Peeling of the scalp: how to get rid of? Video

Peeling of the scalp: how to get rid of? Video

The scalp cells, like any other in the human body, die off and regenerate. In this case, dead cells exfoliate from the top layer of the skin. If this process proceeds at a high rate for a long time, dandruff occurs. In most cases, it is harmless. However, dandruff can also lead to flaky patches on the skin.

Why does scalp peeling occur?

Peeling (often accompanied by severe itching) can be caused by psoriasis, as well as various infectious and hormonal diseases.

Doctors believe that in some cases the “culprit” of this unpleasant phenomenon is the Malassezia fungus (also called Piturosporum). It lives on the scalp of most people and often does not remind of itself in any way, therefore it remains unattended for a long time. However, with a decrease in the level of immunity, poor ecology, physical and nervous overwork, the fungus can become active. As a result, the rate of death of scalp cells increases markedly, and dandruff soon appears, followed by flaking of the scalp.

Factors of hereditary predisposition, hormonal imbalance and even improperly selected means for washing the head can also be the reason for the awakening of the activity of the fungus.

In the latter case, it is necessary to empirically select a shampoo that is more suitable for the type of hair and skin. To do this, you can contact a specialist such as a trichologist.

As already mentioned, often peeling of the scalp, especially if it is accompanied by severe itching, is caused by skin or infectious diseases – for example, psoriasis. In these cases, in order to get rid of peeling and itching, you need to consult a dermatologist, and, if necessary, to other specialists, undergo an examination and a course of treatment. Without the right therapy, it will not be possible to get rid of peeling.

The scalp can begin to peel off after sunburn, especially if it was obtained in southern countries, where the climate is much hotter, and there is a lot of very strong ultraviolet radiation in the sun.

Therefore, take it as a rule: while in such places, the head must be covered, best of all with a wide-brimmed straw hat, but another headdress, for example, a baseball cap, a kerchief, will do. Try to observe this rule, at least during those hours when the sun is close to its zenith, that is, during the daytime.

Sometimes peeling is provoked by sudden changes in humidity and temperature, as well as the use of unsuitable cosmetics for hair care – dyes, gels, hair fixing varnishes, etc.

Sometimes the reason for the flaking of the scalp is improperly performed cosmetic procedures, for example, peeling. Therefore, try to pass them only with sufficiently experienced specialists.

How to get rid of flaky scalp

You will need:

  • egg yolk
  • Burr oil
  • oat flakes
  • shampoo containing salicylic acid salts and sulfur
  • Sebulex
  • coal tar

This problem is mainly encountered by people who have dry hair and skin. They can be helped by nourishing fatty creams containing various oils. You can rub these creams into the scalp at home, the procedure takes very little time. You can make moisturizers at home, for example, by mixing egg yolk and burdock oil. A mask made from oatmeal can also help.

It is very important to eat right. Indeed, the condition of the human skin directly depends on how useful and diverse the food ration is! Try to ensure that your diet is complete and contains sufficient amounts of easily digestible foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins A, C, D are especially needed, which make the skin healthy

In order for the skin to be in good condition, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Try to streamline the daily routine, be outdoors more often, avoid stressful situations, excessive stress (both physical and psychological). Keep conversations on unpleasant topics to a minimum. Pay particular attention to getting enough sleep and keeping the sleeping area well ventilated.

At home, you can get rid of dandruff and flaking skin (as well as itching) with the help of such products as Nizoral shampoo, as well as with the help of shampoos containing salicylic acid salts and sulfur. Sebulex, coal tar and a number of others can help with flaking of the scalp.

These remedies can reduce itching and flaking, as well as dandruff, but only a doctor can determine the cause of such phenomena and choose the most optimal treatment!

In any case, it is advisable to consult a qualified trichologist – a specialist in hair and scalp diseases. It will also not hurt to be examined by a therapist, dermatologist and infectious disease specialist. Based on the results of examinations and analyzes, treatment will be prescribed, which must be strictly adhered to. Then the problem of flaking scalp will almost certainly be a thing of the past.

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