Peony Team Performance is a new generation of hybrids. He quickly won the hearts of flower growers with his long and abundant flowering. Beauty is distinguished not only by inflorescences, but also by bright foliage. Peony bushes Performance is a worthy decoration of any flower bed.

Description of peony Team Performance

In the late 90s, breeders introduced a new peony hybrid, the bushes of which quickly captivated the public. The variety has won many awards and has taken a leading position among large-flowered varieties. In 1998, at an exhibition in the USA, he became a grand champion.

The peony bushes of Teams Performance are sprawling, the shoots are strong, erect, but in some cases may be rejected. Their lower part is bare. The height of an adult plant reaches 80 cm; supports are required when growing. The crown is spherical, in diameter it can reach 1 m. The leaves are saturated green, carved. The culture grows quickly, so when planting, you need to leave enough space between the bushes. This will make it easier to care for a massive plant.

The description of the hybrid indicates that Command Performance belongs to light-loving varieties. However, it should be borne in mind that planting in an open sunny area significantly reduces the flowering time. Inflorescences quickly fade in direct sunlight, the petals lose their bright color. It is best to take a plot under the peony, where the bush will be illuminated in the morning and in the afternoon.

Important! It is impossible to plant Team Performance in full shade, otherwise the plant will stop blooming, its shoots will stretch out and lose their decorative effect.

The advantage of this hybrid is the high winter hardiness of the bushes. The rhizomes of the plant painlessly tolerate a drop in temperature to -40 ° C. That is why you can grow a peony in any region of the country.

Features of flowering

Team Performance is a herbaceous hybrid with double large inflorescences, their diameter reaches 23-25 ​​cm. Only one bud is formed on a high peduncle, there are no side buds. Flower hats are strong, resilient, outwardly reminiscent of a pompom. The petals are tightly pressed to each other, slightly dissected at the top. The color of the flower is rich red with a slight coral tint. The peony does not have a strong aroma, there is a slightly perceptible subtle smell.

Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

The inflorescences of this variety are very dense, not afraid of rain.

Most sources indicate that the Team Performance hybrid belongs to the early varieties in terms of flowering. In the southern regions, the first inflorescences bloom in early May, full bloom occurs in the middle of the month. In Moscow and the Moscow region, the peony will delight you with lush hats in the second decade of June. Flowering will continue for a month.

The large-flowered hybrid is widely grown for industrial cutting. The buds do not fall off and retain their presentation for a long time. However, for lush flowering, the shrub needs nutritious soil and timely top dressing.

Application in design

Hybrid Team Performance, like all tall peonies, should not be planted next to other large plants. Between them quickly there is a struggle for territory and water. In landscape design, large-flowered shrubs do not need additional decoration, they are planted singly, in small groups, and a border is made out.

Peonies Team Performance during the flowering period look very beautiful, but after it the monotonous carved foliage must be closed. In the neighborhood it is good to plant plants with whole leaves that bloom later. Good fit:

  • Irises;
    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    Delicate inflorescences are combined with large caps of peony Teams Performance


    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    Simple daylily varieties look good with terry peonies


    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    In the neighborhood of Team Performance, it is better to plant hostas with bright foliage

All of them will keep the company and create the desired background throughout the summer.

Next to the round caps of the peony, the vertical inflorescences of the cuff and foxglove look good. In terms of flowering, they coincide with Komand Performance and complement it well.

Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

Lupine in a successful combination with Command Performance

To create a harmonious composition, the lower part of the tall peonies of the Performance Teams must be covered with suitable plants. In landscape design, undersized and ground cover perennials are most often used. Look noteworthy:

  • Asters;
    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    Due to their lush bushes, undersized asters are suitable for planting in the foreground.


    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    The culture grows slowly, so for a long time it will be able to cover the bare peony stems


    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    Spreading bushes with brightly colored foliage – a good company to the fore for tall shrubs


    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    While the peonies of Team Performance are just waking up, primroses are already actively blooming and decorating the flower bed


    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    Prefers sunny places and does not cause much trouble

These plants not only cover the unsightly part of the shrub, but also create an additional background, at a time when the peony has already faded.

Comment! In early spring, while the peony bushes of Teams Performance are just waking up, they will be decorated with spring primroses and small-bulb plants.

Methods of reproduction

There are several ways to propagate a peony bush:

  • division of the rhizome during transplantation;
    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    The tubers are separated with a sharp tool, the slices are sprinkled with ash


    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    Prepared cuttings are planted in a shady place

  • layers;
    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    Spud only completely healthy bushes


    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    It is difficult to collect peony seeds from Komand Performance, varietal characteristics are not preserved

However, cuttings and seed propagation are too difficult. Most often, gardeners breed shrubs by dividing rhizomes. To do this, an adult plant needs to be dug up and parts of the tubers with eyes should be separated.

In order not to injure the peony of the Team Performance by transplanting and digging, it is easier to propagate it by layering. In autumn, the bush is dug in and highly spudded, some of the stems are underground. In the spring, new shoots will come out of dormant buds, which can be separated and planted in another place. Young plants fully retain varietal characteristics. It is better to practice this method of reproduction on bushes 5-8 years old.

Rules of landing

Peony Team Performance prefers well-drained soil, as it does not tolerate stagnant moisture at the roots. Too oily and nutritious land is not suitable, it is best to give preference to loam. Loose soil is not for this shrub, the roots need good support.

