Peony Diana Parks is a variety of stunning beauty with a long history. Like most varietal peonies, it is unpretentious and available for cultivation even to inexperienced gardeners. A little effort and the backyard just “flames” with bright red inflorescences with a heady-sweet aroma.

Description of the peony Diana Parks

gardeners have long appreciated the Diana Parks hybrid for its diversity and simple agricultural technology. Peonies of this species are a moderately growing herbaceous perennial. A distinctive feature is dense scarlet inflorescences, reaching a diameter of 13-15 cm.

Peony Diana Parks: photo and description, reviews

Peony Diana Parks was bred in the USA in 1942.

The stem of the plant is dense, withstands any signs of bad weather (heavy rain, wind) and does not require the installation of supporting supports. Leaf plates of peonies are elongated, with a solid edge and a glossy light green surface. The height of the bush is 60-90 cm.

Like all peonies, “Diana Parks” can grow in the shade, however, it shows the best development in sunny areas. This hybrid belongs to the early varieties. The first blooming buds of fiery scarlet color can be observed already at the end of May – in June.

Peonies “Diana Parks” are actively used by landscape designers. Red flowers are very harmonious both in a single solution and in group plantings. The variety is loved by florists who use scarlet peonies to compose volumetric flower arrangements.

The hybrid has good adaptive qualities and can adapt to the climate of the place of growth. Frost resistance of peony is high (up to -40 °С). Shelter for the winter “Diana Parks” does not require, as it winters well under the snow cover.

The peony growing region is the European part of Our Country, Transbaikalia. This variety can be found in Western and Eastern Siberia.

Features of flowering

One of the most attractive features of the Diana Parks peony is its flowers. Spherical densely double inflorescences reach a diameter of 14-15 cm. The shade of flowers is rich red with a delicate orange tint. ‘Diana Parks’ petals gleam in sunlight.

The start date of flowering depends on the region. In the southern regions, the peony begins to bloom on May 25-27, in the northern latitudes – from June 5. The flowering period is from 15 to 20 days.

Peonies “Diana Parks” are good, both in the cut and as a bright accent in the backyard. Flowers, in addition to a spectacular appearance, have a soft, richly sweet aroma.

Peony Diana Parks: photo and description, reviews

The variety is not afraid of low temperatures and grows well in dry places.

The following factors are responsible for the splendor of peony inflorescences:

  • landing depth;
  • lighting in the selected area;
  • properly organized top dressing;
  • plant age.

Timely pruning of faded buds is important, but watering is not of decisive importance, since the hybrid belongs to drought-resistant species.

Important! A feature of the Diana Parks variety is that the petals of the inflorescences do not fall off for a long time.

Application in design

Peony flowers have a rich hue and can become a dominant chord, both in a flower garden and in a flower bed. In a couple of them, it is better to choose calmer plants that play the role of the background well.

In the flower garden, organic partners for Diana Parks peonies will be:

  • purple irises;
  • asters;
  • lilac phloxes;
  • small chrysanthemums of white or pale lilac shade.

When planting peonies on the site, you can accompany them with sunny tansy, primrose, undersized hosts and conifers.

Flowers of a scarlet hue look great in a flower bed, on a long ridge, a multi-tiered flower garden and in single plantings.

Peony Diana Parks: photo and description, reviews

The variety is organic and in the form of single bushes.

After the peonies have faded against their bright light green foliage, late blooming chrysanthemums, zinnias, daylilies, petunias, phloxes and lilies will look great.

Methods of reproduction

Diana Parks peonies are propagated in two ways: vegetatively and by seeds. The latter method is applicable to wild plants. Cultivated species of peonies are most often propagated by dividing the rhizome.

To implement this method, a plant is selected at least 3-4 years old with a well-developed measles system. The separation procedure itself is carried out from mid-August to the first decade of September. The rhizome of the peony is divided so that 2-3 healthy buds and roots at least 12-15 cm long are left on each “delenka”.

Peony Diana Parks: photo and description, reviews

The uterine root is divided into “delenki” with healthy buds and roots

The finished part is disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate, after which it is “powdered” with crushed coal or wood ash.

Advice! Pre-soaking the roots in a solution of “Heteroauxin” increases the adaptive qualities of the peony and its survival.

Rules of landing

You can plant Diana Parks peonies in autumn and spring. But most gardeners choose the autumn period.

‘Diana Parks’ prefers well-lit areas where it exhibits both vigor and lush blooms. It also grows well in partial shade.

The hybrid does not tolerate dense soil, preferring moderate, moist, loamy soil with low levels of oxidation. A prerequisite is the deep occurrence of groundwater (1,5 m from the surface). Too clayey soil is diluted with sand, from 200 to 400 g of lime are added to the soil with a high level of acidity.

