Pear Zaveya: description, photo, reviews

Pear is a southern fruit whose taste has been known since childhood. Thanks to the work of breeders, fruit crops can now be found in cities with a warm and unstable climate. Pear Zaveya is a new unpretentious variety that has gained great popularity among gardeners. Strengths and weaknesses, cultivation features, a description of the Zaveya pear will make it possible to understand why the variety is in demand among summer residents.

Description of pear variety Zaveya

Pear Zaveya was bred by Belarusian scientists in 2016 by crossing the varieties Bere gray, Dulya Ostzeyskaya and Oil Rose. Zaveya belongs to winter, high-yielding varieties, withstands temperatures up to -30 ° C without shelter.

The plant is medium-sized, grows up to 4 m in height. Zaveya pear forms a pyramidal, sparse crown formed by light brown shoots. Curved branches have dark emerald, glossy leaves, small in size. In spring, during the flowering period, the crown is covered with numerous snow-white flowers. For abundant fruiting, Zavea pear requires pollinating varieties that bloom at the same time.

Pear Zaveya: description, photo, reviews

Characteristics of pear fruit

Gently green Zaveya pear fruits of a truncated shape and weighing 180 g have juicy, fragrant pulp. The skin is thin, but dense, thanks to which the crop is stored for a long time and endures long-term transportation. Freshness and taste, when properly stored, fruits retain for 6 months.

Pros and cons of the Zaveya variety

Zaveya pear, like any plant, has positive and negative qualities. Gardening benefits include:

  • high and stable yield;
  • good appearance and taste;
  • long-term storage;
  • frost resistance;
  • the ability to grow in regions with an unstable climate.

Disadvantages of pear Zaveya:

  • if the rules of care are not followed, the rapid addition of diseases;
  • does not grow well on clay, heavy soil.

Optimal growing conditions

For good development and generous fruiting, you need to know where the pear tree likes to grow. Zaveya pear prefers to grow on slightly acidic, fertile, light soil with a groundwater table of at least 2 m.

For planting a seedling, a bright place, protected from drafts, is suitable. Since the tree is medium-sized and does not like shading, the planting site must have sufficient area.

Planting and caring for Zaveya pear

A plot for planting pears is prepared in the fall. To do this, the soil is dug up, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied:

  • when grown on loam when digging per 1 sq. m add 60 g of superphosphate, 6 kg of rotted compost or manure, 15 g of potassium;
  • humus and clay are added to sandy soil.
Advice! On clay soil, the Zaveya pear will not grow, even if it is improved and fertilized.

Before planting, you must choose the right seedling. It is bought from trusted suppliers, in gardening or nurseries. A healthy young plant should have well-developed roots and a healthy trunk without mechanical damage and signs of disease.

Zavea pear seedling is best purchased at 1-2 years of age. In a young plant, lateral branches from 12 to 30 cm long should be formed. They should be elastic, without growths and signs of disease. It is better to purchase seedlings with a closed root system, but if the roots are open, they are wrapped with a damp cloth during transportation.

Before planting, the pear root system is cut to 10 cm and kept for about 6 hours in warm water.

Rules of landing

The Zaveya pear is planted in the spring after the soil warms up and in the fall 3 weeks before the onset of frost. Spring planting does not give 100% survival rate, since when warm weather sets in, the seedling begins to spend energy on bud break, to the detriment of building up the root system.

A month before planting, a landing pit is prepared. It should be 1 m in diameter and 0,5 m deep. The excavated earth is mixed with mineral fertilizers, organic matter and placed in a hole in a mound. The earth is shed and left until the moisture is completely absorbed and the fertilizers are dissolved. Plants are planted at a distance of 5 m from each other.

Pear Zaveya: description, photo, reviews

At the seedling, the root system is straightened and placed on a mound. The hole is gradually filled with earth, ramming each layer so that an air cushion does not form. For a properly planted seedling, the root neck should be 5 cm above the ground. Since the young plant is firmly held in the ground only in the second year after planting, it needs support.

After planting the pear, the earth is shed and mulched. Mulch will retain moisture, get rid of loosening and weeds, and also play the role of additional organic top dressing.

Pear Zaveya is an unpretentious variety. For proper growth and development, it needs regular watering, top dressing and timely pruning.

Watering and top dressing

An adult pear tree forms a powerful root system, so watering is carried out as the topsoil dries out. A young tree is watered weekly, 20 liters per specimen. The main rule of watering is to provide the tree with plenty of water during the period of fruit formation and after leaf fall, when the plant is preparing for wintering. Watering is carried out in specially dug trenches around the trunk with a depth of 2 cm. After irrigation, the moat is covered with nutrient soil and mulched.

If a young pear is planted in nutrient soil, it is not fed in the first year. Next, top dressing is carried out several times a season:

  • in spring – nitrogenous fertilizers or organic matter;
  • during flowering and fruiting fertilize with nitroammophos;
  • after harvesting – phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Also, in early spring, before bud break, foliar top dressing is carried out. The tree is sprayed with a solution: 0,5 kg of urea is diluted in 10 liters of warm water.

Complex mineral fertilizers are applied annually, and organic matter should be applied no more than 1 time in 3 years.

Important! Fresh manure is unsuitable for top dressing, as it can have a detrimental effect on the plant.


To obtain a stable harvest, it is necessary to carry out an annual shaping, sanitary and rejuvenating pruning.

Important! If you do not prune, the garden pear will quickly run wild and stop producing large tasty fruits.

Zaveya’s pear crown is formed for 6 years.

