Peony Karl Rosenfeld: photo and description, reviews

If the rose is considered the queen of flowers, then the peony can be given the title of king, because it is perfect for making colorful compositions. There are a large number of their varieties and types, choosing the one you like best can make any backyard bright and fragrant. Peony Karl Rosenfeld grows well and develops in all regions of Our Country.

Peony description Karl Rosenfield

Peony Karl Rosenfeld belongs to the herbaceous, milky-flowered varieties. The plant was bred in the south of China and, due to its beauty, became the property of the country. Despite the southern roots, the variety is cold-resistant and withstands severe frosts without shelter. The flower grows poorly only in the Far North.

Acquaintance with the peony Karl Rosenfeld should begin with external characteristics. The plant forms a powerful, sprawling bush, up to one meter high. Strong, thick shoots are covered with openwork foliage of light olive color.

The surface of the leaf plate is smooth, shiny. Closer to autumn, the lush crown acquires a reddish tint, which allows you to maintain a decorative look until late autumn.

Peony Karl Rosenfeld gained popularity for its beautiful flowering. Large inflorescences appear only when grown in the open sun. Thanks to thick shoots and strong flower stalks, the bush does not break or bend under the weight of flowers. Therefore, the plant does not need a garter. But many flower growers, because of the sprawling shape, to give a decorative look, the bushes are set in a beautiful support.

Important! Since the bush is sprawling and fast growing, the interval between plantings is kept at least 1 meter.

To have an idea of ​​the beauty of the Karl Rosenfield peony, you need to view the photo:

Peony Karl Rosenfeld: photo and description, reviews

The flowers are large, double, serve as a real decoration of the garden.

Features of flowering

Peony Karl Rosenfeld belongs to herbaceous, mid-late varieties. Flowering occurs in early July and lasts about 2 weeks. Due to the beautiful flowers, the variety is often used for making bouquets. To prolong the flowering time in the cut state, sugar and vinegar are added to the water. At the same time, the water is changed daily.

Characteristics of inflorescences:

  • flowers are arranged singly, terry or simple in shape;
  • the structure is dense, large, 18 cm in size;
  • flower color is dark red with a purple tint;
  • petals are large, ribbed, bent in waves;
  • the aroma is sweet, attracting butterflies and pollinating insects.

Lush and long flowering depends on the place of growth, climatic conditions and compliance with agricultural technology. When all the requirements for care are met, the bush will decorate the summer cottage for a long time.

Herbaceous peony Karl Rosenfeld (paeonia) 🌿 review: how to plant, peony seedlings Karl Rosenfeld

Application in design

Herbaceous peony Karl Rosenfeld is ideal for embodying design fantasies. But before you decorate a flower garden, it is important to know what the peony is combined with.

Peony planting scheme Karl Rosenfeld:

  1. 3-4 plants are planted in the center of the flower garden, herbaceous or ground cover plants are placed around it.
  2. Peony is in perfect harmony with hybrid tea roses. While the rose bush is forming buds, Rosenfeld is already showing lush flowering. After it ends, the rose shows itself in all its glory, and bright inflorescences look harmoniously against the background of the green foliage of the peony bush.
  3. Peony Karl Rosenfeld is suitable for creating mixborders. It is planted surrounded by garden geraniums, cuffs, ornamental onions and aquilegia.
  4. In order for the flower bed to please the whole season with beautiful flowering, peonies are planted in combination with Siberian iris, large-rhizome geranium, sedum, yarrow and ordinary muzzle.

Flowers of the Buttercup family are not compatible with herbaceous peonies. Hellebore, anemone, backache quickly deplete the soil. Therefore, with joint growth, peonies will not show lush and beautiful flowering.

Peony Karl Rosenfeld: photo and description, reviews

The variety goes well with herbaceous and flowering plants.

When creating a flower garden with a Karl Rosenfeld peony, it is important to remember that he:

  • attracts attention;
  • loves open sun and nutrient soil;
  • grows in one place for about 20 years;
  • due to spreading, it requires a lot of space.

With the right combination of colors, the flower bed will become the decoration of the backyard, it will bloom from early summer to late autumn.

Important! Since the bush is large and sprawling, it is not suitable for growing in flowerpots and at home.

Methods of reproduction

Peony lactiferous Karl Rosenfeld can be propagated by seeds and dividing the bush. The seed method is laborious, the first flowering occurs 5 years after planting the seedling.

Dividing a bush is a simple, effective way. Flowering occurs 2 years after planting. To obtain a new plant, an adult bush is dug up in August and divided into a certain number of divisions. Each part should have a healthy tuber and 2-3 flower buds.

Important! To prevent diseases, the place of the cut is covered with brilliant green or charcoal.
Peony Karl Rosenfeld: photo and description, reviews

A simple, effective breeding method for a peony is dividing a bush

Rules of landing

In order for the peony Karl Rosenfeld to please with regular and abundant flowering, it is necessary to take into account his preferences:

  1. Lighting. Peony is a photophilous plant, so the landing site should be located in the open sun and be protected from drafts and gusty winds.
  2. Soil quality. The plant prefers loamy, sandy or clay soil. On sandy soil, the flowering period will begin earlier, but external data will be much worse.
  3. Humidity. For peony variety Karl Rosenfeld, well-drained soil without stagnant water is suitable. When planting in a lowland or wetland, the root system will begin to rot, and the plant will die.

