Peony Kansas is a herbaceous variety of culture. A perennial plant grown in various regions. Used for registration of summer cottages and adjacent territories.

Description Peony Kansas

A perennial culture grows in one place for about 15 years. Variety Kansas refers to herbaceous peonies with a high degree of frost resistance. Without additional shelter, it can withstand temperatures down to -35 0C.

The plant has a satisfactory drought tolerance. With full watering, it feels comfortable in a hot climate. Kansas peony is grown in the European part, in the Urals, in the Central regions, the Middle lane, in the North Caucasus, in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories.

The Kansas variety, created on the basis of a wild-growing milky-flowered peony, has inherited strong immunity to viral, fungal and bacterial infections. It is affected by pests during the mass distribution of the latter.

External characteristics of the Kansas variety:

  1. Peony grows in the form of a compact bush.
    Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

    Reaches about 1 m in height

  2. The stems are strong, dark green, hard, keep their shape well, slightly disintegrate under the weight of flowers.
  3. The leaves are alternately arranged, dark, large, lanceolate type, with smooth edges and pronounced veins.
  4. The lower part of the peony leaf plate has a small, sparse edge.
  5. The root system is strong, mixed, occupies the root circle within 80 cm.
Advice! So that the bush does not fall apart during flowering, looks neat and taut, the stems are tied with a rope and fixed on a support.

If a peony is planted solo on a plot, fixation is not needed; in its natural form, the Kansas variety looks decorative. Thanks to a powerful root system, the peony grows rapidly, forms numerous side shoots and root shoots. For a full-fledged vegetation, the plant needs a sufficient amount of light; in the shade, Kansas slows down growth and budding.

Features of flowering

The first buds appear in the third year of growth, they form singly on the tops of the main stems and side shoots. The flowering period is May-June.

External description of colors:

  • the Kansas variety belongs to the terry species, the flowers are lush, multi-petal;
  • large flower up to 25 cm in diameter, goblet-shaped, with a pleasant aroma;
  • petals are rounded, with wavy edges;
  • peony anthers yellow, filaments white, elongated;
  • rich burgundy color with a purple hue, depending on the lighting. In the shade, the flowers become duller.
Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

The surface of the petals of the Kansas variety is velvety, delicate

Advice! Lush flowering is provided by timely top dressing and compliance with the watering regime.

For its decorative effect, the Kansas peony was awarded a gold medal. The stems are long, even, suitable for cutting. The peculiarity of the Kansas variety is that the more flowers are cut, the more magnificent and brighter the color of the subsequent ones will be.

Application in design

Peony Kansas (Kansas) – a herbaceous plant with a branched root system, which makes it difficult to grow such a variety in flowerpots. You can put a peony in a pot if its width and depth are about 80 cm. A peony should grow in such a container on a balcony, veranda or loggia, but it will be difficult to transfer it to the winter because of the soil. If Kansas is grown in stationary conditions, care must be taken to ensure sufficient lighting for photosynthesis.

Peony Kansas is grown in gardens or as a design element. Shrubs with bright colors are combined with almost all ornamental crops that do not require an acidic or alkaline environment. Peony fully develops on neutral soils.

In ornamental gardening, the Kansas variety is harmoniously combined with such plants:

  • roses;
  • bells;
  • cornflowers;
  • tulips;
  • daylilies;
  • ground cover varieties;
  • euonymus;
  • ornamental shrubs;
  • dwarf conifers;
  • hydrangea.

Peony does not get along well with junipers due to the different composition of the soil. Does not tolerate the neighborhood of tall spreading trees that create shade and high humidity.

A few examples of design solutions that include the Kansas peony:

  1. Used in mass planting with varieties of different colors.
    Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

    Use species with a simultaneous flowering period

  2. Mixed with wild flowers to frame the lawn.
    Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

    Peonies, bluebells and gladioli harmoniously complement each other

  3. Like a curb.
    Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

    The bulk is made up of red varieties, a white variety is used to dilute the color.

  4. In mixborders with ornamental shrubs in the center of the flower bed.
    Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

    Kansas is combined with practical with all undersized plants

  5. Along the edges of the lawn is a mix of several varieties of different colors.
    Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

    Blooming crops complete the landscape

  6. As a tapeworm in the central part of the rockery.
    Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

    Variety Kansas looks aesthetically pleasing against the background of stones

  7. To create an alley near the garden path.
    Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

    Peonies emphasize the decorativeness of flowering shrubs

  8. To design a recreation area.
    Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

    Kansas against the backdrop of conifers in the barbecue area plays the role of a color accent

Methods of reproduction

Kansas is a varietal, not a hybrid representative of the culture. It gives planting material while maintaining the characteristics of the mother plant. You can propagate a peony on the site in any way:

  1. Planting seeds. The material will germinate well, but flowering will have to wait 4 years. The generative way is acceptable, but long.
  2. Kansas is propagated by layering. In the spring, the stems are sprinkled, the rooted areas are planted the next autumn, after 2 years the culture will form the first buds.
  3. You can cut cuttings from faded shoots, place them in the ground and make a mini-greenhouse above them. In 60% the material will take root. At the age of two, the bushes are placed on the site, after a season the peony will bloom.

