Peony Gardenia was bred in the USA in 1955 and is still popular with gardeners. In beauty, this variety can be compared with roses, but it is less whimsical, and decorative not only during the flowering period, because a strong bush adorns the garden with an openwork crown.

Description of the variety of peony Gardenia

The perennial bush is formed by thin but stable stems and peduncles that do not require additional support even with abundant flowering. Due to the strength of the stems, the plant, reaching a height of 90 cm, retains its shape well. Its width does not exceed 50 cm. The Gardenia variety grows quite quickly, but flowering can be expected no earlier than three years after planting, since in the first years all forces are spent on the formation of the root system.

The leaves of the herbaceous Gardenia peony are large, pinnately dissected. In autumn, they change their characteristic dark green color to a noble crimson.

Peony belongs to the sun-loving perennials – only in open spaces its flowering will be long and plentiful.

Like some other varieties, Gardenia is extremely hardy and can withstand temperatures as low as -40°C. Drought resistance also belongs to the undoubted advantages of culture. Thanks to these characteristics, the plant feels great not only in the southern and central regions of Our Country, but also in Siberia and Transbaikalia.

Features of flowering

The variety of milky-flowered peony Gardenia belongs to the group of terry pink peonies. It is distinguished by large (up to 22 cm) hemispherical single flowers, formed by a large number of concave petals. The shape resembles gardenia flowers, thanks to which the variety got its name. At first, the petals are white with a slight pinkish tinge, and over time they become creamy. The flowers have a light pleasant aroma.

Peony Gardenia: photo and description, reviews

Large white flowers against a background of rich green leaves look very elegant.

One of the features of the Gardenia variety is a large number of lateral buds, which provides abundant long-term flowering from late spring to mid-summer.

Poor flowering of a plant or its complete absence can be caused by the following factors:

  • insufficient amount of sunlight;
  • unsuitable chemical composition of the soil;
  • weak root penetration;
  • care errors.

Application in design

In landscape compositions, Gardenia peonies are planted both separately and in composition with other varieties of this perennial.

Peony Gardenia: photo and description, reviews

The combination of large white flowers with buds of other shades looks great.

A lush flower bed can decorate any part of the garden, but it will look especially advantageous near water bodies – the reflection of flowering bushes in the water creates a unique romantic landscape.

Peony Gardenia: photo and description, reviews

Peony Gardenia can also act as a soloist

In this case, it is planted on lawns and lawns, against which its beauty is especially visible. Shade flowers and coniferous plants.

Since the Gardenia peony invariably attracts attention, other flowers may fade against its background, so perennials with other flowering periods will be an excellent option for an ensemble with it.

Important! Plants should be selected in such a way that they do not lose their decorative effect throughout the season.
Peony Gardenia: photo and description, reviews

Delphiniums, asters, carnations, irises, bluebells go well with this perennial.

Since Gardenia peony bushes reach quite large sizes, they are planted in the second row in compositions.

Peonies are best not combined with other large flowering plants, such as roses, as they will compete for attention and beauty may fade.

Attention! The neighborhood of a peony with strongly growing cultures that will shade it will not be too successful.

Many gardeners try to grow peonies in containers, flowerpots or pots. Usually, undersized varieties are used for these purposes. The Gardenia variety forms a full-fledged bush with a large root system, so it is rather difficult to create conditions for it to grow in a pot on the balcony. In large containers, the Gardenia peony can be grown, the main thing is to provide it with the right wintering conditions.

Methods of reproduction

The main way to propagate Gardenia peonies is to divide the bush. Adult plants with a well-developed root system are divided into several parts and planted.

Peony Gardenia: photo and description, reviews

The peony delenka is part of the root system with the remains of the stems

As in the case of other varietal peonies, seed propagation is ineffective, since the plants obtained in this way do not inherit the characteristics of the mother bush.

Rules of landing

For the Gardenia peony, it is best to choose sunny areas or places with little shading during the daytime. In the shade, the plant will not die, but it will bloom weakly or stop altogether. It is advisable to plant peonies away from buildings and large-sized plants in order to provide plantings with good air circulation. For the same reason, the bushes should be located at a distance of at least 1 m from each other.