Experts recommend planting the Karl Rosenfeld peony at the end of summer. Planting time depends on the place of cultivation: in regions with a harsh climate, the peony is planted in mid-August, in the middle lane – in early September, in the south – late September and mid-October.

Before planting, you need to properly select and prepare a seedling. Healthy tubers are dense, without signs of rot and mechanical damage. For early flowering, planting material must have at least 4 buds.

After acquisition, the tuber is kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, if there are cuts, they are treated with brilliant green or ash. If there are long roots on the delenka, they are cut, leaving 15-17 cm.

The further growth and condition of the inflorescences depend on the observance of agricultural technology. Landing technology:

  1. Dig a hole measuring 50×50 cm.
  2. The bottom is covered with a drainage layer and nutrient soil. If the soil is depleted, rotted compost, superphosphate and wood ash are added to it.
  3. At the prepared delenka, the roots are straightened and set in the center of the landing pit.
  4. The tuber is sprinkled with earth, compacting each layer.
  5. After planting, the soil is shed and mulched.
  6. When landing several copies, they maintain an interval of at least a meter.
Important! In a properly planted plant, the flower buds should be deepened by 3-5 cm. With a strong deepening, the bush will not bloom, and if the buds are at ground level, the peony will not tolerate severe frosts.
Peony Karl Rosenfeld: photo and description, reviews

The flower bud should be deepened by 3-5 cm


Peony lactiferous Karl Rosenfeld (paeonia Karl rosenfield) is undemanding in care. But in order for large and beautiful inflorescences to appear on the bush, you need to heed the advice of professionals:

  1. Since the plant is moisture-loving, irrigation should be regular and plentiful. In dry weather, watering is carried out once a week. Under each bush spend about a bucket of warm, settled water. With a lack of moisture, the flowers will be medium-sized and unsightly.
  2. To enrich the soil with oxygen after each watering, the soil is loosened and mulched. Mulch will retain moisture, stop the growth of weeds, and become an additional organic top dressing.
  3. Pruning is necessary to obtain large and beautiful flowers. During the entire flowering period, faded inflorescences are removed. This will help the plant save energy on releasing new flower stalks. In autumn, a month before the onset of cold weather, a radical pruning is carried out. All shoots are shortened, leaving stumps 20 cm high.

Top dressing affects the growth and development of the Karl Rosenfeld peony. Subject to simple rules, the peony will delight in flowering for 20 years. In the second year after planting, each bush is fertilized according to a certain scheme:

  • April (beginning of the growing season) – nitrogenous top dressing;
  • during the formation of buds – mullein or infusion of bird droppings;
  • after withering of inflorescences – a mineral complex;
  • September (at the time of laying flower buds) – humus and superphosphate.

Preparation for winter

Peony Karl Rosenfeld is a frost-resistant variety. Without shelter, it can withstand frosts down to -40 ° C. But in order for the plant to please with large inflorescences, it is prepared for the winter. For this:

  1. Shoots are shortened under the stump.
  2. The soil is shed abundantly.
  3. The trunk circle is sprinkled with wood ash and mulched with dry foliage, humus or straw.

Pests and diseases

Peony Karl Rosenfeld has a strong immunity to fungal and viral diseases. If agricultural practices are not observed, the following may appear on the plant:

  1. Gray mold – the disease appears in the rainy season. The fungus infects the entire aerial part, as a result, the foliage becomes covered with brown spots and dries up, the stem turns black and breaks, the buds dry up without blooming. Broad-spectrum fungicides will help get rid of the fungus. To prevent the disease from infecting neighboring crops, all infected shoots are cut and burned.
    Peony Karl Rosenfeld: photo and description, reviews

    The fungus infects the entire aerial part

  2. Rust – the disease develops in warm, humid weather. If timely treatment is not started, the fungus will spread to closely growing plants in a couple of days. The disease can be recognized by the drying of the foliage. The plant weakens, stops in growth and development. If you do not help the peony, he will not endure the winter and will die. To get rid of infection, copper-containing preparations are used.
    Peony Karl Rosenfeld: photo and description, reviews

    Affected shoots must be cut out and burned

  3. Ants – the most dangerous enemy of peonies, as they are carriers of viral and fungal diseases. Pests are attracted to the sweet syrup secreted by the inflorescences. In large colonies, they settle on a bush, eat petals and foliage. To combat ants, the bush is sprayed, and the soil is treated with repellents.
    Peony Karl Rosenfeld: photo and description, reviews

    The pest is a carrier of diseases, it is necessary to fight them


Peony Karl Rosenfeld is an unpretentious, flowering shrub. Combining it with flowering perennials, you can transform the backyard and make it bright and fragrant.

Reviews about the variety of peony Karl Rosenfeld

Maksimova Marta Igorevna, 68 years old, Khabarovsk
Peony Karl Rosenfeld liked for unpretentiousness, cold resistance and lush flowering. Subject to agricultural technology, the plant will show itself in all its glory. Flowering occurs in mid-July and lasts for 2 weeks. The inflorescences are large and very fragrant. I recommend everyone to buy this variety.
Semenova Ekaterina Pavlovna, 45 years old, Murmansk
Peonies are my favorite flowers. I grow many varieties and varieties in my backyard. I recently purchased the Karl Rosenfeld variety. In the autumn I planted it in a sunny place, and after 2 years large, luxurious flowers appeared on the bush. The plant turned out to be unpretentious, frost-resistant. For abundant flowering, he only needs top dressing, watering and pruning.

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