Pecan nut is an exotic representative that grows in North America, Central Asia, Crimea and southern regions of Our Country. This species has many similarities with the walnut and is also very beneficial for the human body. By consuming a small amount of this product, you can prevent the appearance of many dangerous pathologies: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, cancer or cholelithiasis.
Varieties and varieties
The pecan is an unpretentious plant and can grow in different climates. There are varieties that can withstand low temperatures, prolonged drought, and also grow in soil poor in organic matter and minerals.
Among the most popular varieties of pecan can be found: stewart, greenriver, indiana, textan, major, success. The presence of nutrients depends on the type of nut and where the tree grows.
All of them have a different composition, but each is useful in its own way, since minerals, vitamins and trace elements can be contained to a greater extent.
Video “Description”
From the video you will learn many interesting facts about the type of pecan.
Planting and reproduction
Pecan nuts are propagated in several ways: grafting, seedlings, budding and seeds.
Seeds are usually harvested after the nut is fully ripe – in the fall. After that, they are sown in prepared soil or stratified several months before spring sowing. First, beds with deep furrows are prepared. It is important that the seeds are immersed in the soil by at least 7 centimeters. On average, one and a half or two dozen seeds are sown per meter of beds.
When they are already in the ground, it will need to fill up the planting material, and then moisten the soil. It is necessary to pour a little water so that it soaks the ground, but does not stagnate on the surface. So that it evaporates more slowly, soil mulching can be used.
As a result, the emergence of seedlings can be observed in a month.
At first, the pecan grows quite slowly. During the year, the stem of the plant can grow up to 30 centimeters. By the age of three, growth will be about 60 centimeters. Strong good seedlings in the first year can already be transplanted to a permanent place where they will take root. Gardeners leave weaker plants for another 1-2 years until they get stronger.
When the seedlings are preparing for planting, the root system should be stably moistened, and if necessary, they can be fed with fertilizers.
You can grow pecans in a greenhouse, greenhouse, and even on a balcony, if the owners are willing to allocate time for this. To transplant a grown seedling, they usually take a large spacious container. A wooden box will do.
Be sure to take into account what features of cultivation must be observed for individual varieties of nuts. For example, hazel needs a long period of complete rest, and at the same time, from November until the beginning of spring, the plant should be kept at a temperature of about 10-12 degrees. At this time, the frequency of watering decreases.
It is possible to grow pecans from seedlings, but owners should be aware that this method has its own difficulties. The main problem is that the finished seedlings have a very sensitive root system. Even with the slightest damage that can be overlooked, the plant can die. Therefore, when transporting pecan seedlings, you need to be extremely careful. The root system of the hazel variety has lateral and central roots (mixed system). Before planting a seedling in the soil, you need to dig a deep and wide hole so as not to break the processes. It is desirable that the land be fertile and soft. If there is an admixture of clay in it, then you can first add a little sand to create drainage. Thus, water after watering will not stagnate.
After planting the nut in the ground, you will need to install an even support nearby, to which the seedling is tied. Then the earth is watered and covered with a small layer of mulch.
If there is no good fertile land on the site, then before planting it must be prepared independently or purchased at a specialized store.
Good soil increases seed germination and also allows seedlings to grow better. In the future (in a few years) this will no longer be critical, as the plant will take root and take root.
The pecan nut does not require special care measures, since the plant itself is unpretentious. Of course, if you provide favorable conditions for its growth, you can significantly improve the yield, as well as prevent the appearance of diseases or pests.
Gardeners will need to periodically break through the weed that will grow in the area near the nut. As the plants get stronger and begin to stretch upwards, holes will need to be made to better control the amount of water that goes into irrigation. You will also need to periodically loosen the earth when it is nailed down by rain or trampled down.
Pecan care, in addition to watering and fertilizing, should also include caring for its crown. With the onset of spring, it is necessary to carry out sanitary and formative pruning, removing dry damaged branches. With proper care, a self-grown nut from seeds begins to bear fruit no earlier than ten years later.
You can achieve earlier fruiting, at the age of four or five years, if you grow a nut using a scion or budding. But these methods of reproduction require special knowledge and skills, therefore, most often, gardeners use either the seed method of reproduction or acquire ready-made adult seedlings at the age of 3-5 years.
Diseases and pests
Pecan nuts are difficult to split without additional tools. Its shell does not have a single slit, not a single hole (like, for example, walnut). This is both a plus – various insects cannot penetrate inside, and it is also a minus – it is difficult to split and remove the core due to the dense shell.
The plant is practically not susceptible to diseases compared to walnuts. In wet weather and shade, mold can appear on the trunk, which can lead to rotting of the tree. You can fight pathogenic fungi with the help of chemicals or some folk remedies – a solution of ammonia, baking soda or vinegar.
Fertilizer and top dressing
As with any other type of walnut, soil fertilization and plant nutrition can be carried out using organic additives and special preparations.
Fertilizers must be applied carefully. It is important to consult with experienced gardeners regarding the dosage of various substances for each type of nut. When using drugs, carefully study the instructions for use.
Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in small portions, preferably not during the fruiting period, especially if the nut is young. Nitrogen fertilizers can then cause bacteriosis. But phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are great for top dressing, as they favorably affect the fruiting of the tree.
Fertilizers applied cannot be left on the soil surface, they must be completely buried in the ground when digging or loosening.
Video “Stratification”
From the video you will learn how to properly stratify.