Pear Wizard: reviews and description

Description, photos and reviews of the Wizard pear have proven the variety as a favorite of summer fruit trees. Thanks to a juicy and large harvest, the Wizard quickly spread among amateur gardeners and gardeners. The pear grows quickly, does not require special agronomic skills and is excellent for breeding new varieties of fruit trees.

Description of pear variety Wizard

A hybrid of a fruit tree was bred on the territory of Belarus by crossing varieties: Druzhba, Sapezhanka and Lagodna. On the territory of Our Country, the Wizard has been included in the State Register since 2011. The tree is zoned for the Grodno region and grows well in the southern part of Our Country. The resulting hybrid is a summer fruit tree. The pear is medium tall, the crown of the tree is pyramidal, the foliage is of medium density. The branches are strong and flexible.

Pear Wizard: reviews and description

The magician is a winter-hardy pear variety, but a young tree must be protected from frost for the first few years of growth. Due to the long shelf life, the fruits of the Kudesnitsa variety are used for commercial purposes. Shoots grow in compact brushes, which facilitates the harvesting process. The foliage is ovoid, medium in size with a glossy sheen of bright green. A pear rarely gets sick under comfortable growing conditions.

Fruit Characteristics

Fruiting occurs 4 years after planting the pear. The fruits are symmetrical, have a short pear-shaped shape. Pear color is greenish-yellow. Large subcutaneous dots of a dark green color are clearly visible on the peel, there are many of them. The taste of ripe fruits is sweet with a barely perceptible sourness. The pulp is juicy, aromatic, creamy in color and of medium density. During long-term storage, fruits do not crumple.

The average weight of the fruit is from 140 to 170 g. The ripeness of the crop is characterized by a slight pinkish blush on the sunny side of the fruit. The magician belongs to high-yielding varieties: from 1 sq. m collect up to 130 kg for the summer season.

Harvesting starts from July to the end of August. The shelf life of fruits after harvesting in the refrigerator varies from 1 to 3 weeks. Fruits are widely used in cooking, useful for eating raw. The fruits are rich in fiber, vitamin E and C. The tasting score is 4,6 points on a five-point scale.

Advice! To increase the shelf life, the fruits are not washed, wrapped in a newspaper or packaged in cling film, having pumped out the air.

Pros and cons of the Kudesnitsa variety

A significant disadvantage of the fruits of the Wizard is that they are not suitable for transportation. A short shelf life is compensated by the juiciness of the fruits, a plentiful harvest and their attractive presentation. Otherwise, the Wizard variety has more positive aspects:

  • fast time for the appearance and ripening of the first fruits;
  • fertility of the variety;
  • high winter hardiness;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • the pear is very rarely sick.

Pear Wizard: reviews and description

The magician does not need pollinators, which allows you to plant trees in a single planting. Also, the variety takes root well if other fruit trees grow in the neighborhood.

Optimal growing conditions

The pear is not a drought tolerant variety, but grows well in full sun. The tree is unpretentious to changeable climate and temperature changes. The optimal landing site will be the western or southwestern part of the site, which is completely protected from the wind. The Wizard has good fertility in Central and Central Our Country, and a plentiful harvest is also found in the Perm region.

The soil should not have wet stagnation, otherwise the roots of the tree will rot. There are no special requirements for the landing site. Experienced gardeners choose well-drained, loose soil that has low acidity. The optimal time period for planting is October or mid-November. Before the first frost, the tree will take root and get stronger.

Planting and caring for pear Wizard

Before planting, the soil is mixed with mineral fertilizers and compost. The deadline for planting is the first frost. A few hours before planting, the seedling is placed in water at room temperature. Then they trim rotten, damaged and strongly protruding roots, which should not dry out until planting.

Pear Wizard: reviews and description

Rules of landing

A landing hole is dug, depending on the parameters of the acquired seedling. Agronomists advise sticking to standard sizes: 50 cm wide and deep. A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom of the hole, then a layer of fertile soil is placed along with the seedling. To support a fragile seedling, a support stake is driven into the pit. The seedling is covered in layers: each layer is rammed, compost is added. A ditch is made around the planted seedling, then it is watered with water, and after the soil has settled, the soil is filled up.

Advice! Before planting, the groundwater level is measured.

A favorable level for a pear is 3-5 m to the root system of a tree. Otherwise, the pear will not develop and will die.

For quick rooting, the seedling is watered with a solution of a mixture of water, microfertilizers and growth stimulants. With the onset of spring, the pear is abundantly watered with water: 10 liters every 3 days. Prune sluggish or dead branches. To control pests, they are treated with chemicals.

Watering and top dressing

After full rooting, the tree does not need frequent watering. One watering every 4-5 days will be enough. For 1 young tree, 2-3 buckets of water should go. The soil is loosened after watering or rain. In hot summers, the pear is watered every day. In autumn, the tree must be watered at least once a month.

The first top dressing is done at planting. Soil acidity is reduced with lime or wood ash. For good growth in the first 3 years, mineral fertilizers are added to the soil. After the first harvest, the soil is fertilized only for the winter. If the planting was carried out in an area with black soil, then pear feeding is not required.

