Peony Scarlet Heaven is one of the brightest representatives of intersectional hybrids. In another way, they are called Ito hybrids in honor of Toichi Ito, who first came up with the idea of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbcombining garden peonies with tree peonies. Their decorative value lies in the unusual combination of beautiful flowers with foliage of tree-like peonies. Mature plants form rounded, dense shrubs of low height, and the foliage stays green longer than other peonies. Interest in growing is fueled by their resistance to heat and humidity.
Description of the peony Scarlet Heaven
Scarlet Heaven means “Scarlet Heaven” in English. This name reflects the color of the petals – scarlet and beautiful, they surround the golden yellow stamens. The diameter of the flowers ranges from 10-20 cm. A bright rich aroma emanates from them.

Flowers with age, the plant increases and becomes brighter.
In general, the description of the Ito-hybrid Scarlet Heaven peony combines the best qualities of the original varieties. From tree-like peonies, ‘Scarlet Heaven’ has received beautiful inflorescences and large dark green leaves, iridescent with gloss, which do not fade until frost.
An adult plant reaches 70 cm in height and 90 cm in width. Strong stems are hidden from view by foliage. They are not afraid of either the winds or the severity of the inflorescences, so the flowers are always directed towards the sun. The bushes are neat, with a good density of foliage, sprawling. Peony roots develop laterally and are located more superficially than in other forms, which is why they become woody with age.
Peonies are photophilous, but grow well in partial shade. Grows at a moderate rate. The plant is frost-resistant and can withstand up to -27 ° C. Scarlet Heaven pion growing zones are 5, 6 and 7, which means that Siberia and eastern Our Country are not very suitable for the cultivation of Ito hybrids, peonies may need to be warmed. Western Our Country is ideal for this species.
Features of flowering Ito-peony Scarlet Heaven
The variety belongs to the group (section) of intersectional or Ito hybrids. Flowering “Scarlet Heaven”, like other plants in this section, inherited from tree peonies. Duration – up to 3 weeks. First, the upper flowers bloom, and then the side ones.

More than 10 scarlet flowers ripen on one bush
Variety “Scarlet Heaven” begins to bloom from June to July profusely, 1 time in all time. Scarlet petals surround the center with numerous bright yellow stamens. More than a dozen large flowers fit on one sprawling bush. In the early years, they are not very large and bright, but with age they increase in size and some specimens even win at exhibitions.
In Ito hybrids, the color of the petals is unstable under the influence of age, external conditions and hereditary traits. Rarely, but still, a sudden appearance of two-tone shades due to the formation of stripes is possible, and even more rarely – a complete change in color. Hybrids of garden and tree varieties appeared only 70 years ago, and their genetic material is not fully formed.
Application in design
Basically, Scarlet Heaven peonies are used for single and group plantings. Often they decorate gardens and parks, various ceremonial places.
In landscape compositions, “Scarlet Heaven” is often combined with other Ito hybrids. For example, a combination with yellow inflorescences of a related variety of peonies “Yellow Haven” looks good. Often flowers are planted on even lawns without dilution with different varieties, but any other combination of Scarlet Heaven cannot be ruled out, this is a good variety for experimenting in design.