In about 3-4 weeks, preparations for the disembarkation process begin. To begin with, a planting hole is formed with a size of 60 × 60 × 60, after which it is filled by ⅔ with fertile soil, consisting of a mixture of garden soil, humus, sand and peat.

Superphosphate (250 g), wood ash (1 l) are added on top, after which they are covered with the remnants of the soil. The bottom is pre-drained with crushed stone, broken slate or brick.

The procedure for planting a “delenka” is simple. The root is placed in a hole and covered with earth, while the kidneys should be 4-5 cm below the soil level. Too much deepening has a bad effect on the splendor of flowering. The last step is watering and mulching.

Peony Diana Parks: photo and description, reviews

The root is placed in a pre-prepared hole and covered with soil.

Comment! In the first year, Diana Parks peonies do not bloom, as they build up the root system.


The main care for the herbaceous peony Diana Parks is watering, fertilizing and mulching. The variety is classified as a drought-resistant variety, so it does not require frequent watering. It is enough that the soil is always moderately moist.

Advice! Intensive watering is necessary in the spring during the laying of the first buds, budding and flowering.

Watering is done under a bush. Average consumption – 2-3 buckets per 1 plant. Before the irrigation procedure, the soil in the root area is loosened.

Peony Diana Parks: photo and description, reviews

In the spring, mineral complexes are brought directly under the bush

In the first years of a peony’s life, a foliar type of top dressing is used. Spraying with Ideal is popular. As soon as the aerial part sprouts, the bush is sprayed with a solution of urea (50 g per 10 liters of water).

Comment! Foliar feeding stimulates the splendor of flowering.

If we talk about root types of fertilizers, then in spring (in March), mineral complexes are scattered “in the snow” under the bush, which are absorbed into the soil along with melted snow. In May, they are fertilized with a potassium-phosphate mixture and the same complex is used 2 weeks after the end of the flowering of the variety.

Preparation for winter

Since the variety is classified as a frost-resistant species, it does not require shelter in the winter. A little mulching is enough in the northern regions.

Used as mulch:

  • agrofibre;
  • conifers;
  • straw;
  • peat;
  • humus.
Advice! First year plants are sometimes mulched due to a weak and developing root system. Peony pruning is not carried out.

Pests and diseases 

Despite good immunity, the Diana Parks peony is sometimes affected by viruses, more often by fungal diseases.

Peony diseases:

  1. Rust – one of the fungal diseases, manifested in the form of brown spots – pads with fungal spores. The affected leaves are removed, and spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid is used as a preventive measure.

    Peony Diana Parks: photo and description, reviews

  2. Gray mold – the most dangerous lesion affecting all parts of the plant: from leaves to flowers. It is a gray bloom or brown spots in the area of ​​​​the root collar. All affected areas are removed, and the bush is watered with a 0,6% suspension of the Tiram preparation.

    Peony Diana Parks: photo and description, reviews

  3. Mučnistaâ rosa – a disease of adult plants. It is easily identified by its characteristic gray-white coating. The method of struggle is treatment with a 0,5% solution of soda ash or a 0,2% solution of the Figon preparation.

    Peony Diana Parks: photo and description, reviews

  4. The most dangerous pests of the Diana Parks peony are ants that carry aphids. The latter devours the green mass, additionally drawing out all the juices from the plant. The best way to get rid of it is to process flowers and leaves with Fitoverm or Actellik.

    Peony Diana Parks: photo and description, reviews

  5. Bronze beetle dangerous for flowers, as it feeds mainly on petals. The insect is harvested by hand or the flowers are sprayed with an infusion of tomato tops.

    Peony Diana Parks: photo and description, reviews

  6. Gall nematodes damage the roots of the bush. It is completely impossible to eliminate them, so the infected plant is destroyed.

    Peony Diana Parks: photo and description, reviews


Peony Diana Parks is a surprisingly bright, spectacular and beautiful variety that can become a real “star” of a garden or flower garden. It is easy to care for him, so he is available for cultivation even by beginners.

Reviews about peony Diana Parks 

Variety “Diana Parks” has collected a whole bunch of positive reviews.

Olga Zhukova, 32 years old, Samara
We bought a cottage. It was abandoned for 10 years, and even without watering, the red peonies “Diana Parks” bloomed gorgeously on it in June. Surprisingly hardy variety.
Yulia Sydor, 52 years old, Moscow
The variety blooms both after frost and in intense heat. Ideal for single planting due to its splendor, it saves space. Easily multiplies and quickly takes root.
Victoria Dorofeeva, 41, Moscow region
The bright red flowers are eye catching. I planted several bushes “Diana Parks” on the site, I often cut peonies into bouquets. They last surprisingly long and don’t fall off.
Early red peony DIANA PARKS / Voroshilova’s Garden

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