
The milk mushroom is an edible mushroom of the Russula family, it grows in clusters. Today there are 20 types of milk mushrooms, among which the most popular are real, pepper, blue. It is believed that this mushroom is superior in protein content to meat. In addition, the breast is used for the production of drugs against tuberculosis, since it is able to neutralize the Koch bacillus. It is a natural antibiotic used to treat urolithiasis, kidney failure, and diabetes.


  1. The breast is real. The cap is large, in young representatives of the species it is almost flat or rounded-convex, with age it becomes funnel-shaped, very slimy. In a mature mushroom, the edges are shaggy, wrapped down with watery annular zones. The diameter of the cap reaches 10-20 centimeters. The color changes with time: from white to slightly yellowish. The pulp of the mushroom is elastic, fleshy, dense. The milky juice is bitter and pungent. The plates are wide, sparse, white or cream, yellowish at the edges. The leg is strong, hollow inside, even up to 5 centimeters high.

The fruiting period is July-October. The real mushroom is common in birch forests. This type is considered the most delicious. The mushroom is pre-boiled or soaked, then subjected to frying, pickling, salting.

In folk medicine, it is used to eliminate acute purulent conjunctivitis (blennorrhea) and stomach diseases.

  1. Peppercorn. The mushroom cap is white, without concentric zones, turning yellow with age. Its diameter reaches 5-20 centimeters. Outwardly fleshy, dense, hairless, dry. The pulp is white, has a sharp peppery taste and a slight smell of rye bread. On the cut, it acquires a characteristic bluish-blue tint. The plates are frequent, narrow, white or cream. The milky juice is burning, white, turns yellow or blue in the air. The leg is smooth, dense, up to 8 centimeters in height, sometimes with yellowish spots.

Distributed in the forest-steppe zone. Fruits in July-October. Together with spruce, oak and birch forms microza. Peppercorns are used in cooking for the preparation of hot seasoning, salting and pickling. Medicinal properties: hot aqueous extract of the fungus inhibits sarcoma-180, Lewis pulmonary adenoma, Ehrlich carcinoma, showed anti-cancer and antibacterial activity.

The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of pepper mushroom directly depend on the age of the fruiting bodies. The younger the mushroom, the higher these indicators.

In Chinese folk and traditional medicine, mushrooms are used to relieve muscle cramps, relax smooth muscles, and treat kidney and gallstone diseases. Milky juice is used to suppress acute purulent conjunctivitis, to remove warts.

  1. The breast is blue. The cap of the mushroom is thick-fleshy, shaggy along the edges, turns purple when pressed. Depressed in the middle, with a yellowish tint, reaches 7-20 centimeters in diameter. The pulp is white, bitter, dense. The plates are pale yellow, frequent, narrow, with dark spots (when pressed). The leg of the breast is loose inside, becomes hollow when ripe. Turns blue when touched.

The fruiting period is July-October. Distributed in deciduous and mixed forests, forms a microza with spruce, willow, birch. Interestingly, substances (representins A, B, and C) that regulate plant growth have been isolated from the blue milk mushroom. The fruiting bodies of the fungus exhibit antibacterial activity against the causative agent of purulent-inflammatory lesions – Staphylococcus aureus. Used in cooking for pickling, salting. Does not require pre-boiling.

Chemical composition

Milk mushrooms are a source of amino acids and vitamins.

In terms of chemical composition, almost all mushrooms resemble a mixture of meat and vegetables. Because of what they acquired the second name “forest bread”. Interestingly, a greater amount of protein is concentrated in young fruiting bodies than in old ones. In dried mushrooms, proteins make up 30% of the total mass, in fresh – 5%. A peculiar aroma of mushrooms is given by essential oils, and resins give a characteristic pungency. The energy value of dried mushrooms in relation to fresh ones exceeds 7-10 times. Despite the low calorie content (100 calories are concentrated in 16 grams of fresh mushrooms), even in a small amount they quickly saturate the body. 18 amino acids, essential oils, polyunsaturated fatty acids, sterols, phosphatides were found in the body of the fungus. In terms of lipid content, milk mushrooms are superior to vegetable crops. Fats account for up to 2,7% of the total mass, of which 67% are PFAs that are not synthesized by the human body. The main part of carbohydrates is represented by fiber, which helps to remove cholesterol and toxins from the body, normalizes the intestinal microflora. The breast is rich in organic acids (oxalic, fumaric, citric, tartaric), vitamins PP, C, B1, B2, enzymes (cytarase, uretase, amylase, lipase). The latter, in turn, are involved in the breakdown of glycogen and fats. In the fruiting body of the fungus, the water content reaches 90% by weight.

