Peat toilet for a summer residence: the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for choosing + popular varieties

In the absence of sewerage, many summer residents are forced to solve the problem of sewage disposal on their own. One of the simple solutions is a peat toilet for a summer residence. Our article will tell you in detail about the rules for choosing a toilet structure.

Features of peat toilets

The main task of peat closets is the processing of human waste with the help of peat. That is why its second name is composting. The main component has several advantages:

  • quickly absorb moisture;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • effectively eliminates an unpleasant smell;
  • accelerates the process of decomposition of feces;
  • very economical.
Peat toilet for a summer residence: the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for choosing + popular varieties
Peat toilet for a summer residence

Video “Choosing a dry closet for a summer residence”

In this video, experts will tell you how to choose the right dry closet for a summer residence.

How to choose a dry closet for a summer residence? Medical advice

Principle of operation

The container for dry closet waste consists of two tanks. The upper part is filled with peat, and the lower part is intended for the accumulation of sewage. Each time a person satisfies his natural needs, a small portion of the filler is released, which is sprinkled with human waste products. In this case, processing occurs as follows:

  • part of the liquid waste is brought out;
  • residues evaporate into the air;
  • the remaining faeces are absorbed by peat.

When the sewage compartment is filled to the top, it is emptied by pouring the contents into the compost pit.

Device, installation, operation

Whatever the model of the peat closet, the components will always be the same:

  • a container for the main component, where the mechanism that distributes the filler is also located;
  • compost compartment, where sewage gets;
  • plastic case, where a toilet seat with a lid is installed;
  • a drainage hose with which the filtered waste comes out;
  • ventilation pipe for evaporation of sewage.

Peat should be filled in the volume provided for in the operation book of the dry closet, otherwise the distributing mechanism may be damaged.

Author’s advice

The structure can be installed outdoors and indoors. Its installation does not involve the arrangement of sewerage, compost pit, plumbing system. Since the peat closet does not use water, there is no risk of freezing in winter. Closing the summer season, it is enough just to drain the liquid from all containers and preserve the booth until spring.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the varieties of dry closets for processing human waste, then the peat toilet has many advantages:

  • no need to use water;
  • economy;
  • the need to clean the tanks less often;
  • safety for ecology and the environment;
  • the ability to use recycled waste as fertilizer;
  • small price;
  • low consumption of peat;
  • almost complete isolation from unpleasant odors.

However, the closet is not without some drawbacks. First, it requires more space to install. Secondly, when installing indoors, it may be difficult to equip the ventilation or drainage system. Also, an already installed structure cannot be moved from one place to another.

Varieties of peat toilets for summer cottages

In order not to make a mistake when buying a dry closet for a summer residence, you must first carefully study all the models of the proposed structures.

Heated toilet

Good for use at low temperatures. The design with heating allows to use it even at a 60-degree frost. So that the process of waste decomposition does not slow down, and the processed liquids easily come out, the manufacturers equipped the tank with a heating element.

For better heat retention, it is recommended to additionally insulate the plastic case.

Electric dry closet

The principle of operation is similar to peat closets, however, human waste is processed using electricity. High temperatures dry out the faeces, turning them into compost, which is then used to make organic manure. Part of the liquid waste after filtration is discharged to the outside through the drainage hose, and the rest is evaporated through the ventilation pipe. Some manufacturers produce models with the function of freezing sewage.

Peat toilet for a summer residence: the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for choosing + popular varieties
Electric dry closet for giving

Finnish dry closet

More expensive, imported version of peat toilets. Compared to domestic models, the Finnish design is more compact and visually beautiful. It is also equipped with a heated toilet seat and an air duct system.


Compact closet with a weight of 15 kg and a waste container capacity of 110 liters. The total size of the dry closet is 60x78x50 cm. The Ecomatic package includes:

  • metal dispenser;
  • ventilation pipes;
  • weather vane;
  • drain hose with fitting.

The average price is 25 rubles.

Peat toilet for a summer residence: the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for choosing + popular varieties
Compact closet “Ekomatik”


The Biolan brand produces several models of peat closets:

  • Completely;
  • Populett;
  • Biolan compost;
  • Biolan with separator.

The design is equipped with a storage tank with a volume of 28 to 200 liters. The kit also includes a drain hose and ventilation pipes with fittings. The price ranges from 19 to 000 rubles.

Peat toilet for a summer residence: the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for choosing + popular varieties
Peat closet from Biolan


brands are much cheaper than their Finnish counterparts, but they are in no way inferior in quality. Below we will look at some of the popular models.

Compact eco

Case material – impact-resistant polystyrene. The model is produced with a volume of 60 liters and a weight of 12 kg. The size of the structure is 76x51x67 cm. Together with the dry closet, the set includes:

  • ventilation tube;
  • drainage hose;
  • separator;
  • fastening;
  • additional fan.

The cost of “Compact eco” is 7000-8000 rubles.

Peat toilet for a summer residence: the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for choosing + popular varieties
“Compact eco” is made from high-impact polystyrene


The manufacturer produces several different models that vary in size and material. The volume of the tank ranges from 44 to 120 liters. The case can be presented in acrylic, polypropylene or polyethylene version. The toilet has the following equipment:

  • ventilation pipes;
  • drainage hose;
  • connecting elements;
  • filters;
  • additional fan;
  • wheels for the storage tank.

The price ranges from 5500 to 16 rubles.

Peat toilet for a summer residence: the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for choosing + popular varieties
Peat toilet “Piteko”


Peat closet with a capacity of 90 liters. The dimensions of the dry closet are 75x52x72 cm. The height to the toilet seat is 45 cm. The Compact Lux model is distinguished by its compact size and low weight (only 9 kg). The design is resistant to extreme temperatures, can operate in the range from -50 to +60 °C.

Cost – from 5000 rubles.

Peat toilet for a summer residence: the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for choosing + popular varieties
Peat closet “Compact” with a capacity of 90 l

Rostok comfort

Toilet with dimensions 79×61,5×82 cm and a storage tank capacity of 100 liters. The height to the toilet seat is 51 cm. The model is produced with a polyethylene body, resistant to frost down to -30 °C. The maximum operating temperature is +60 °С. The closet is also equipped with an insulated seat, a stainless distribution mechanism, and a drainage hose.

The price ranges from 8000 to 9000 rubles.

Peat toilet for a summer residence: the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for choosing + popular varieties
Toilet Rostok comfort

Homemade peat toilet

You can make a dry closet with your own hands. The powder closet is installed as follows: a container for sewage is placed under an ordinary toilet seat, and a bucket filled with peat is placed next to it. Waste is sprinkled by hand after each visit.

You can also build a dry closet that looks like a factory one using blueprints. The bottom of the lower tank is made inclined (30°) and holes are drilled to serve as a filter for liquid waste. A window is cut in the peat compartment for filling the filler. Processed sewage is unloaded through the lower sash.

Features and selection rules

Before buying a peat closet, you should consider some of the nuances:

  • volume, which depends on the number of people who will use the toilet;
  • dimensions – must fit into the installation site;
  • maximum load;
  • appearance.

When purchasing a design, it will also be useful to read reviews.

Useful tips and tricks

During the operation of the dry closet, some difficulties may arise. One of the problems is high humidity. The reason may be insufficient care or an error during the installation of the drainage system.

Insects can also start in the storage tank. This indicates that the tank is poorly or rarely cleaned.

When using a closet, you can use not only the usual peat filler. For accelerated waste processing, a special bioactivator is often used.

When buying a peat toilet, it is better to choose well-known brands. The original design will last much longer than a cheap fake.

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