Pennisetum, or pinnate bristle, is a perennial exotic plant native to Asia. In autumn, it reaches 1,5 m in height and is a lush bush.
The plant is thermophilic, so it should be planted in a sunny area. In regions with cool climates, the flower can only be grown as an annual plant or planted in a container that can be transferred to the house for the winter. It is necessary to keep the pinnate in a warm room with good lighting.
Pennisetum is one of the most beautiful representatives of cereals
Bushes are unpretentious to soil fertility, but if the soil is too dry, they will not grow. Wet soil with good drainage is suitable for the flower.
The pinnate can be propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush. The last method is the simplest. In the spring, you can separate young shoots along with part of the roots and plant them in a new place. The plant will bloom in 2-3 months.
To wait for flowering in the year of planting with the seed method of growing, the seeds must be sown for seedlings in the second half of February. Landing:
- Pour soil into the container with the addition of sand and peat in a ratio of 4: 1: 1.
- Press the seeds into the soil, but do not cover them with soil. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
- Place the container on a sunny windowsill, shade crops during the bright dining sun.
Shoots will appear in 1-3 weeks. Plant seedlings in your flower bed in May. Since the plant does not tolerate transplanting well, dump the flowers from the pot along with a clod of earth.
The bush grows strongly in breadth, it resembles a fountain, as its shoots bend and slope towards the ground. The pinnacle needs pruning. In the spring, trim the shoots at your discretion, but do not trim the bush too short. Pruning stimulates the growth of new stems.
The care is as follows:
- Loosen the soil around the bush and remove weeds.
- Water only during prolonged drought.
- Feed the bushes 2 times a month with mineral fertilizers.
- Most shade-tolerant varieties do not tolerate frost well, so cover the trunk circle with peat. You do not need to cut off the aerial part of the flower for the winter. If possible, transplant the plant into a container.
Pinnate bush bushes are completely immune to diseases and pests.
Pennisetum bushes can be grown as single plants or used to create flower arrangements. They look good next to yarrow and yellow roses.