  • 1 year – remove the lower branches, the height of the bole should be 40-50 cm from the ground. At a height of 90 cm from the headquarters, 3 branches are left on each side. They should be the same in length, the excess is removed. The conductor is shortened by 1/3 of the length.
  • 2 year – remove growths that appear between skeletal branches. Shoots that have grown after the lower tier are shortened.
  • 3rd hour – form 2 tier. To do this, in the spring, before the buds swell on the upper stem branch of the lower tier, all growths are removed under the ring to a height of 45 cm. The branches of the second tier should be located between the intervals of the lower tier at a height of 25 cm so that they do not obscure each other. The main shoots are shortened by 1/3 of the length, and the conductor is shortened by 20 cm.
  • 4 year – the conductor is shortened to a side shoot to stop growth in height. Tree pruning is carried out at a height of 50 cm from the stem branch of the 2nd tier. All branches are cut to 1/3 of the length, and the growths between the tiers are removed under the ring.
  • 5 year – the height of the Zaveya pear reaches 3,5-4 m. In order for the tree to stop growing, the conductor is cut off above the upper skeletal branch. In the formed crown, stem branches of the 2nd order should be located 90 cm from the conductor and 0,5 m from each other.
Important! When pruning, it must be taken into account that the branches of the 2nd tier should be shorter than the branches of the 1st tier.

Sanitary pruning of Zaveya pears is carried out in early spring before sap flow and in autumn, after leaf fall. To do this, remove damaged, dry branches, as well as those growing up and at an acute angle to the trunk. Pruning is carried out strictly under the ring, since the left stump can contribute to the spread of rot.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out if the tree has ceased to produce large fruits. To do this, in the fall, a month before the onset of frost, the branches are cut to 40 cm in length. Pruning allows dormant buds to wake up and form new branches. It is also necessary to shorten the conductor to the side branch. Such a procedure will allow the tree to redistribute nutrients, renew the crown, resume fruiting and crop quality.


Whitewashing will protect the bark from the winter and spring sun. To do this, use lime, diluted in warm water to a state of thick kefir. To protect the plant, the trunk and eyelids of the lower tier are treated.

Pear Zaveya: description, photo, reviews

Preparation for winter

It can be seen from the description that Zaveya’s pear is a frost-resistant variety, so an adult plant does not need shelter. To prepare a tree for winter, it is abundantly shed, fertilized with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and the soil around the perimeter of the tree circle is mulched with straw, coniferous cones, fallen leaves or sawdust.

A young plant, regardless of cold resistance, must be protected from frost. To do this, the tree trunk is tied with coniferous spruce branches.


Zaveya pear is a self-sterile variety, so it needs pollinators for a bountiful harvest. These varieties include: Bessemyanka and Lyubimitsa Yakovleva.

Fruiting variety occurs 4 years after planting. Zaveya’s pear has one feature, it controls the optimal number of fruits. With a lack of nutrients, it begins to shed excess crops. The fruits remaining on the tree grow large, juicy with few flaws.


Pear Zaveya is a high-yielding variety. The first fruits, with proper care, are harvested in the fall, 4 years after planting. The yield depends on climatic conditions and crop care. On average, up to 50 kg of fruit can be removed from an adult tree. In order for the fruits to lie as long as possible, they are removed from the branch in an unripe form.

Advice! For ripening, pears are cleaned in a dark, cool room with good ventilation.

Diseases and pests

Pear Zaveya is immune to many diseases, but with untimely care, scab and moniliosis may appear.

destroyed – a fungal disease that affects leaves and fruits. Emerald spots appear on the leaf plate, which, without treatment, smoothly pass to the fruit. You can save the tree by spraying with fungicides (Horus, Tridex, Merpan) or folk remedies (dry mustard, potassium permanganate or saline).

Moniliasis – fruit rot. When infected, 50% of the crop dies. The first symptom of the disease is the appearance of brown spots on undeveloped fruits. In dry and cold weather, the pear begins to mummify and turn black. Without treatment, the disease can pass to large, ripened fruits and manifest itself during storage and during long-term transportation.

In order not to run into problems, it is necessary to follow the rules of care and preventive measures:

  1. Regularly water, fertilize and trim.
  2. Cleaning up fallen leaves and rotten fruits.
  3. Removal of weed grass, loosening of the trunk circle.
  4. Spring and autumn whitewashing of the trunk.
Important! By following preventive measures, you can reduce the likelihood of diseases on a pear by 70%.

Pear Zaveya: description, photo, reviews

Pear Reviews Zaveya

Ilyushin Igor Bogdanovich, 60 years old, Brest
I have been planting pears for a long time. Early and late varieties grow in the garden. Among the late-ripening ones, I single out Zaveya pear, since the variety is unpretentious, does not require shelter for the winter, brings a stable generous harvest, tasty and fragrant fruits. Despite the thin peel, the fruits are stored for a long time and are well transported over long distances.
Alekseeva Alevtina Pavlovna, 65 years old, Smolensk
Pear is a favorite fruit crop. I used to think that it can only be grown in regions with a warm climate, but recently I began to notice pear trees in neighboring gardens. I looked through the information on the Internet and opted for the Zaveya pear variety. Planted and was not disappointed. The first harvest was small, but the next year she collected up to 10 kg of fruit. The main rule for a generous harvest is compliance with the rules of planting and care, as well as timely pruning.


If you study the description of Zaveya’s pear, then growing it will not be troublesome, but exciting. Since the variety is unpretentious, resistant to severe frosts and produces large, sweet fruits that can be used fresh and in conservation.

The best winter pear variety. Pear variety Zaveya

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