Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews

Peonies have always been in demand among flower growers, which is why many varieties and hybrids have been created. Plants with bomb-shaped inflorescences are especially popular. Herbaceous peony Red Grace is a perennial of American selection that appeared in gardens in the 90s of the last century.

Despite its youth, the variety has already won many awards:

  • six years after the creation – the gold medal of the “American Peony Exhibition”;
  • from 1991 to 2003 – four times won the exhibition of flower growers in Moscow.
Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews

A few centuries ago, peonies grew only in the gardens of rich people, as seedlings were expensive.

Description of peony Red Grace

Peony Red Grace is an interspecific hybrid. Two types of culture were used to create it:

  • пион Lactiflora;

    Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews

  • Peony Officinalis.

    Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews

The bushes are tall, the stems grow up to 120 cm. The variety stands out with dense erect shoots. The peony is sprawling, quickly increasing its green mass. In strong winds, the stems can break, so experienced flower growers recommend making supports up to 70 cm high around the bush. The foliage is dark green, openwork, since the plates are strongly dissected.

Like all peonies, the Red Grace interspecific hybrid is a sun-loving plant. In the shade, the buds lose their decorative effect, decrease in size.

Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews

The culture is frost-resistant, so it can be grown in all regions of Our Country

Features of flowering

Herbaceous peony Red Grace – large-flowered, terry. Flowers in diameter – about 18 cm with rounded even velvety petals. They are also called bombers.

The dark red or cherry petals are so resilient that they look waxy from a distance. They are all the same size no matter where they are located. When the buds open, the edges of the petals are slightly twisted at the top, then completely straighten out. And the flower becomes like a huge red or cherry ball.

Flowering begins 2-3 years after planting the bush. This stage in the life of the Red Grace peony lasts about 21 days annually. Flowers are formed at the tops of the stems one at a time, there are no side buds. The petals are arranged so tightly that the core is not visible.

The Red Grace peony is also interesting in that stamens and pistils are rarely formed, which means that it does not form seeds. If we talk about the aroma, then it is not strong: a mixture of caramel, chocolate and cinnamon.

Important! The older the bush, the more shoots, therefore, the buds too.

The hybrid belongs to early flowering plants. Already in May or early June (depending on the growing region) you can admire beautiful buds that look great against the background of carved greenery. In order for the flowering to be plentiful and lush, you must follow the rules of agricultural technology.

Application in design

The Red Grace peony is valued for its decorative effect, and not only dark red or cherry buds are attracted, but also carved openwork greenery. Foliage with proper care does not lose its color until frost.

This property of the hybrid attracts landscape designers and gardeners. That is why flowers are grown not only in private plots, but also in parks. The Red Grace peony looks great as a tapeworm or in combination with other flowers.

Rules for use in design:

  1. On a grassy lawn, bushes are planted in the center so that lush buds are visible from all sides.Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews
  2. Many gardeners grow Red Grace as a hedge along fences or buildings. Just keep in mind that the bushes are located at a distance of 1,5 m, so that the peonies have enough space for development.
  3. It looks no less chic in group plantings, if you choose the right neighbors. Next to digitalis, stonecrop, phlox, irises, chic buds look advantageous. Suitable as neighbors are delphiniums and milkweeds.
    Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews

    The main thing is that the growing flowers should not be higher than peonies.

  4. Alpine slides, mixborders, garden zoning are excellent uses for a hybrid.
  5. If there are gazebos on the site, the peony will be a great addition. You can plant Red Grace near the porch.
    Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews

    Luxurious spherical buds stand for a long time in the cut, the petals do not crumble

Herbaceous peonies Red Grace, like other types and varieties of culture, can be grown in flowerpots on loggias and balconies. You just have to create special conditions.

Methods of reproduction

As already noted, it is almost impossible to fertilize the Red Grace peony, so seed propagation is not suitable. To obtain planting material, you can use:

  • grafting;
  • division of the bush.

It is best to plant a peony in divisions, using bushes older than five years for this. This will allow not only to get a few new plants on the site, but also to rejuvenate the culture.

Rules of landing

Peony Red Grace (in translation – “grace of red”) can be planted in spring and autumn. Experienced gardeners recommend doing this at the end of August (September), depending on the region. Planting in the fall will give the plant a chance to take root when there is no heat.

Site Selection

Since the Red Grace peony is sun-loving, a well-lit place without drafts is chosen for its planting. An area with an openwork shadow is also suitable, but the sun should give off its light for at least 8 hours a day.

