Peeling of the skin on the hands: causes and treatment, video

😉 Greetings to regular readers and visitors of the site! The article “Flaky skin on the hands: causes and treatment” – basic information about this problem. Plus video.

Beautiful and well-groomed hands are the pride of any person. Peeling of the skin of the hands (palms and fingers) is experienced by both men and women. The more the years, the more urgent the problem.

In order to build a line of care, you need to make sure that there are no thyroid diseases, eczema, fungus, allergies, diabetes mellitus. There are no diseases, so you need to find the cause.

Peeling of the skin on the hands: causes and treatment, video

Why does the skin peel off

The reasons:

  • incorrectly selected detergent (soap, gel, lotion);
  • household chemicals;
  • temperature drops (especially in winter);
  • lack of water in the body;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • long-term diet;
  • avitaminosis.

What to do if the skin is peeling

Sometimes it is enough to eliminate one or several causes of the problem and the skin regains its smoothness and elasticity. However, this does not always happen quickly, so you have to resort to some procedures.

For the best effect, it is necessary to remove the dead skin every day. A peeling, scrub, or a special exfoliating brush can help.

Often a person makes the mistake of not wiping their hands dry after washing, or they just get wet. The feeling of moisture passes and the skin begins to tighten, and then dryness appears.

It is necessary to maintain a balance – do not leave your hands wet, but also do not overdry. Wipe them thoroughly and apply a nourishing cream. At home, instead of cream, it is better to use sour cream, preferably natural.

The most noticeable harm to human skin is caused by household chemicals. It is unlikely that now there are many people who are ready to give up using it. Here is one advice, the obligatory use of gloves.

The reason for dry skin can be an insufficient amount of vitamins – A, E, D, B. Vitamin complexes can be purchased at the pharmacy, or you can include products containing missing vitamins in the menu. It can be:

  • spinach;
  • corn;
  • carrot;
  • parsley;
  • apricots;
  • nuts;
  • almonds (vitamin E);
  • cheese;
  • egg yolks;
  • liver;
  • butter.

The choice of cosmetics must be approached carefully. Creams containing chamomile and sage extracts relieve discomfort well. Hyaluronic acid will provide your hands with the right amount of moisture.

Nourishing hand masks with calendula and St. John’s wort help relieve inflammation and heal small cracks. Everyday and proper hand care will surely delight you with the result. And if the problem persists, it is worth contacting an experienced dermatologist for examination and prescription of suitable medications.


In this video, additional information “Peeling skin on the hands: causes and treatment”

Dry hand skin treatment. How to treat dry hand skin with folk methods.

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