The fastest and most productive method is by dividing the mother bush. For this purpose, a well-grown peony at the age of four years and older is suitable. The bush is divided into several parts, distributed on the site. Peony Kansas takes root in 90% of cases.

Rules of landing

If the landing was carried out in the fall, the peony takes root well and from spring begins to intensively form a green mass. A frost-resistant plant is not afraid of a drop in temperature. Planting work in a temperate climate is carried out approximately at the end of August, in the south – in mid-September. In spring, planting is possible, but there is no guarantee that the culture will bloom in the current season.

The place is determined with good air circulation in a lighted area. The Kansas variety does not tolerate shade, it should receive a sufficient amount of ultraviolet for most of the day. Peonies are not placed near large trees, because they completely lose their decorative effect in the shade.

The composition of the soil is suitable neutral, if necessary, it is corrected by the introduction of appropriate funds. Dolomite flour is added to acidic ones, and granulated sulfur is added to alkaline ones. Events are carried out in advance, during the autumn planting, the acidity of the earth is adjusted in the spring. The soil is chosen fertile, aerated. Places with stagnant water for the Kansas peony are not considered. The culture requires watering, but does not tolerate constant waterlogging.

A pit for a Kansas peony is prepared in advance. The root of the plant is powerful, grows 70-80 cm wide, deepens about the same. When preparing the well, they are guided by these parameters. The bottom of the pit is covered with a drainage cushion and 1/3 of the depth is covered with a nutrient mixture with the addition of superphosphate. The substrate is prepared from peat and compost, if the soil is clayey, then sand is added.

Sequence of work:

  1. The pit is filled with water, after drying, they begin to plant the peony.
    Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

    Humidification is necessary to eliminate voids in the substrate

  2. Cut the stems to the lower vegetative buds.
  3. Peony buds should be under the soil at a distance of 5 cm. If they are closer to the surface or below the level, the plant will develop poorly in the first year.
  4. They take the bar wider than the pit, place it on the surface, and fix the plant to it.
    Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

    The fastening will not allow the kidneys to go deep

  5. They fall asleep with soil and water, the root circle is mulched with any material, coniferous cones can be used for decoration.
    Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

    Mulch will give the site an aesthetic appearance and retain soil moisture.

Advice! Remove the mount at the beginning of summer.


Kansas peony care is as follows:

  1. There is no need to feed the plant until the age of three, the peony has enough nutrients from the substrate.
  2. Adult peonies of the Kansas variety are watered in early spring with a solution of potassium permanganate. During shoot formation, ammonium nitrate is added. At the end of spring, the plant is treated with complex mineral fertilizers. When laying buds, they are fed with superphosphate, potash.
  3. Water the bushes with a large volume of water to completely cover the root. The frequency of soil moistening depends on precipitation. Approximately an adult plant needs 20 liters of water for 10 days.
  4. After watering, the soil must be loosened for better aeration and weeds are removed. If the plant is mulched, then the grass does not grow and the crust does not form, which means that loosening is not necessary.

They cut the plant after flowering, get rid of dry flowers, shorten the shoots on which they were located. Young stems are not touched. You can not cut the leaves or completely all the shoots. At the end of the season, new vegetation buds are laid.

Preparation for winter

Before frost, the plant is pruned so that the length of the stems is no higher than 15 cm. Intensive moisture-charging irrigation is carried out, ammonium nitrate and organic matter are added. Cover the Kansas variety on top of the mulch with straw. If the landing was carried out in the fall, it is covered completely, pulling burlap over the arcs. When dividing a bush, shelter is not relevant.

Pests and diseases

Peony Kansas suffers from powdery mildew only in high humidity. The plant must be transplanted to a favorable site and treated with Fitosporin.

Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

The biological product destroys the fungal infection and neutralizes the pathogenic environment

Of the pests, the gall nematode, which infects the root system, poses a threat. The main distribution of the pest is observed in a waterlogged environment. Get rid of the parasitic insect Aktara.

Peony Kansas: photo and description, reviews

The granules are diluted in water and the Kansas peony is watered under the root


The Kansas Peony is a dense and compact herbaceous shrub. The variety is distinguished by double flowers of a bright burgundy hue. Created on the basis of a lactiferous wild species, used for landscape design. Frost-resistant culture is distinguished by simple agricultural technology.

Reviews of the herbaceous peony Kansas

Marina Koroleva, 42 years old, Leningrad region
My mother instilled in me a love for peonies, she had several varieties with different colors. On the site I grow pink, white, yellow, but my favorite is the Kansas variety. The flowers are bright, large, they involuntarily stop looking. Bushes are powerful. The main thing is that they do not fall apart during flowering, they ideally keep their shape. Peonies after cutting stand for a long time, without losing their aroma and attractiveness.
Valentina Khristenko, 52 years old, Krasnoyarsk
Without Kansas peonies, the lot would look empty. The bushes are planted in a long line on both sides of the garden path. She started breeding with only three seedlings, but the culture grew very quickly. Kansas grows next to pink varieties, during flowering the path looks great.
Peony Kansas. Peony kansas. Orion garden

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