Peony Bowl of Cream is a popular hybrid variety. It is adapted to adverse conditions, thanks to which it is successfully grown in different regions. This is a perennial ornamental plant with which you can decorate a suburban area or flower garden.

Description Peony Bowl of Cream

The variety belongs to herbaceous perennials. It is an upright plant, up to 120 cm high. It consists of several stems with numerous feather-like dark green leaves.

Variety “Bowl of Cream” has strong shoots. Therefore, even during the flowering period, the bush does not need a garter. Additional supports are used only to give symmetry to the flower bed.

Peony is sensitive to the degree of illumination. It is recommended to grow it in areas that receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. Landing in partial shade is allowed. In dark areas, the cultivation of Bowl of Cream peonies is excluded, since it does not fully develop under such conditions.

Peony Bowl of Cream: photo and description, reviews

Flower has a gold medal since 1981

One of the main distinguishing features of the variety is its high resistance to cold. The plant withstands frosts down to -30 degrees. Due to this property, it can be grown in regions with almost any climatic conditions.

Features of flowering

Peonies varieties “Bowl of Cream” belong to the group of milk-flowered. She is the most numerous. By the type of flower, such peonies are classified as terry. The opened buds are cup-shaped, consist of a large number of white petals with a yellowish center.

Important! Usually 1 main and 2-3 lateral flowers appear on the stems. When grown for decorative purposes, side buds are removed, leaving the central one.

The diameter of the opened flowers reaches 19 cm. A pleasant, but weak aroma emanates from them. The flowering period, as a rule, falls on the end of May and the beginning of June. Average duration – up to 15 days.

Peony Bowl of Cream: photo and description, reviews

Inflorescences whitish-cream, the color resembles whipped cream

The splendor of flowering depends on the age of the peony, as well as the nutritional value of its soil and light. The most abundant bud growth occurs in well-fertilized soils, provided there are no other plants in the immediate vicinity.

Application in design

Bowl of Cream herbaceous peonies have special requests in relation to other flowers. They are often grown on their own, since by themselves they decorate a suburban area well. The only drawback is the short flowering period.

Other types of herbaceous and tree peonies are recommended for combination with the Bowl of Cream variety. They are best placed in the background. In this case, even after flowering, they will green the site and create a lush backdrop for other bright plants.

With white peonies look beautiful:

  • hellebore;
  • barberry bushes;
  • red geykhera;
  • irises;
  • daylilies;
  • primrose;
  • daisies.
Important! It is not recommended to plant “Bowl of Cream” next to other white peonies. For the neighborhood, specimens of coral, pink or red are better suited.
Peony Bowl of Cream: photo and description, reviews

Peony can be grown in the backyard, in the garden or in the country

When planting peonies, it must be borne in mind that they are demanding on the composition of the soil. In addition, they need free space. Therefore, next to them, plants should be planted that are unpretentious to the nutrient content in the soil.

Methods of reproduction

The division of the bush is recognized as the most effective method. The procedure is carried out at the end of August or in September. It is imperative that flowering ends at the time of division, and fallen buds are removed. Only healthy bushes over 3 years old can be divided.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. Dig up the selected bush.
  2. Extract from the ground.
  3. Clear the roots from the ground.
  4. Separate the root part of the plant.
  5. Rub the place of separation with wet sand.
  6. Return the mother bush to the ground.
  7. Cut off the stem from the separated part.
  8. Plant it in the ground so that the buds are at a depth of 1 cm.
Peony Bowl of Cream: photo and description, reviews

Reproduction occurs by dividing bushes, renewal buds and cuttings.

Bowl of Cream can be grown from seed. But this will take a lot of time. The procedure takes place in two stages. At the first – the seeds are subjected to different temperatures to provoke growth. The second is planting in fertilized fertile soil. The procedure is carried out in the second half of August.

Rules of landing

First of all, you need to choose a suitable site. As noted, bowl of cream peonies are best planted in well-lit areas. Planting in partial shade is allowed, but only on condition that sunlight is available to the plant for at least 2 hours during the day.

Important! Landing in open ground is recommended in early autumn. Then the plant will naturally prepare for the upcoming winter and quickly adapt to new conditions.

You can plant peonies in the spring. But then the emerging buds need to be cut so that the plant spends energy on the growth of the root system, and not flowers.

In the selected area, you need to dig a hole 40-50 cm deep. It is left for several days so that the soil inside the donkey. After that, the peony is planted.