Variety “Scarlet Heaven” gets along well with grassy peonies
Now red-flowered Ito hybrid varieties are rapidly gaining popularity and are competing with yellow intersectional hybrids, which until recently were the first choice of flower growers.
Peony “Bartzella” – one of the most popular in the world and Our Country. Its combination with “Scarlet Heaven” is very expressive because of its flowers: bright yellow petals with a red center. It also looks great in combination with pink-lilac inflorescences of the First Arrival variety or two-color Fire Charm.
The value of Ito hybrids in the landscape lies in the fact that the flowers are firmly attached to the stem. Ordinary peonies fall off quickly and just lie under the bushes, as they are more grown to be cut and placed in vases.
Methods of reproduction
When propagated by seeds, hybrids lose their species characteristics, so the only rational way is to divide the rhizome.
In order for the division of the rhizome to take place easily, and the “delenki” to turn out to be strong and well established, it is necessary to choose plants for division at the age of 3-5 years. The rhizome of a younger plant will not survive the procedure well, and in a very mature one, the root system becomes very lignified, which complicates the separation process.
Rules of landing
September is best for planting, less often warm October. Otherwise, the plant will not have time to get stronger before the onset of cold weather. Abroad, “Scarlet Heaven” is planted in the spring, and if they are delivered from there, they can be planted from March to May. Only this should be done almost immediately upon the arrival of the peony – it needs to take root and get stronger before the onset of summer.
A place for landing is chosen warm and without drafts. Dense shade, flooding and proximity to large plants are not welcome. If the area with a hot climate – you need to plant in partial shade, in other cases – in the sun. It is necessary to provide the plant with fertile, well-draining soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH. The best choice is loamy soil of medium moisture: water should flow well, but not stagnate. Peat in this case will not work.

The more kidneys on the “delenka”, the better
When buying, it is important to carefully inspect the “delenki”: they should not have rot, cracks or stains. It is taken with at least 3 renewal buds – the more, the better. If you bought a seedling with roots, you need to make sure that they are moist and elastic.
A pit for planting a peony is dug 60 cm deep and up to a meter wide. Such dimensions are determined by the root system of the Ito-hybrid, which first of all grows in breadth, and in depth the plant will sprout itself. Drainage is necessarily placed at the bottom, the basis of which is gravel or broken red bricks.
It is necessary to position the “delenka” in the pit so that the kidneys are at a depth of 3-4 cm from the surface. If the kidneys are located vertically with respect to each other, then the “delenka” is laid on its side. Then the pits are covered with a prepared mixture of humus, sand and earth in equal proportions. After compaction and moderate watering, the landing sites should be mulched. Mulch or shredded foliage will regulate the moisture and temperature in the soil.
Good care will extend the life of Scarlet Heaven to 18-20 years. These plants almost do not get sick and tolerate different environmental conditions well. Care is not much different than for ordinary peonies.
Elastic stems independently cope with the weight of the inflorescences and the wind, which means that the plant does not need to be helped to establish a support.

The soil should not be too wet and rich in nutrients.
Watering, especially for young plants, is carried out regularly. The main thing is not to overmoisten and not create waterlogging of the soil. This will not benefit the plant, and may even cause rotting of the root system. Only in case of severe drought, it is possible to increase the volume of watering, and in normal times it is 15 liters. It is carried out as the topsoil dries up, best in the evenings, when the sun ceases to be active. Rainwater will ensure good peony growth, but tap water is not the best choice.
Loosening the soil is carried out after each watering, so the access of oxygen will increase, and this is important for the flowering of the peony. The more oxygen the plant receives through the soil, the more magnificent the flowers will be.
Mulching in a circle will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture. In the third year, you can start fertilizing. In spring – nitrogen bait, and at the end of flowering – potassium-phosphate mixtures. Adding ash is carried out only if the soil is not suitable for peonies in acidity, in other cases, such a procedure will be superfluous.
Preparation for winter
Preparation for the winter of Ito hybrids is carried out much later than that of ordinary peonies – in the second half of November. Already with the advent of serious frosts in dry weather, the stems are cut at ground level.
For adult plants, cutting will be enough, but young specimens need to be additionally insulated. The best for this is spruce.
Pests and diseases
Now peonies almost do not get sick with fungal diseases. Occasionally, rust appears, but it is not dangerous for peonies, it only multiplies on flowers, but parasitizes on pines. But this does not mean that peonies cannot be planted next to pine trees – all the same, fungal spores scatter for kilometers.
Peony Scarlet Heaven is not just a beautiful variety, but also a culture that is convenient in terms of reproduction and care. This species is easy to combine, single and group plantings are good. Spreading bushes with scarlet flowers are always in the center of attention of any composition of flower growers.