Table No. 1 “Nutritional value of fresh breast”
ComponentsContent in 100 grams of product
Calories (fresh)16 calories
Calories (cooked)26 calories
Water88 grams
Carbohydrates0,5 grams
Alimentary fiber1,5 grams
Proteins1,8 grams
Ash0,4 grams
Fats0,8 grams
Table No. 2 “Chemical composition of fresh breast”
NameNutrient content in 100 grams of product, milligrams
Ascorbic acid (C)8,0
Niacin (PP)0,2988
Riboflavin (V2)0,2
Thiamine (V1)0,03

The composition of milk mushroom proteins includes amino acids that are completely absorbed by the human body, since they are in a balanced composition. After cooking, the calorie content of milk mushrooms increases due to the absorption of oil and other substances in the process of frying, boiling or baking.

Useful Properties

Mushrooms have a diuretic effect, are indicated for urolithiasis, biliary tract dysfunctions, and renal failure. They quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger, so nutritionists recommend including them in the diet of losing weight people. Value for the human body:

  • regulate blood sugar levels;
  • used as a basis for the manufacture of medical products against emphysema, tuberculosis;
  • facilitate natural bowel movements;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system, the condition of the skin;
  • raise immunity;
  • strengthen hair.

Salted milk mushrooms exhibit anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic properties.

When instead of good harm

The positive properties of the product may not bring the desired result if it is consumed in excessive quantities or in an improperly prepared form. In this case, milk mushrooms can worsen the condition of the body.

All mushrooms are difficult to digest, which is why they burden the digestive tract. Despite this, the content of fats, carbohydrates in them is within the normal range. The product is recommended to be included in the menu once every 1 days. Permissible single serving – 3 grams. If cooked incorrectly, milk mushrooms cause severe food poisoning, since mushrooms have the ability to absorb toxic substances and radiation. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to collect forest gifts from ecologically unfavorable areas. To remove harmful compounds, milk mushrooms are soaked in cold water for three hours before cooking. Then the liquid is changed and the mushrooms are boiled for 250 minutes. After cooking, milk mushrooms are immediately taken out of the water. The spent liquid is poured out.

Poisoning and treatment

When using false (camphor mushroom, violin) or insufficiently heat-treated mushrooms, a person begins to experience discomfort in the epigastric region, and health worsens. Symptoms of poisoning do not appear immediately. The main one is gastroenterocolitis. Also observed indigestion, fever, headaches, intestinal colic, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. These symptoms are accompanied by loss of water, salts, which leads to dehydration and the development of electrolyte disorders. Depending on the timing of the latent period, mushroom poisoning is divided into 2 types:

  1. Fast flowing. The clinical picture of poisoning develops 30 minutes-2 hours after eating mushrooms.
  2. Slow. 48-72 hours pass from the moment of use of milk mushrooms.

Treatment of mushroom poisoning is based on the following principles:

  • stopping the entry of poison into the body;
  • excretion of toxic substances (reception of enterosorbents and washing of the stomach, intestines);
  • forced diuresis method (prescription of diuretics, infusion therapy);
  • symptomatic therapy (taking antipyretic, analgesic and antiemetic drugs).

