Pediatrician or general practitioner: how to choose?

The age of the child: advantage to the pediatrician for an infant

Only 20% of children are regularly followed by pediatricians *. However, they are the specialists in the comprehensive care of the youngest, from birth to post-puberty (0-18 years).

In fact, the proportion of children who see a pediatrician varies greatly with age. It goes up to 60% for children under 2 years old. There are indeed symptoms and pathologies specific to babies that pediatricians know better because of their training (four years of specialization in pediatrics in addition to basic medical studies).

To conclude: Although general practitioners are legally able to provide medical follow-up for infants, even for the obligatory visits of the 1st, 6th and 9th months, pediatricians seem to be in the best position to identify and diagnose the pathologies of babies.

Proximity: advantage to the general practitioner

In France, there is only one pediatrician for 5 children. And their number is likely to decline further with the waves of unreplaced retirements. You will therefore surely find it easier to find a general practitioner near you than a pediatrician. An aspect that is even stronger if you live in the countryside, with pediatricians concentrated in the big cities.

To conclude: for practical questions, choose a practitioner not too far from your home. Pediatrician or general practitioner, you will be reassured to know your doctor is nearby in case of need.

Pediatric training: advantage for the pediatrician

All doctors are educated in pediatrics. But to become pediatricians, they must also complete the pediatric internship, after having passed the final grade 4 exam. Pediatricians thus have specific training in the medical monitoring of babies and a more in-depth knowledge of the complex pathologies of toddlers, which they update regularly. On the other hand, some general practitioners hardly do pediatrics. A good way to find out: go to the GP’s office at a busy hour and look at the age of the patients in the waiting room. You can then easily determine if the clientele is predominantly adult. In short: a general practitioner who sees a lot of babies is just as competent as a pediatrician. It must be admitted, however, that a pediatrician’s diagnosis will be more specialized because of his training and experience with toddlers. Depending on your child’s medical concerns, you may therefore be advised to choose a pediatrician rather than a general practitioner.

Availability: advantage for the general practitioner

A good doctor is a doctor who is available. Many GPs have the advantage of coming to your home when your child is too sick to come to their office. On the other hand, contrary to a widely held misconception, an appointment with the pediatrician does not always take long to obtain. Some practices do have very limited hours, but some pediatricians agree to take urgent consultations, if they feel it is necessary.

To conclude: Find out about the schedules of the various practitioners (consultation on Saturdays, etc.). Do not hesitate to ask them also if they practice home visits and accept telephone consultations in case of emergency.

Prescribing drugs: advantage for the pediatrician

Paediatricians are known to use drugs much less than general practitioners. A study published in 2005 in The Pediatric Archives shows that follow-up by pediatricians is associated with a 25% drop in pharmacy prescriptions. In particular, they deliver fewer antibiotics and corticosteroids, but on the other hand prescribe twice as much vitamin D and fluoride.

To conclude: paediatricians generally have a better understanding of medicines for children. Pharmaceuticals are thus used wisely and their prescription is better targeted and less consistent.

Human contact: a subjective criterion

The advantage of the general practitioner is to know your family better, especially if it is your attending physician. So you can feel it closer to you. In general, you will appreciate some empathy from your child’s doctor, less a moralizing tone. Another aspect to take into account: he should not impose his ideas on you concerning, for example, the removal of adenoids or circumcision, but should help you decide when the time comes to make a decision for the health of your child.

To conclude: there is only one solution to determine if this or that doctor is to your liking, to meet with him. You can also talk about it around you, with other parents or a childminder and use word of mouth.

The cost of the consultation: benefit to PMI

Last but not least: the budget. A consultation with the pediatrician costs on average between 28 and 45 euros. The reimbursement of these costs depends on the coverage of your mutual insurance company. A consultation with a general practitioner is obviously cheaper. Another possibility: maternal and child protection centers (PMI). They offer children up to the age of 6 a preventive medical follow-up free of charge by a pediatrician or a general practitioner. Their opening hours are unfortunately very limited, but they also offer childcare advice, early learning activities for children and exchange groups between parents.

To conclude: If the hours suit you, the PMI centers are an ideal solution because the services are completely free and open to everyone, regardless of your social security coverage.

In conclusion, a very personal choice

Pediatrician or general practitioner, each has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the criteria you select. Without forgetting that these criteria are difficult to generalize. The best way to make your choice is to meet with several doctors from each category and keep the one you prefer. From the waiting room, the setting must put you at ease. The relationship that will be established between the doctor and you is essential. If you trust him, you will be loyal to him. However, it is by seeing your child regularly that he will be able to unmask any possible pathologies at an early stage.

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  1. Naku doctor kavali

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