Main steps:

  1. Cover the bottom with a drainage layer of 10-15 cm (river sand, expanded clay, broken bricks).
  2. Fill the hole with clean soil mixed with compost and wood ash.
  3. From above, pour the soil remaining when digging the hole.
  4. Place a seedling or “delenka” of a peony in the center.
  5. Sprinkle with soil so that it is at a depth of 5-7 cm.
  6. Pour water.
Peony Bowl of Cream: photo and description, reviews

When planted low or high, peonies do not bloom

Planting at a depth of less than 5 cm is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the peony roots will be close to the surface and may freeze in winter. Planting the Bowl of Cream variety too deep is also not recommended.


Hybrid varieties of peonies are unpretentious in care. The most important procedure is regular watering. It is carried out 1-2 times a week, depending on the air temperature and the degree of soil moisture.

It is necessary to monitor the density of the soil. If it is not loose, the liquid may stagnate in the roots. This provokes the process of decay, and can also cause infections. Loosening is carried out 1 time in 3-4 weeks to a depth of 6-8 cm.

At the same time, it is recommended to mulch the soil. The procedure allows you to maintain soil moisture at the required level. Wood chips, compost, peat and straw are used as mulch.

Important! The plant can grow in one place for 10 years. But for 3-4 years, the nutritional value of the soil decreases, so recharge is required.

For fertilizer use mainly mineral solutions. The procedure is carried out three times during the growing season. The first top dressing is carried out in early spring. Make 10 g of potassium and nitrogen under each bush.

Peony Bowl of Cream: photo and description, reviews

Peony bushes can not be transplanted for a long time

Features of spring recharge:

PEONY. Care and top dressing in SPRING before flowering

The second top dressing is carried out during the formation of buds. The plant is treated with a composition of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen (10-15 g each). The third recharge is carried out 1-2 weeks after flowering. During this period, the laying of the kidneys occurs. Requires 10-20 g of potassium and phosphorus.

Organics should be applied in early autumn. For these purposes, compost, humus, straw, rotted leaves and tree bark are best suited.

Preparation for winter

The variety “Bowl of Cream” is resistant to frost. Autumn preparation provides for pruning of the stems and additional feeding.

In autumn, the frequency of watering is gradually reduced. Pruning is carried out at the onset of the first frost. The aerial part of the bush is removed almost to the level of the soil, leaving 3-4 cm.

Peony Bowl of Cream: photo and description, reviews

For the winter, peony bushes must be covered

The area should be covered with mulch. The layer should not be less than 5 cm. Peat, fallen leaves, sawdust and coniferous needles are used as mulch.

Bushes aged from 3 years can not be covered for the winter. An exception is when persistent frosts are forecast. Young peonies must be closed, as they are not accustomed to low temperatures and may die.

Fallen leaves mixed with rotted manure are used as shelter. You can use a mixture of peat with sand and garden soil. The plant is covered with it so that it is at a depth of 10-12 cm. This will protect the bush from freezing. From above, the protective layer can be covered with a film and tree branches.

Pests and diseases

The hybrid variety “Bowl of Cream” is practically not susceptible to infections. Most often, peonies have gray rot and powdery mildew. Both diseases are fungal in origin. To prevent damage to healthy bushes, they must be treated with a fungicide and periodically sprayed with a solution of laundry soap.

Peony Bowl of Cream: photo and description, reviews

Fungicides and soap solution protect against fungal diseases

Among the peony pests are common:

  • bronze beetle;
  • nematodes;
  • aphid;
  • thrips.

When damaged by pests, the damaged areas of the peony are removed. For prevention, the plant is treated with Karbofos or a similar agent. From nematodes, formalin solution, which is applied to the soil around the bush, helps well. Solutions “Fitoverm” and “Aktellik” help well against aphids.


Peony Bowl of Cream is one of the most popular herbaceous varieties. The flower has become widespread due to its ease of care and decorative properties. The plant is ideal for growing in open areas and will delight both experienced and novice growers.

Peony Bowl of Cream Reviews

Alexandra Sushko, 51 years old, Tula
“Bowl of Cream” deservedly takes the place of one of the most beautiful peonies. It is very convenient to grow a flower because of the simple care. During flowering, the peony looks unsurpassed, and later the bush retains splendor and landscaping the site well until late autumn.
Natalya Akhmatova, 48 years old, Volgograd
Anyone who loves peonies should definitely pay attention to this variety. The flower is ideal for decorative purposes. In addition, it tolerates frost well and can grow in one place for a long time without a transplant.
Ekaterina Mazur, 55 years old, Tomsk
“Bowl of Cream” is one of the few varieties that are successfully grown in Siberia. Despite the specific climate conditions, the plant feels comfortable. The flower does not need complex complex care, so beginners will definitely like it.

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