The choice of a place for a peony must be approached responsibly, since he does not like transplants. They injure the perennial, it begins to hurt and may even die. Ideally, Team Performance is located in partial shade, where it will be protected from the scorching midday sun. You can not plant a rhizome close to a fence or other buildings, the bush should develop well and freely. However, it should be borne in mind that drafts and cold winds are contraindicated for a peony, so a protected site is selected.

The chosen place is prepared in advance. Since autumn, the soil is deeply dug up, flavored with humus or compost. Mineral fertilizers under the peony are not applied.

It is better to plant the rhizome of Teams Performance at the end of August or at the very beginning of September, then during the autumn and winter the plant will take root well and will delight you with flowering in the spring. However, in regions with a warm climate, planting is allowed in early March or April, when the soil warms up to a temperature of +8 … +10 ° C.

Acquired rhizomes are not ready for planting, so it is worth carrying out a series of procedures:

  1. Carefully inspect the tubers, remove all spoiled and damaged places with a sharp knife.
    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    It is important to remove rotten places before healthy tissue

  2. Make cuts at an angle of 45 °, then treat them with crushed activated charcoal to prevent the development of fungal diseases.
    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    You can completely dust the rhizomes with wood ash

  3. Place the roots in a solution of any fungicide for 15 minutes, then rinse under running water.
    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    When there are no branded drugs at hand, it is better to use a solution of potassium permanganate

  4. Soak the tubers before planting in clean water for 10-12 hours.
    Peony Command Performance (Command Performance): photo and description, reviews

    Before starting the procedure, it is better to rinse the roots well under running water.

Such measures activate the natural forces of the shrub, stimulate the growth of roots.

The description states that there are no special features in the landing of the Command Performance peony. It is enough to remember that between the bushes you need to leave a place for development. Landing holes are made at a distance of 70-100 cm. The depth of the holes is about 50-60 cm. The bottom must be drained so that excess moisture does not accumulate. During planting, the delenki are buried, the kidneys should be underground at a level of 3-5 cm. This will protect them from freezing.


Peony care Teams Performance comes down to regular watering and top dressing. The soil must be moistened so that moisture saturates the entire earthen ball, however, it is impossible to turn the landing site into a swamp.

It is better to fertilize the shrub with phosphorus-potassium mixtures, humus or compost. Top dressing is done several times a season, starting in early spring. As soon as the soil thaws, it is well loosened and humus is introduced. 2-3 weeks before flowering, they switch to ash and other phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. In autumn, the bush is well spudded with compost, which serves as the last top dressing.

Attention! Timely application of fertilizers contributes to lush flowering.

As the Team Performance peony grows, the shoots stretch upwards, the bush expands, and some buds come to the surface. This must not be allowed, otherwise they will suffer from severe frosts in winter. In autumn, the near-trunk circle is well loosened and mulched with a high layer of humus or compost.

Throughout the growing season, rhizomes should receive not only nutrients, but also oxygen. To do this, the soil around the bushes must be regularly loosened and freed from weeds. Carry out the procedure carefully so as not to damage the kidneys.

Preparation for winter

At the end of summer, the Komandor Performance peony needs to be given attention, and the shrub should be prepared for winter. The last time top dressing is made in mid-September, using phosphorus-potassium mixtures. This will help the bushes recover from flowering, replenish their supply of nutrients and successfully overwinter.

With the onset of stable cold weather, the shoots are cut off, leaving 5-7 cm above the soil surface. The trunk circle is mulched with a thick layer of humus, peat or compost. In winter, the shrubs are additionally insulated with snow, which is specially raked from the paths. In early spring, the shelter is removed so that the shoots and roots do not have time to rot.

Pests and diseases

The description of the peony of Teams Performance indicates that the variety is resistant to major diseases and pests. However, with inept care, troubles happen. To avoid fungal infections, faded buds should be removed in a timely manner and the plant should be sprayed with copper sulphate for prevention. Processing should be carried out in early spring before budding and flowering.

Of the pests, peonies of Team Performance are bothered by garden ants, which carry aphids to young leaves and buds. It feeds on the cell sap of the plant, flowering is delayed, the bush gradually weakens. Ants and aphids need to be dealt with immediately. To reduce the number of pests, beneficial insects, such as a ladybug, are attracted to the garden to eat them. You can spray the shrub with complex insecticides.


Peony Team Performance is a large-flowered shrub with lush inflorescences, which occupies a leading position in the market. It can be grown in any corner of the country, the plant is not afraid of frost, and its cut buds retain their appearance for a long time.

Peony Command Performance. May 2018

Peony Reviews Team Performance

Filon Tatiana, 39 years old, St. Petersburg
I bought the rhizome of the peony Team Performance at an exhibition a few years ago. I was warned that a permanent place should be chosen for it, the plant does not tolerate transplantation. Sprouts appeared in the spring. It may be noted that the shrub develops quickly, however, in the first year it did not please with flowering. Watered and fed as usual. Buds released in the second year of cultivation. The flowers are really terry, a very beautiful shade, but at first they were not as large as stated. A year later, I was able to enjoy all the beauty of the shrub.
Tamara Holoborodko, 60 years old, Rostov-on-Don
I planted a culture of the Komand Performance variety on the advice of a neighbor. She grows flowers for cutting and selling. They do not fly around for a long time, the buds are dense, bright, and are not afraid of rain. I am very satisfied with the variety, although it is more demanding in care. I feed several times a season with humus and ash. The bush grows well, does not get sick. I want to note that it reaches an impressive size, so you need to take a lot of space under it. And next to plant only undersized or ground cover plants. It does not look near trees or other shrubs, and the peony will not get food.

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