Pellagra – skin symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Pellagra is a disease whose name comes from the Italian expression “pelle agra”, meaning “rough skin”. The condition was first described by Gasper Carsal in 1735 as being sick, suffering from dermatitis, diarrhea and symptoms of dementia at the same time. How to diagnose and cure pelagra?

Pellagra is also called the disease of the poor. For 300 years it was a fatal disease, from which as many as 70% of patients died. A disease that plagues the poor people who ate corn. This vegetable contains a light sensitizer. Currently, in developed countries, pellagra appears in people addicted to alcohol.

Pellagra – skin symptoms

Pellagra is otherwise known as Lombard erythema. It is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B3, i.e. niacin. Niacin is supplied with food or it can be made from tryptophan in the presence of vitamins B2 and B6. Niacin plays important roles in the human body, eg it participates in the metabolism of fats and proteins, it determines the proper functioning of the nervous system, secretion of sex hormones, niacin lowers the level of “bad cholesterol”.

The symptoms of pellagra can be divided into three groups:

  1. Gastrointestinal symptoms: anorexia, anorexia, diarrhea, constipation, glossitis with swelling and tenderness, peeling of the lips, tongue and gums.
  2. Skin changes: in the first stage of the disease, they resemble sunburn, there are blisters, skin thickening, and discoloration. Pellagra most often occurs on the dorsal part of the hands and feet, on the forearms and lower legs, on the face they cover the cheeks, the bridge of the nose, the forehead, changes in the neck area appear, the disease appears on the skin of the intimate areas.
  3. Neuropsychiatric symptoms of pellagra: apathy, depression, muscle weakness, gait disturbance, ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, headache, anxiety, confusion, psychosis, anxiety, tension, delusions.

Pellagra – diagnostics

In order to diagnose pellagra, a niacin test should be performed. If, after administration of the preparation with niacin, the patient’s condition improves, it determines the diagnosis of pellagra. Low vitamin B3 levels are detected with a blood test. However, the most sensitive test is the analysis of high-performance liquid chromatography of niacin metabolites in urine.

Pellagra – treatment

Pelagra is treated with oral and parenteral niacin preparations. The patient should also take care of a balanced diet. Primary pellagra treatment already gives results after two days. It is much more difficult to treat secondary pellagra because the causes of pellagra need to be dealt with. Supplementation of B vitamins is of great importance. In summer, the skin should be especially protected against the sun. It is worth using special cosmetics, the so-called emollients. The daily dose of niacin for an adult human is 15-20 mg. Niacin-rich foods include yeast, grains, meat, liver, peanuts, coffee, tea, fish, and legumes.

Niacin malabsorption is associated with Hartnup disease, alcoholism, and Crohn’s disease. Pellagra affects patients with anorexia and people who eat too much corn, HIV-positive people, people suffering from cirrhosis or diabetes or cancer.

In order to supplement vitamin B3 deficiencies, try SOLHERBS dietary supplement, which you can buy on Madonet Market.

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