Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

Ito hybrids of culture are popular with gardeners. The plant differs not only with a high rate of frost resistance, but also unpretentious care. On the basis of wild-growing forms, many varieties have been created with different flowering periods and colors. A photo and description of the Canary Diamonds peony, recommendations for creating compositions will help you get acquainted with the hybrid.

Description of Ito-peony Canary Diamonds

Ito hybrids, which include the Canary Diamonds peony, were obtained in the process of cross-pollination of two species: herbaceous and tree-like. A feature of this variety of culture is a long-term biological cycle. After the growing season, the aerial part of herbaceous peonies quickly dies off, and ito hybrids retain their decorative shape for a long time after flowering.

Canary Brilliants inherited high frost resistance from the tree-like form. Peony resists temperatures down to -400C, damage to the vegetative buds does not affect plant growth and subsequent flowering.

Canary Brilliants is recommended for cultivation throughout the temperate and temperate continental climates. Peony drought resistance is average, cultivation in the southern regions provides for frequent watering and sprinkling.

Description of Peony Canary Brilliants:

  1. Canary Diamonds grows in the form of a compact bush, reaches a height of 80 cm.
  2. Numerous stems are stiff, tree-like at the base, dark green with a brown tint. Slightly drooping tops, under the weight of flowers, the bush does not fall apart.
  3. The leaves are dark green, rigid, carved with trifoliate lobes, alternate arrangement. The cuttings are long, the surface of the leaf plate is smooth, glossy.
  4. The root system is powerful with cone-shaped processes, superficial.
Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

The petals of the variety are velvety, pleasant to the touch.

Advice! So that the Canary Diamonds peony bush is not very sprawling, a support is installed near the plant and the stems are fixed with a rope.

If there is enough free space on the site, support is not needed, the plant keeps its shape on its own. Peony Canary Diamonds grows rapidly, by the time the buds are laid, the green mass has time to fully form, but on condition that there is enough light for photosynthesis. Peony Canary Diamonds, like all hybrids, prefers sunny areas, but can grow in places with occasional shading.

Features of flowering

In the second year of vegetation, the hybrid forms buds on the tops of the stems and lateral processes. The flowering period of the Canary Brilliants peony is from April to the end of June. After the flowers wither, the leaves remain deep green until frost sets in. The variety belongs to the semi-double group. The flowers are large (up to 20 cm in diameter), with a pronounced citrus aroma.

General characteristics of flowering:

  • buds of a delicate cream color, shaped like roses;
  • after opening, the shade may be peach or light yellow, the color depends on the degree of illumination;
  • on one bush there are flowers with various shades, but in all the lower part of the petals has a reddish fragment and wavy edges;
  • 3-4 buds are formed on each stem. Flowering is unstable, depending on agricultural practices, proper pruning, spring temperatures and the amount of moisture.
Important! Canary Diamonds – a sterile variety of peony, without pollen and seeds.
Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

Opening buds in structure resemble rose flowers

Application in design

Hybrid forms are designed specifically for ornamental gardening. Canary Diamonds peony iso hybrid is included in design techniques that include flowering herbaceous plants. Peony is ideally combined with such cultures:

  • irises;
  • roses;
  • daffodils;
  • tulips;
  • daylilies;
  • ground cover varieties;
  • dwarf conifers;
  • vesicles;
  • hydrangeas.

The peony does not tolerate the proximity of large-sized trees, which shade it with a dense crown and create constant humidity. A tight fit is also not recommended. With a lack of space for growth, the flowers form small, and the crown becomes looser. Peony feels comfortable in flowerpots located on a balcony or an open veranda.

A few examples of using Canary Diamonds in landscape design:

  1. For padding molded structures from evergreen crops.
    Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

    Varieties with a variety of colors give the landscape a complete look

  2. In composition with flowering plants in flowerbeds.
    Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

    Select crops with simultaneous flowering

  3. For a color accent in rock gardens on the shore of an artificial reservoir.
    Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

    Canary Diamonds harmonizes well with creeping plants

  4. Peonies with different colors are suitable for creating a border option.
    Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

    Select varieties with different flowering periods

  5. The hybrid is used in mass composition in the free area in front of the forest belt.
    Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

    To create a clear vertical shape, the stems are collected and tied up.

  6. For lawn decoration.
    Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

    Canary Diamonds looks good in a mix with other varieties in the center of the lawn

  7. An ideal option for framing a summer veranda.
    Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

    The peach color of Canary Diamonds looks aesthetically pleasing along with rich burgundy varieties.

  8. In the quality of solitaires on klumbahs or rabatkah.
    Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

    After the end of the flowering period, the bush retains its decorative effect for a long time.

Methods of reproduction

Ito-peony Canary Brilliants does not produce seeds. Therefore, the hybrid is not propagated in a generative way. For this variety, only the vegetative method is acceptable. You can make layering in the spring, but their rooting is weak. After transplantation, there is no guarantee that the young plant will take root.

