Peeling of the skin on the legs: causes and treatment. Video
Peeling of the skin of the legs causes discomfort, but in order to find effective methods for eliminating a cosmetic defect, you should find out the causes of its occurrence. This makes it possible to prevent such a problem in the future.
The main causes of peeling of the skin of the legs
What causes this problem to appear? Of course, peeling occurs when the skin is excessively dry. In the winter season, additional appliances are used to heat the room. Dry air negatively affects the condition of the skin, as a large amount of moisture evaporates from its surface. All this leads to imbalance in water balance and increased sensitivity.
It is possible to restore the disturbed water balance through the regular application of moisturizers.
The second reason for the appearance of dry and peeling skin of the feet is an allergy to contact with synthetic materials. Therefore, it is advisable to choose clothes and shoes made of natural materials for long-term wear.
You should pay attention to the size: clothes and shoes should not press and hinder movement
Also, age-related changes become the cause of peeling, since with age, there is a shortage of certain microelements in the body. For the skin, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids are of particular importance. The problem can be eliminated by consuming a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, the beneficial properties of which are beneficially reflected in the work of the whole organism.
Scaling of the skin of the feet is the most common symptom of a fungal infection or other skin conditions:
- eczema
- psoriasis
- dermatitis and others
If an unpleasant symptom is accompanied by itching, then you should immediately contact a specialist in the field of dermatology. For the treatment of the disease, a course of drugs for internal and external use will be required.
Frequent stressful situations and emotional overload of the body lead to the appearance of peeling.
In this case, drugs are used as a treatment to normalize the neuropsychic state.
How to get rid of flaking
If peeling of the skin of the legs appears, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to establish the exact cause and begin the correct treatment. If the ailment is caused by an allergic reaction to certain foods, then it is advisable to exclude them from the diet, as a result of which the skin condition is restored. A similar reaction occurs when interacting with household chemicals, which can irritate and dry the skin of the legs.
Do not forget about regular physical activity. During training, blood circulation in the epithelial tissues improves, which leads to an acceleration of the recovery process.
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