leningrad region.
I am not a gardener, my wife is engaged in flowers. Since the 70s of the last century, peonies have been growing in our country house. Most of the bushes are Salmon Glory. This plant likes its fragrant large flowers, it is unpretentious. Bushes are located along the fence in the southern part of the site. Every year in spring and autumn, as a preventive measure, I spray peonies with a solution of copper sulfate and wood ash.

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