The optimal substrate for perennials will be fertile loose loams with low acidity. Too acidic soils are limed, sand is added to heavy clay soils, and sandy soils are improved by adding clay. Places with close groundwater should be avoided.

Peony Gardenia: photo and description, reviews

It is better to buy delenki for planting in nurseries or in specialized stores

Planting material is obtained from young plants that have reached the age of flowering. The root system of the delenka should be well developed and have 3-5 buds. Not suitable for planting plants with wet, rotten cuts, plaque, growths and nodular thickenings on the roots.

Many gardeners prefer to plant these flowers in the fall, because in the spring there is a danger of not having time before the start of the growing season.

The correct landing of pions is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • 25-30 days before the date of the proposed landing, they dig a hole with a diameter and a depth of about 60 cm;
  • a nutritious soil mixture is prepared from leafy soil, peat, humus and sand, wood ash and superphosphate are added to it;
  • planting pits are filled with nutrient mixture by 2/3;
  • the plant is positioned so that the buds are deepened by 4–5 cm;
  • carefully watered and mulched with peat.


Any gardener can easily handle the care of the Gardenia peony. Landings need to be watered. Despite the fact that this plant tolerates drought well, it needs soil moisture during the budding period, during flowering and during autumn budding. One bush should have 2-3 buckets of water.

Not yet blooming young Gardenia peonies are fed foliarly. Under adult specimens, mineral complexes are applied three times per season: in early spring, during the formation of buds and after flowering.

The root system of the Gardenia peony does not tolerate dense soil, so the plant needs regular loosening.

Mulching helps to significantly facilitate the care of plantings – it prevents the growth of weeds, prevents soil compaction after irrigation, improves the quality of the substrate, and also retains moisture.

Preparation for winter

It is not difficult to prepare the Gardenia peony for winter: with the first frosts, the dead stems are cut flush with the ground, the root system is well watered. Usually, this is enough for a frost-resistant perennial, but in the northern regions, with the advent of stable frosts, you can additionally mulch the planting site with compost, peat or spruce branches.

Attention! In autumn, all plant residues must be collected and destroyed, as pathogens may remain in them.

Pests and diseases

Like other varieties of peonies, the Gardenia variety is resistant to diseases, however, for weakened plants that are not properly cared for, fungal infections are dangerous. The best prevention would be timely watering and fertilizing, as well as removing weeds and loosening the soil around the plant. If the bushes are affected by fungi, they are treated with fungicides (copper sulfate, copper oxychloride, Bordeaux liquid, Fundazol).

Ants and aphids are dangerous for flowers. You can cope with them with the help of insecticides (Aktellik).

Peony Gardenia: photo and description, reviews

Ants infect peony leaves and carry aphids


Peony Gardenia is a bright representative of the peony family. Its beautiful bushes, strewn with large white flowers, will not leave anyone indifferent. Disease resistance, the ability to endure even harsh winters, as well as ease of care, invariably attract many gardeners, so a rare site does without this “king of the garden”.

Peony Reviews Gardenia

Kolesova Svetlana, 27 years old, Solnechnogorsk
Peonies are a great alternative to whimsical roses. Minimum care and maximum beauty. I have a variety of Gardenia growing with red peonies Red Grace near the gazebo. Together they look very elegant. It seems to me that Gardenia is combined with any variety of peonies.
Starikova Ekaterina, 40 years old, Dolgoprudny
I do not agree that Gardenia peonies should not be planted with roses. With climbing cultures, they look very good. You just need to think about how to plant so that the peonies do not obscure the roses, and everyone has enough space and sun.
Natalia Karimova, 34 years old, Kazan
I tried to grow this variety on the balcony, but it sat with me for 3 years and never bloomed. I had to give it to a friend, she dropped him off at her site. He says that it blooms beautifully, although peonies do not like transplants.
Pruning peonies in autumn. How to prune peonies

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