Pear Vidnaya

There are many varieties of fruit trees, so it can be difficult for novice gardeners to make a choice. The Vidnaya pear is an unpretentious variety that has stood the test of time and has proven itself well. We will describe this variety, consider its photo and reviews, tell you how to properly plant a fruit tree and care for it.

Pear Vidnaya


Vidnaya was bred by breeders Petrov Yu.A. and N.V. Efimov in 1958. A new variety was obtained by crossing the transitional hybrid VI-53-67 and the classic southern pear.

This variety exceeded all expectations, and in 1972 it was classified as elite. The plant is resistant to the cold winters of Our Country, so it is grown in the Central regions of the country. The hybrid is especially popular in Moscow and neighboring regions.

Description of the pear

Груша Видная – самоплодный сорт, который приносит поздний, но обильный урожай. Растение начинает плодоносить на четвертый год после посадки, с августа по середину сентября. С одного фруктового дерева садоводы в среднем собирают 50 кг груши.

Pear Vidnaya


Pear Vidnaya stretches up to 5-6 meters in height. A young plant of this variety has a spreading and lush crown, which, with age, takes the form of a pyramid with an average density of foliage. The trunk is strong and thick, в диаметре может достигать 25 см. Massive branches are strewn with ringlets, on which fruit formations are formed.

Medium-sized leaves with serrated edges and a smooth, shiny surface. The shape is elongated, ovoid. Petioles short, slightly curved, light brown.


The fruits of Vidnoy are medium and large. The mass of one pear averages 150-170 g, some specimens can reach 200 g. They have a symmetrical, elongated shape and a ribbed surface. Therefore, the second name of this variety is Bumpy.

Только сформировавшиеся плоды имеют зеленый окрас, ближе к созреванию они приобретают желтоватый оттенок. В некоторых местах груши может появиться легкий, оранжевый загар, что вполне допустимо. Мякоть плотная и сочная, молочного цвета. Вкус насыщенный, с легкой кислинкой и мускатным привкусом.

Pear Vidnaya

The fruit is consumed fresh, dried, added to pastries, jams, compotes, jams and marmalade are prepared.


The Vidnaya Pear variety is characterized by a number of positive aspects:

  • скороплодность, первый урожай собирают на четвертый год после посадки;
  • frost resistance;
  • не поражается паршей и мучнистой росой;
  • brings a regular and rich harvest;
  • due to late flowering, the probability of destruction of buds by frost is reduced to zero;
  • неприхотливость, растет даже на бедной земле;
  • self-fertility;
  • excellent taste and commercial qualities.

Due to the large number of advantages, the variety is grown both in private gardening and on an industrial scale. It is also used for selection.


There are not so many negative sides of the Vidnaya pear variety. fresh fruit is stored no more than 7-9 days. Плоды созревают неравномерно, поэтому сбор урожая лучше проводить в несколько приемов. Так как растение раскидистое и высокое, до некоторых фруктов бывает трудно дотянуться.

Important! Despite self-fertility, it is recommended to plant a pollinator tree near Vidnaya, for example, a pear Rogneda or Autumn Yakovlev. This is the only way to get the largest possible fruits and a high yield.

Features of agricultural technology

To grow a healthy plant that will bring a stable harvest, you need to follow the rules for growing it.

Optimal timing

In the southern regions, Vidnaya pear is recommended to be planted at the end of September or in early October. During the winter, the seedling will have time to get stronger and take root. With the advent of spring and warmth, the tree will grow.

In regions with an unstable and cold climate, it is better to plant a pear of this variety in the spring, in the second half of April. By this time, the soil will have time to warm up and soak with melt water. But planting must be done quickly, until the young plant buds swell.

Pear Vidnaya

Site Selection

For pear varieties Vidnaya, you should choose sunny and spacious plot in the garden. If you plant a tree in the shade, its fruits will be tasteless, and the yield will decrease several times. It is desirable that with there was a fence on the north side of the plant, which will protect him from cold winds.

Pear does not tolerate stagnant water and wetlands. In lowland areas, you need to make drainage or plant a seedling on a slight elevation. Ground water should not be closer than 2 m from the surface.

Vidnaya is undemanding to the ground, but feels more comfortable on sandy, chernozem and slightly acidic soils.

Attention! Для снижения кислотности грунта, в него вносят известь из расчета 3,5 кг/10 м2.

Planting pit preparation

Site preparation should begin six months before planting Vidnaya. To do this, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Planting hole for pear seedlings should be spacious, with a depth of 90-100 cm and a diameter of at least 80 cm.
  • The top fertile soil layer, 20 cm thick, should be set aside separately. 25-30 kg of rotted manure or compost, 1 kg of superphosphate, 80 g of potassium nitrate and 0,8-1 kg of wood ash are added to it.
  • The soil mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured into the pit. A small hill should form.

