Peony Etched Salmon is considered a recognized leader. This hybrid American variety has recently begun to spread in Our Country. The peony is valued for its beautiful coral-pink flowers with a delicate lemon scent. Due to satisfactory winter hardiness, such a peony can be grown in many regions of Central Our Country.
Peony Description Etched Salmon
Peony Etched Salmon is a hybrid variety bred in the USA in 1981. It gives lush, truly luxurious flowers of pink and coral hue with a diameter of 15-16 cm. The leaves are wide, rich green. The stems are strong, hold shoots and flowers well, so they do not need to install supporting supports. The bush is compact, medium in height (70-80 cm).
Etched Salmon is a sun-loving variety, so it is best to plant it in an open, well-lit area. There is evidence that it has good winter hardiness. However, it is recommended to grow only in Central Our Country, mainly in the middle lane and in the South of the country (Kuban, Stavropol, North Caucasus).
The photo of the Etched Almon peony shows that it really gives very lush, openwork flowers of a pleasant light coral color.

Etched Salmon peony flowers in pastel pinks and corals
Features of flowering
Peony Etched Salmon belongs to large-flowered, terry, tree-like varieties. Flowers of the correct rounded shape, terry, pink. The outer petals have a waxy texture, so they hold their shape perfectly. The central petals sometimes have a golden border, which gives them a special beauty.
The flowering period is medium-early, falls on the beginning and middle of summer. Usually the flowers grow very lush, it depends on:
- care (watering, fertilizing, mulching);
- soil fertility;
- plenty of sunlight (Etched Salmon prefers open areas);
- lightness of the soil structure (the soil must be loosened regularly).
Application in design
Herbaceous peony Etched Salmon perfectly decorates the garden with its bright flowers, so it can be used both in single and in group plantings. Since the flowers turn out to be very beautiful, it is better to place the bush in the most visible place – next to the entrance, on an open lawn, in the center of the flower garden.
Peony Etched Salmon goes well with many flowers and plants:
- juniper;
- poppies;
- yellow daylily;
- honeysuckle bushes;
- chrysanthemums;
- nasturtiums;
- bells;
- tulips;
- delphiniums.
Since the bush grows quite large and loves abundant sunlight, it will not work to grow it at home (even on the southern windows).

Etched Salmon peonies look good in large, open spaces.
Methods of reproduction
The main methods of propagation of the Etched Salmon peony are cuttings and breeding by layering. Moreover, the latter option is considered the most simple and effective. It is better to start the procedure in early spring, after the snow has completely melted.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- In an adult plant (4-5 years old), a powerful shoot with several healthy buds is chosen.
- They take a box without a bottom and put it right on this shoot. From the sides sprinkled with earth.
- Then it is filled to 10 cm with a mixture of garden soil, sand and compost – respectively 2: 1: 1.
- After a few weeks, shoots will appear – then they need to be sprinkled with another mixture: garden soil with compost and rotted manure in the same ratio (layer up to a maximum of 30 cm).
- During the entire period, the earth must be watered regularly.
- As soon as the buds appear, they need to be pinched – now it is important to save the foliage.
- At the beginning of autumn, the layers are separated from the mother bush and transplanted to a permanent place or to a temporary site (with subsequent transplantation after 2 years).

Etched Salmon peonies can be propagated by cuttings and layering, the method of dividing the bush is also used.
Rules of landing
Peony Etched Salmon is purchased in specialized stores. It is best to plant them in late August or early September, and for the southern regions – in late September or early October. The place must be chosen especially carefully, since this type of peony does not like frequent transplants.
When choosing, you should proceed from several requirements:
- The site is open, better without a shadow (in the south, slight shading is allowed for 2-3 hours a day).
- Preferably a hill – rain and melt water accumulate in the lowlands.
- The place should be protected from the open wind as far as possible.
Etched Salmon peonies love fertile, light soils, preferably loam and black soil with a moderately acidic or neutral pH = 5,5-7,0. They grow poorly on highly acidic soils, so it is better to neutralize them first by adding, for example, a few pinches of lime or dolomite flour.
Landing technology is simple – it is recommended to act as follows:
- The site is cleaned and carefully dug up to a depth of 2 shovel bayonets.
- A planting hole is formed with a depth and diameter of 60 cm.
- It is covered with a mixture of sand, peat, humus, garden soil in equal amounts. It is desirable to add 1 kg of wood ash, a large spoonful of copper sulfate, a glass of superphosphate and a small spoonful of potash (potassium carbonate) to these components.
- The seedling is rooted and sprinkled with earth, while the soil is not rammed.
- Plentifully watered with 1-2 buckets of water.
Peony Etched Salmon is quite demanding on care, but it is easy to fulfill the basic conditions. First of all, in the spring (immediately after the snow melts), it must be well watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate 1%. This provides not only disinfection of the soil, but also stimulates the swelling of the kidneys.
In the future, watering should be plentiful – every 10 days the peony is given at least 3 buckets of water (for young seedlings, a little less is possible). In case of drought, watering is done weekly, in the presence of rain, its volume is reduced.

Watering Etched Salmon peonies is best in the evening, shortly before sunset.
If fertilizer and humus have already been applied to the ground during planting, the plant does not need to be fed for the next 2-3 seasons. For 3 or 4 years, they begin to fertilize regularly:
- In the spring, nitrogen fertilizing – for example, ammonium nitrate.
- During flowering, superphosphates, potassium salt (can be alternated with a solution of mullein).
- Immediately after flowering – again with potassium salt and superphosphates.
- In autumn, a month before frost – a similar composition.
To keep the soil moist for as long as possible, as well as to resist weeds, it is advisable to mulch the roots. To do this, it is enough to lay out a layer of 4-5 cm of sawdust, straw, hay, needles or peat.
Preparation for winter
A few weeks before the onset of frost, the Etched Salmon peony must be cut almost to ground level, leaving small 5 cm stumps. Work is carried out using scissors or secateurs, the tools are pre-disinfected in potassium permanganate or other means.
After that, the bush is spudded with earth and sprinkled:
- humus;
- high peat;
- straw;
- spruce branches.
The layer must completely cover the plant, and in the spring it must be removed in time, otherwise the shoots will overheat.

Peonies Etched Salmon with proper care give very beautiful flowers
Pests and diseases
Etched Salmon is periodically affected by fungal and viral diseases:
- mosaic leaf disease;
- gray rot;
- rust;
- powdery mildew.
Also harm the plant:
- may beetles;
- nematodes;
- aphid;
- ants;
- thrips.
Therefore, already before planting, Etched Salmon peony bushes should be treated with Maxim, Topaz, Skor fungicides or other drugs. Secondary processing is carried out in a month, then the same period (until the formation of buds).
For the purposes of prevention, it is recommended to carry out treatment with insecticides (Biotlin, Karate, Aktellik). At the first stages of the appearance of a colony of insects, folk remedies (wood ash, a solution of baking soda, shavings of laundry soap, a decoction of onion peel, and others) help well.

To preserve the Etched Salmon peony, it must be periodically inspected for signs of disease and pests.
It is quite possible to grow an Etched Salmon peony, especially in the climatic conditions of the south and middle lane. Thanks to timely watering, loosening the soil and fertilizing, you can get several beautiful lush flowers on 1 bush. If desired, both an experienced and a novice gardener can cope with this task.