The pelvis or small pelvis is the lower part of the abdomen. It contains various organs including internal reproductive organs, the bladder and the rectum.
Definition of pelvis
The pelvis or small pelvis is the lower part of the pelvis (belly), delimited at the top by the upper strait and at the bottom by the perineum (pelvic floor), limited behind by the sacrum, on the side by the coxal bones (ilion, ischium, pubis), forward by the pubic symphysis.
The pelvis contains in particular the bladder, the urethra and its sphincters, the rectum and the internal organs of reproduction (uterus, ovaries, tubes, vagina in women, prostate in men).
The pelvis is crossed by the fetus during childbirth.
Pelvis physiology
Features of the lower urinary tract
The purpose of the bladder, the urethra and its sphincters is to protect the kidneys from the dangers of the external environment (infections and hypertension) and to replace a slow and continuous secretion by a rapid evacuation (urination).
Functionality of the rectum (lower digestive tract)
The final digestive system (rectum, anal canal and its sphincters) aims to eliminate waste and surplus, to store and evacuate stool quickly (exemption).
Functions of the genital systems
The pelvis of women contains the uterus, tubes and ovaries and the vagina, and that of men the prostate. These genital systems are intended for sexuality and reproduction.
Pelvis abnormalities or pathologies
Lower urinary tract abnormalities / pathologies
- benign prostatic hyperplasia
- prostate cancer
- prostatitis
- bladder neck disease, cervical sclerosis
- Urinary stones
- urethral stricture
- stone embedded in the urethra
- foreign body of the urethra
- Bladder cancer
- Cystitis
Anomalies / pathologies of the rectum and anal canal
- Cancer anal
- Fissure anal
- Abscess anorectal
- Anorectal fistula
- Colorectal cancer
- Foreign bodies in the anus and rectum
- Hemorrhoids
- Levator muscle syndrome
- Pylon disease
- Rectite
- Rectal prolapse
Uterine abnormalities / pathologies
- Sterility;
- Uterine malformations
- Uterine fibroids;
- Uterine polyps;
- Adenomyosis
- Cervical cancer;
- Endometrial cancer;
- Uterine synechiae;
- Menorrhagia – Metrorrhagia;
- Obstetric pathologies;
- Genital prolapse;
- Endometritis, cervicitis;
- Genital warts
- Genital herpes
Anomalies / pathologies of the ovaries
- Ovarian cysts;
- Ovarian cancer;
- Anovulations ;
- Micropolycystic ovaries (OPK);
- Endocrinopathies ;
- Ovarian failure, early menopause;
- Sterility;
- Endometriosis.
Tubal abnormalities / pathologies
- Ectopic pregnancy ;
- Obstruction tubaire ;
- Hydrosalpinx, pyosalpinx, salpingite;
- Genital tuberculosis;
- Tubal polyp;
- Cancer of the tube;
- Sterility;
- endometriosis
Abnormalities / pathologies of the vagina
- Vaginitis;
- Vaginal yeast infection;
- Vaginal cyst;
- Vaginal cancer;
- Genital warts;
- Genital herpes ;
- Vaginal diaphragm, vaginal malformation;
- Dyspareunie ;
- Genital prolapse
Pelvic treatments: which specialists?
The disorders of the different organs of the pelvis concern different specialties: gynecology, gastroenterology, urology.
Certain pathologies require multidisciplinary management.
Diagnosis of pelvic diseases
Several examinations allow the diagnosis of pelvic diseases: vaginal examination, rectal examination and imaging examinations.
Pelvic ultrasound
Pelvic ultrasound can visualize the bladder, uterus and ovaries, prostate. It is performed when there is suspicion of pathologies of the bladder, general internal organs or the prostate. Pelvic ultrasound can be done in three ways depending on the organ to be observed: suprapubic, endovaginal, endorectal.
The abdomino-pelvic scanner
The abdominal-pelvic scanner can be used to explore, among other things, the genitals, the bladder and the prostate, the digestive tract from the lower esophagus to the rectum, the vessels and the lymph nodes in the abdomen and pelvis. The abdomino-pelvic scanner is used to make a diagnosis of a disease localized in the abdomen or pelvis.
Pelvic MRI
Pelvic MRI is used to analyze the pelvic structures (uterus, ovaries, prostate bladder, digestive tract). This examination is most often performed after an ultrasound and a CT scan to clarify a diagnosis.