Pear Wizard: reviews and description


A young seedling is pruned if damaged roots, dents on the trunk were found during the inspection. In early spring, after removing the shelter, cut off excess, old and dry branches. To obtain the desired shape, the crown of the tree is constantly cut or shortened by young shoots. In the fall, only the processes damaged by the disease are cut off.


A young tree is whitewashed in early spring and late autumn so that insects and rodents do not damage the trunk and foliage of the pear. Whitewashing is done after full rooting. Diluted blue or blue vitriol with slaked lime is used for the solution. Lime without impurities is also used, but then it is necessary to monitor the consistency of the solution. Usually the trunk of a fruit tree is whitened to half or to the first branches. Be sure to pierce the protruding roots.

Preparation for winter

In the first winter, the seedling is cut to 1 m, all the buds are cut off from the stem, and those located above are not touched. The tree trunk after whitewashing is wrapped with burlap, thick cardboard. The base is sprinkled with dry sawdust or covered with spruce branches. Also use agrofibre from the attack of rodents. A young tree with flexible branches can be covered with burlap and wrapped with a rope. The base of the trunk is covered with a sheaf of dry hay.

Pear Wizard: reviews and description


Variety Wizard does not need pollinators. However, the neighborhood with other fruit trees will help form the first fruitful ovary of the crop. Pollinators for pears should bloom at the same time as the Wizard variety. Varieties are suitable as pollinators: Clapp’s Favorite, Druzhba or Lagodna.

Advice! The more pollinators, the better and more fruitful the pollinated tree will be.


The pear variety Wizard is characterized by high fecundity. In good growing conditions, up to 3 centners are harvested from 4-160 trees. A young tree can produce up to 1 kg of pears in 50 season. Fruit ripening depends on the region of pear growth. The fruits do not overripe, do not crumble if the crop is not harvested on time. The marketable appearance and taste of the pear Magician does not lose for 2-3 months from the moment of full ripening.

Diseases and pests

The magician is a hybrid variety of fruit trees, which almost does not get sick during the entire period of growth and fruiting. High immunity is resistant to fungal parasites, but the pear is actively attacked by pests. The foliage of the tree curls up during aphid attacks, codling moths spoil the integrity of the fruit, itching and mites suck the juices from the pear trunk. As a result, the young tree quickly dries up and dies.

Very often there are pests: gall midge, tube-rollers, gall mites and flower beetles, from which the pear can rarely be saved. When the first signs of fruit damage or shriveled leaves appear, the variety is treated with chemicals and insecticides. Agronomists recommend removing rotten foliage from the tree trunk and cutting off dry branches that are just starting to dry.

In the Central region of planting in Our Country, pear susceptibility to diseases is noted:

  • scab, fungal spores of which infect pear fruits and leaves;
  • fruit rot, then the fruits of the Kudesnitsa variety are not eaten at all;
  • leaf rust – the foliage of the tree becomes covered with black spots and falls off;
  • powdery mildew, from which the tree dies very quickly.

Pear Wizard: reviews and description

From the scab, the seedling is sprayed with a diluted solution of Bordeaux liquid 2-3 times a month. To prevent fruit rot, the pear is treated with lime liquid. At the first sign of rust, damaged leaves are removed, then the crown is sprayed with Fitoverm. Powdery mildew is very difficult to remove, so it is necessary to notice the first signs of the disease at an early stage. For treatment, a solution of soda ash with laundry soap is used.

Attention! All chemical treatments are carried out after the appearance of foliage and fruit ovary, as well as before preparing the tree for wintering.

Reviews about pear variety Wizard

Klimova Tatyana Valerievna, 37 years old, St. Petersburg
I tried gardening. I planted several varieties of pears, and also planted the Wizard variety. We have soil almost from black soil, so I water only after removing winter shelters. The pear began to bear fruit early – for the 3rd year of growth, but the harvest pleased. The fruits are smooth, juicy, large. I collected up to 60 kg from two planted trees, they didn’t even know what to do with, but they sold half. I made compotes, jam, dried dried fruits for the winter. The variety has not hurt anything yet, I highly recommend it.
Dolmatov Konstantin Evgenievich, 54 years old, Irkutsk
I have been developing new varieties of fruit trees for a long time. I picked up new varieties, looked through the description of the variety and photo of the pear Wizard and the variety attracted with its taste, ability to self-pollination, its craving for the sun. Our summers are hot, so I water often. At the moment, the 5th year of growth has begun. Last year I harvested the first crop, which I was very pleased with the size and good condition of the fruits. I plan to start crossing with the Forest Beauty pear. I expect good results.


Description, photos and reviews of the Wizard pear fully correspond to the real appearance of the fruit tree. The pear variety continues to spread among amateur gardeners. An adult tree is resistant to frost, pests and diseases. The magician rarely gets sick, so the condition, quality and appearance of the fruits attract buyers. Also, fruits have the presence of fiber and vitamins, which are beneficial for human health.

Summer pear varieties Wizard, August dew, Oryol summer

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