Pellagra – about the causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease

Pellagra, also known as Lombard Erythema, is a skin disease caused by a deficiency of B vitamins, primarily vitamin B3. Although it is no longer a fatal disease, it is still a threat in countries suffering from malnutrition, but also among those who abuse alcohol.

The causes of pellagra

The disease is a consequence of niacin avitaminosis, i.e. a deficiency of vitamin PP, which prevents the occurrence of pellagra. The Latin name of the disease is pella agra, which translates as rough skin. The main cause of pellagra is the insufficient level of vitamin B3 in the body, but it is not the only reason for the appearance of the disease. Its occurrence is also influenced by polyvitaminosis in a situation where the deficiencies also include other vitamins from group B and those from group A and C. Another reason may be the inappropriate transformation of TRP into niacin, which in turn may result from the presence of carcinoid syndrome, Hartnup’s disease, endocrine tumors, Crohn’s disease, or tuberculosis treated with isoniazid. The incidence of pellagra increases in spring and summer due to the fact that the disease belongs to the group of endogenous photodermatoses, i.e. those that are genetically determined or appear as a result of vitamin deficiency.

To supplement the level of vitamin B3 in the body, buy the dietary supplement Vitamin B3 SOLHERBS. It is available in easily digestible pullulan capsules, which can also be used by vegans and vegetarians without fear.

Symptoms of pellagra

Pelagra can be identified by dermatitis, which occurs primarily on parts of the body that remain exposed, mainly the face, hands, forearms, and the skin of the neck. Skin with pellagra symptoms differs from healthy skin in terms of density and color (diseased skin is darker). In addition, such skin is more susceptible to bacterial infections. Another symptom of pellagra may be diarrhea (diarrhea). The frequency of bowel movements and the amount of stools should be monitored. It is worth paying attention to the consistency of the stool and its change to a more fluid one. Any changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in this context may indicate the occurrence of pellagra, for example mucositis. The symptoms of pellagra also include dementia. Lower mental performance is due to a disturbance in the functioning of the central nervous system. These are the three symptoms that pellagra is present. Therefore, it is called 3D disease. The name comes from the names of the main symptoms: dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea.

In addition, other symptoms may also appear during the occurrence of pellagra. These include muscle spasms, disturbed consciousness, memory problems, aggression and tantrums, over-agitation, feeling depressed, sleep problems, apathy, dizziness and headaches, nausea and vomiting, difficulty concentrating, impaired coordination, chronic fatigue, irritability and discoloration of the tongue.

Most of all, however, the symptoms will be visible on the skin. With the occurrence of pellagra, rash and erythema appear, eczema and acne are also possible, but also inflammation in the area of ​​the mouth and ulcers on the lips. The symptoms of pellagra include hair loss, numbness and cramps, and there may be mobility problems and anemia. The appearance of bronchial asthma and high blood glucose are also evidence of pellagra.

How is pellagra treated?

Treatment of pellagra is carried out by dosing vitamin PP, which is present in many food ingredients, primarily in poultry, fish, legumes, groats, wheat bran, mushrooms, yeast, milk, green vegetables, coffee, tea, nuts, almonds, and also in fruits such as peaches, bananas and dates. Moreover, in the treatment of pellagra, aloe juice and its flesh, alfalfa and bee pollen are useful. Vitamin PP occurs naturally in this form. However, we can also use dietary supplements rich in this ingredient. Various preparations are available on the market. Among them are crystalline supplements that are characterized by a rapid release of niacin (30 to 60 minutes), those with a sustained release of niacin (more than 12 hours), and those with a prolonged release of the vitamin that is absorbed up to 12 hours. The dosage varies depending on the type of preparation. In addition, supplementation may cause side effects. The most common symptoms include hot flushes, itchy skin in various parts of the body, and tingling sensation due to the widening of the blood vessels in the skin.

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