
Useful properties, reproduction and recipes for the use of medicinal peony

Botanical characteristics of peony


Peony is a perennial subshrub or shrub that has rough stems with separate, compound leaves. The plant does not grow more than 1 meter. The rhizome of the peony is powerful with strong and thickened roots. The leaves of the plant can have wide or narrow lobes, they come in various colors, ranging from dark green to dark purple.

The peony stands out for its large single flowers with a leathery remaining calyx and beautiful petals. The flower is at the top of the stem and has many stamens and up to 8 pistils. The fruit of a peony is a multi-leaf of complex composition, having a star-shaped shape. Each fruit contains several large seeds. Seeds can be either round or oval, both black and black-brown.

Peony is grown throughout Russia, it is preferred to be planted in gardens and parks. In addition to decorative purposes, peony is also grown for medicinal use.

Reproduction of peony officinalis

Peony is most often propagated by dividing the rhizomes. For this method, spring and late summer are most suitable. In peonies, the underground part grows slowly, therefore, to divide the rhizomes, you need to select plants that are more than three years old. With such plants, there will be no problem when digging and dividing their rhizomes. So, we select a peony and cut off its stems, removing all the soil around the bush. Carefully separate the rhizome without damaging the adventitious thin roots. Further, the separated rhizome is placed for two days in a dark room with dry air for drying. During this period of time, the rhizome will become stronger and cleared of dirt.

Now you need to take a sharp knife and divide the rhizome, while you need to ensure that there are as many buds on each plot as there are roots. The cut must be processed with crushed coal. We leave the plot for two days in a cool room. After this time, the plots are planted in prepared fertile soil.

Peony is also propagated using root cuttings. To do this, in the spring you need to separate adventitious roots 1 cm long. They are planted in loose soil. Throughout the summer you need to water the stalk well. After 2–4 years, renewal buds form on the roots.

Peony can be propagated by pruning. It is necessary to dig up the plant so that the rhizome is on the surface, and with a sharp shovel cut off all the tops. The plots that were obtained in this way must be planted on the garden bed and grown, after which they are transplanted into the ground. The cut on the plant must be treated with wood ash. After processing the cut, the plant must be covered with clean soil. Peony will be able to recover only after 2 years.

Peony care

Caring for peonies does not require much effort and knowledge. The main condition is the removal of weeds, loosening the soil and regular watering. The plant responds well to top dressing and various measures to protect it. Peony prefers nitrogen and potash fertilizers. You need to water the plant as the soil dries. The peony needs watering in the spring, as at this time it is at the budding stage and blooms. After watering has been done, it is necessary to loosen the soil. After the flowering period, mineral fertilizer should be applied. Peony needs cutting, which must be done carefully and carefully, leaving at least 50% of all green leaves on the plant.

Useful properties of peony

Useful properties have rhizomes and seeds of the plant. Due to the fact that peony contains tannins, flavonoids and other useful components, preparations from this plant have sedative, choleretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Peony has anticonvulsant and hemostatic effects. The rhizomes of the plant are used as a pain reliever, and they also have beneficial properties that help with cancer, diabetes, nephritis and gynecological diseases.

The seeds of the plant have an effect on the body, due to which the peristalsis of the stomach and intestinal tract increases.

The use of peony officinalis


Peony is not very widespread in folk medicine, but still it is used in the treatment of many diseases and to eliminate ailments. For example, a decoction of peony rhizomes will help to cope with a disturbed menstrual cycle. Mothers who produce insufficient milk in the breast are also recommended a decoction of the rhizomes of the plant.

Peony has expectorant, diuretic and appetite-enhancing properties. It is recommended for use in stomach ulcers, stomach cancer or spastic colitis. A decoction of the rhizomes of the plant helps in the treatment of tuberculosis, colds, pneumonia and bronchitis. Peony preparations are used as a diaphoretic and disinfectant. From the roots make a powder, which is part of the ointments for healing wounds and treating broken bones.

Peony root tincture is recommended for insomnia, increased excitability of the nervous system and other disorders in the nervous system. The drug has a sedative property.

Peony decoction for epilepsy. Take 30 grams of dry rhizomes of the plant and grind them. Next, pour the powder from the roots with 4 cups of water, put on fire until boiling, then remove from heat and strain. When chilled, the decoction is taken 100 ml three times a day. The same medicine can be treated in case of convulsions of the digestive tract, gout and nervous excitability. The course of treatment is 30 days, after which they take a break for 15–20 days and repeat the course again.

Peony tincture. To prepare it, you need to take 10 grams of the rhizomes of the plant and pour them with 100 ml of vodka. We leave the composition to infuse for 2 weeks. After straining the finished tincture, it is taken 30 or 40 drops, diluted with a small amount of water, three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of peony

Preparations prepared from peony must be used in the correct doses, since a large dose of their use can lead to poisoning.

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