Comment! It is not recommended to plant terry peonies under trees, as in this case there will be fewer buds and their color will fade.

The culture does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so groundwater should be located no higher than 2 m. Otherwise, the root system will begin to rot, which will lead the bush to death.

Planting pit preparation

30 days before planting, they dig a hole. Its dimensions should be large, because the Red Grace peony will grow in one place for several decades. Since the bushes are sprawling, holes must be dug at a distance of 1,5 m if several peonies are to be planted.

Stages of work:

  1. The dimensions of the seat, as for other varieties, are at least 70x70x70 cm.
  2. The bottom of the pit, regardless of the height of the groundwater, is filled with a drainage layer of about 15-20 cm so that excess water seeps through successfully.
    Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews

    All components for planting peonies are prepared in advance

  3. The soil removed from above is mixed with humus, peat, sand, superphosphate is added and laid in a pit.
  4. Then fill up the nutrient soil without fertilizer. It should be borne in mind that peonies grow well on loose slightly acidic soils. Reduce acidity with wood ash or dolomite flour.

    Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews

Warning! Fresh manure under peonies should not be laid in any case, as it can cause disease.

Seedlings preparation

Special preparation of seedlings is not required. It is only necessary to select healthy specimens with clean, rot-free and black rhizomes. In order for rooting to be successful, it is recommended to soak the planting material for a day in water or a solution of any rooting agent.

Attention! Places of cuts on the roots are sprinkled with wood ash or activated charcoal to prevent microbes from entering.

Peony planting algorithm

Proper planting is very important for peonies. If mistakes are made, then next year the bush will have to be moved, and the culture does not like this.

Landing rules:

  1. In the pit, raise the soil in the center to make a mound.
  2. Put the division with a slight slope, and sprinkle the roots to a depth of no more than 3-4 cm.

    Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews

  3. Tamp the ground a little.
    Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews

    You need to work carefully so as not to break the fragile kidneys

  4. Make a groove around the plant for watering.
    Peony Red Grace: photo and description, reviews

    It will take about two buckets of water per bush so that the moisture goes as deep as possible.

  5. Mulch the soil with peat, compost or humus. When green grass appears, grind it and sprinkle it under the bush. It is both mulch and fertilizer at the same time.


Peonies are very demanding on moisture, so they need to be watered abundantly. Under adult bushes – up to four buckets. Once a week is enough. In rainy weather, irrigation is stopped; in drought, it is carried out as the topsoil dries.

The first two years, the Red Grace peony is not fed, in the future the procedure is needed three times:

  • early in the spring, when the buds awaken, fertilizers containing nitrogen are applied;
  • in May and June, when buds are formed, peonies need potassium and phosphorus;
  • autumn top dressing is also carried out with potash and phosphorus fertilizers.

Preparation for winter

In autumn, after feeding, grassy peonies are pruned. Young bushes must spud. Mature plants do not need special shelter. In regions with little snow, it is enough to mulch with humus or compost. Layer – about 20-25 cm.

Pests and diseases

A typical disease of peonies, including Red Grace, is gray rot. The problem is most often associated with warm, rainy summers and the presence of pests such as ants and aphids. When affected by rot, the stems begin to fade, and then the buds.

To avoid the disease, you must first deal with pests, and then treat the plantings with special fungicides.


Peony Red Grace is an ornamental plant that will decorate any garden plot. Growing it is no more difficult than other flowers. After all, judging by the description, the variety is unpretentious.

Pion RED GRACE 20.05.2015

Peony Reviews Red Grace

Fyodor Pavlovich Kruzhilyn, 66 years old, Yekaterinburg.
My mother always grew peonies in the country. The flowers had only one row of white petals. I wanted to have double flowers, so I decided to take up gardening in retirement. Bought a Red Grace on sale four years ago. It bloomed last summer. Very pretty buds! I plan to breed it. The variety is unpretentious, has not been sick with almost anything over the years. Most likely, because he carried out preventive treatments.
Victoria Vladimirovna Igumnova, 45 years old, Trans-Baikal Territory.
Somehow I went to a site where they sold peony seedlings and saw the Red Grace variety. Planted in the fall five years ago. The plant did well. In the second year, a few buds appeared. Now I have dark red buds with silky petals blooming in early June. In the fall I will divide so that there are several bushes on the site. For the winter, after cutting, I cover the root zone with cardboard and a layer of humus.

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