Mushroom poisoning is a dangerous phenomenon that can lead to increased heart rate, decreased pressure, fainting, paralysis of vital organs, confusion, bronchospasm. Due to the high rate of binding of toxic substances to tissues, false breasts can cause irreversible consequences in the body. When the first symptoms of poisoning appear, an ambulance should be called. Before the paramedic arrives, provide first aid to the victim:

  1. Rinse your stomach. Give the patient 5 glasses of saline to drink, induce vomiting (based on 15 g of salt per 1 liter of water).
  2. Give a laxative to drink (the most popular are flaxseed or vaseline oil).
  3. Put the victim to bed, cover with a blanket, warm the limbs.
  4. Intensively drink warm water, saline solutions every 10-20 minutes.

Remember, in case of food poisoning, in no case should you drink alcohol, food, antipyretics and painkillers, as they can change the clinical picture, which can mislead the doctor.

After collecting anamnesis, if necessary, the patient is hospitalized, the stomach is washed with 8-10 liters of water (for an adult), cleansing enemas are given. For enterosorption, the patient is prescribed the following drugs: enterodez, enterosgel, smecta, activated charcoal or polyphepan. Laxatives are taken immediately after gastric lavage based on a dosage of 1 g per 1 kg of body weight orally. If vomiting occurs, the drug is repeated after half an hour. The next stage of treatment is forced diuresis with Furosemide (a diuretic drug). In order to prevent collapse (acute vascular insufficiency, accompanied by a decrease in venous, arterial pressure) and eliminate dehydration of the body, an isotonic solution of sodium chloride or Ringer is administered intravenously. Remember, mushroom poisoning is a serious test for the human body. Timely specialized medical care will help prevent complications, and sometimes even save a person’s life. Lost time can be fatal. If you experience symptoms of intoxication of the body, consult a doctor immediately!

Measures to prevent poisoning

Acute poisoning can be caused not only by false mushrooms, but also by true mushrooms growing in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions. When harvesting forest crops, pay attention to the presence of roads, factories, industrial enterprises near. Prevention measures:

  1. Collect only those mushrooms that you are sure of (be able to distinguish a real specimen from a false one).
  2. Do not cut mushrooms in places with a high concentration of toxic substances. These include industrial production, highways, highways, chemical plants.
  3. Before cooking, milk mushrooms are washed and soaked for 3-8 hours, changing the water every 1,5 hours, then subjected to heat treatment (boiling, frying) or salting.

Application in folk medicine

Mushrooms contain a substance that inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to this, milk mushrooms are used as an auxiliary component in the fight against tuberculosis. In addition, they exhibit diuretic properties, prevent the formation of stones and the deposition of salts, therefore they are used to treat diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Due to the presence of thiamine and riboflavin in the composition, mushrooms improve the condition of the nervous system, are used to eliminate mental disorders, neurosis and depression. Mushroom protein accelerates wound healing. Salted milk mushrooms are of particular value to the human body. The usefulness of the product is due to the fact that during the fermentation process a special protein is formed, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic effects. In folk medicine, milk mushrooms are used to combat warts. To achieve a positive result, a salted mushroom is applied 3 times a day to the problem area for 15 minutes for 3-5 days. In order for mushrooms to serve as a natural medicine, it is recommended to use them 1 time in 3 days for 250 g. Due to the high protein content, the product stimulates muscle building, has a diuretic property, due to which it is indicated for use by people on diets.


The mushroom is a cap mushroom belonging to the genus lactic. Forest bread has a positive effect on the human body: it removes stones from the kidneys, kills Koch’s wand, cleanses blood vessels, stimulates digestion, strengthens the immune system, and activates mental activity. In addition, milk mushrooms fight extra pounds, normalize the activity of the nervous system, and improve skin condition. Before use, the mushroom is pre-soaked (at least 3 hours) in water, which is subsequently drained and boiled in fresh liquid. To eliminate bitterness, salt is added to it. Milk mushrooms are mostly salted. Salads, mashed soups, main dishes are prepared from them. Mushrooms are harmoniously combined with potatoes, meat. To avoid poisoning the body, collect only those specimens in which you are 100% sure. Avoid old, wormy mushrooms. Do not collect milk mushrooms growing in the radiation zone near the roads.

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