Some gardeners recommend covering the hole with foil.

Rules of landing

Процесс посадки груши Видная:

  1. Замочить корни растения в любом биостимуляторе или в 3% растворе марганцовки на сутки. Затем обработать их смесью глины и коровяка и оставить для просыхания на 2 часа.
  2. Drive a stick into the center of the hole которая должна быть выше саженца в 1,5 раза. Она будет служить опорой.
  3. Spread the roots of the seedling and lower it into the hole. The root collar of the tree should be 7-8 cm higher the surface of the earth.
  4. Fill the plant with earth, tamp the soil and tie the seedling to the support.
  5. Сформировать бороздку вокруг дерева на расстоянии 0,5 метров от ствола.
  6. Полить грушу 30-40 литрами теплой воды.

Pear Vidnaya

To preserve moisture, the trunk circle is mulched with compost or sawdust.

Features of care

Caring for a Vidnaya pear is simple. The main thing is to trim the tree in time, water it and feed it.


Regular pruning improves the quality and volume of the crop. Every autumn, you need to sanitize the tree: remove dry, affected and old branches.

Formative pruning is very useful for young plants, which is carried out in early spring (in March, April). The event consists in shortening the branches, while several main shoots should remain on each tier.

Места срезов обрабатывают раствором медного купороса и замазывают масляной краской.

Attention! One event can удалить не более 25 % кроны дерева.
pear pruning


Young sapling Vidnoy нужно поливать еженедельно 18-20 liters of warm water. An adult pear (3-5 years old) is irrigated every 15 days with 60-70 liters of water. A fruit tree older than six years old can do with just a few waterings per year:

  • in spring, before flowering;
  • during the formation of ovaries;
  • 15 days before fruit ripening;
  • в конце сентября – влагозарядковый полив.

Most эффективный метод полива – дождеваниеwhich is similar to natural precipitation. If there is no special device, then water can be poured into the annular groove around the tree. After the procedure, the soil is loosened and mulched.

Attention!  When scheduling pear irrigation, it is necessary to take into account weather conditions and prevent waterlogging of the soil.

Additional fertilizing

If all the recommendations were followed during planting, then you can feed Vidnaya Pear start 2 years after planting.

Nitrogen-containing fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate) are applied only in the spring, when the shoots begin active growth. Consumption rate – 30-35 kg / ha. Organic matter is applied every 2-3 years. For this, humus, compost or rotted manure is used. Potash and phosphate fertilizers are applied in autumn.

A pear of this variety is needed подкармливать 2-3 раза в год. The procedure should be carried out during or after watering.

Pear Vidnaya

Disease Prevention

The Vidnaya pear variety is not affected by scab and powdery mildew, but there are many other diseases and pests of the fruit tree. Infection is easier to prevent than to treat the plant later. Therefore, preventive treatments are carried out in spring and autumn.

For this use insecticides or folk methods. During the active growing season, the pear is sprayed with a solution of laundry soap, infusion of wood ash or soda ash. The procedure is carried out once every 2 weeks. The ash solution not only protects the tree, but also nourishes it, as it has a rich mineral composition.

Attention! It is not recommended to plant a Vidnaya Pear next to a mountain ash, as the risk of interinfection increases.

Reviews of gardeners

Marina, 33 years old, Ivanovo
We planted a Vidnaya pear seedling 4 years ago. Yesterday we had our first small harvest. The impression of this variety is ambiguous. The fruits are large, the weight of some specimens reaches 300-350 g. But outwardly identical fruits have a different taste. Basically, they are very juicy, with a rich sweet and sour taste. Outside, the flesh is hard and tart. If you leave the pear to ripen, it quickly deteriorates.
Pavel, 60 years old, Ryazan
Уже 6 лет выращиваю этот сорт груши в своем саду. Нравится, что даже недозрелые плоды имеют плотную, хрустящую и очень сочную мякоть. Терпкость отсутствует. При полном созревании в холодильнике или на дереве, груша становится мягче. Но хранить ее долго нельзя, так как уже через неделю мякоть начинает темнеть. По вкусовым качествам Видная похожа на Чижовскую, но по размеру она гораздо больше. Груша особенно хороша для сока.


Vidnaya is a pear variety that attracts with a rich taste and a stable harvest. The tree is unpretentious, so even a novice gardener can grow it. It is a frost-resistant variety that is suitable for cultivation in harsh climatic conditions.

How to plant a pear. How to plant a pear seedling

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