Attention! The best option is the division of a well-grown bush, which is at least 4 years old.

Rules of landing

Frost-resistant culture is suitable for planting in autumn and at the beginning of the growing season. If necessary, the bush is transferred to a new site in the summer after flowering. The peony will take root normally if the conditions for growth meet its requirements. But more often, gardeners practice autumn planting, which is carried out approximately in mid-September. When propagated in this way, the peony will bloom in the spring.

The acquired planting material of the Canary Diamonds variety is placed in a well-lit area. In order for peony flowers to be peach-colored, ultraviolet light is needed. A site with periodic shading is allowed. In the shade, the color is dull, light beige, there are no pronounced red areas on the petals. The bush becomes weak, elongated.

Soils must be necessarily aerated, because peonies slow down growth on dense, sparse soil. The preferred composition is neutral, fertile. Correct the reaction a few months before planting. Peony feels comfortable on rocky terrain, but planting in the ground with constant stagnant water is not allowed.

Dig up the seat, remove the roots of weeds. The pit is prepared in advance or on the day of planting. The second option is more rational, because the volume of the root will be visible. There is no need to dig deep or wide holes. Basal buds when planting should be under a layer of soil.

Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

Canary Diamonds peony planting material must have a healthy root fragment and at least five vegetative buds

The condition of the aerial part does not play a role, because the peony will go into winter without green mass.

Landing algorithm:

  1. The substrate is prepared by mixing compost, peat and soddy soil, 1/3 of the total mass should be occupied by sand.
  2. Part of the substrate is poured to the bottom.

    Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

  3. They put a peony, fall asleep with the rest of the mixture and compact.
    Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

    The seedling in the pit is placed at an angle of 450

  4. Deepen the kidneys by no more than 2 cm.
    Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

    The correct location of the peony vegetative buds

Then the plant is watered and covered with straw. Maintain a distance between peonies of at least 1,5-2 m, because Canary Diamonds does not tolerate a tight fit.


Agricultural technology includes the following activities:

  1. Watering the Canary Diamonds hybrid begins in the spring, when warm weather sets in. The regimen depends on precipitation: an adult plant needs 15-20 liters of water per week, young seedlings are watered more often so that there is no crust on the top layer of soil.
  2. If the peony is not covered with mulch, loosen after each watering, weeds are removed along the way.
  3. Mulch for peony is recommended, it will retain moisture and prevent burns in the summer.
  4. Canary Diamonds are fed with potassium and nitrogen before sap flow. The same composition is applied at the time of budding. When the peony fades, feed with phosphorus.

During flowering, fertilizers are not applied, otherwise the peony will intensively begin to grow green mass due to the size of the flowers.

Preparation for winter

Ito-peony Canary Brilliant is cut off before the onset of frost, leaving only the lower vegetative buds. Feed with organic matter, carry out moisture-charging irrigation. The remains of the stems, along with the buds, are completely covered with straw. A plant planted in autumn does not have time to form a full-fledged root, therefore, after mulching, it is recommended to cover young peonies with burlap and throw snow in winter.

Pests and diseases

Ito-hybrid peony Canary Diamonds, with proper planting and care, does not get sick. If the conditions are not met, infection with a fungus that causes powdery mildew or gray rot is possible. If necessary, eliminate the infection with Fitosporin.

Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

Biofungicide is effective not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of the disease.

Of the pests, peony affects:

  • sod ants;
  • bronze beetle;
  • gall nematode.

They get rid of parasitic insects by treatment with Kinmiks, Aktara.

Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

The drug is used against the bronze beetle

Peony Ito-hybrid Canary Brilliant (Canarian diamonds): reviews + photos

Insecticide effective against nematodes and ants


A photo and description of the Canary Diamonds peony will help you grow a strong, beautiful plant in your garden or on your plot. The culture is not demanding for care; it forms buds for the second growing season. The bush grows rapidly and after 2 years is ready for division.

Reviews about peony Canary Brilliant

Nina Matveeva, 29 years old, Irkutsk region
I have different varieties of peonies in my dacha. I bought a Canary Diamonds hybrid three years ago. The bush has grown well, I decided to propagate it with layering. In the middle of spring, I sprinkled 3 stems with soil, and insulated them for the winter. The next year, 2 sprouts appeared, carefully separated and planted each in an individual container, brought it to the veranda for the winter. In the spring I landed on the site, only one took root, but still it lags behind in growth. I concluded that the propagation of Canary Diamonds by layering is possible, but not very productive.
Zoya Tishchenko, 55 years old, Moscow region
On the plot, the Canary Diamonds hybrid blooms for several years. The variety is very beautiful with unusual colors. Located in the rock garden. Peach flowers attract attention with their aroma, aesthetic appearance, stand out favorably among flowering plants. For all the time, the peony did not create care problems, did not get sick, pests did not appear on it.

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