Pear Tatyana is a wonderful decoration for any garden. At first it is noticeable with beautiful flowering, later it is rich in fruits. However, not many are in a hurry to start such a tree on their site, believing that it is rather capricious in its care at first, then it requires special attention during the cold season.
History of occurrence

Late autumn pear Tatyana most often begins to bear fruit by mid-September
Much depends on the climate of the area where the tree grows. Variety Tatyana was included in the State Register in the North Caucasus region in 1999. For breeding, Clapp’s Favorite and Bere winter Michurina were used. Tests and breeding were carried out in the city of Rossosh, Voronezh Region, at a zonal experimental station by breeder A.M. Ulyanishcheva. The developments of this institution have long been known in the horticultural environment.
Description pear Tatyana with photo
The tree itself is considered fast-growing, has a rounded crown. Pear Tatyana regularly bears fruit, is highly resistant to disease. The variety is marked as high-yielding.
Pear Tatyana is growing fast enough. An adult tree has a slender pyramidal shape. Over time, the growing crown independently takes on an almost spherical shape. Flowering occurs much later than other representatives. The inflorescence is large, has a pinkish tint, the flowers themselves are most often white. Nine flowers form on the brush. Variety Tatyana is distinguished by large leaves with a glossy sheen.

The fruits are quite large and differ in weight – on average up to 250 g
A characteristic of a ripe fruit is a yellowish color and the presence of a crimson blurry blush. The taste of pears is distinguished by tenderness, cream-colored flesh, sweet and soft.

Average fruit size compared to a matchbox
Characteristic of the variety
The variety is considered fruitful, it is distinguished by stable fruiting. After planting, the first fruits do not form immediately. The first harvest most often appears 6-7 years after planting. It is worth noting that the pear does not crumble prematurely. This distinguishes it from many other varieties.
Pear Tatyana perfectly tolerates frosts and low temperatures. The fact of planting is important. Most often, a good harvest can be achieved by placing a single tree. However, the neighborhood with other varieties will not have a detrimental effect – the bee will begin to cross-pollinate the flowers, which will also increase the yield.
Pear Tatyana is considered a dessert. The fruits have a corresponding pronounced sweet taste with a barely noticeable sourness. They contain vitamins of groups B, E, C, as well as many minerals such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, etc. The average sugar level reaches 10% of Tatyana’s total mass. The pear is consumed fresh, cut into slices or squares. They are also used for making yoghurts and baking, preserve whole fruits or parts, roll up compotes and syrups.

Useful properties of pears
Terms of maturation
Flowering begins with steady warming. The emerging bees carry out pollination of the flower, the ovary is formed. Pear Tatiana reaches maturity in early autumn.
The tree is distinguished by high productivity, per 1 ha, about 144 centners can be harvested in the first harvest year. Proper care contributes to a further increase in this figure by about 10 centners.
Frost resistance
Pear can be grown in many regions. The temperature that a tree can withstand in winter is -32°C.
Pear pollinators Tatiana
Tatiana coexists well with such varieties as Autumn Yakovleva, Bere Moskovskaya, Marble. However, when placing a tree, you should pay attention to the distance between adjacent pears – 3 m is considered the minimum recommended.
Growing regions
Growth area – Voronezh and Rostov regions. The pear is grown near the places where it was bred. These regions are characterized by rather high summer temperatures, warm winters with a large amount of precipitation.
Resistance to diseases
The variety is highly disease resistant. The immune system, with proper care, can withstand many lesions. If a large number of rotten pear fruits Tatyana or rusty foliage are found, they are sprayed with special compounds.
Advantages and disadvantages
The Tatyana pear variety is distinguished by dense fruits that do not crumble ahead of time. The tree does not break from the weight of the growing fruit. Like any variety, Tatiana has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Pear helps to relieve tension in the muscles after a long physical activity
Pear helps to relieve tension in the muscles after a long physical activity
- contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals;
- has good frost resistance;
- the fruits do not fall off on their own and prematurely;
- the taste is bright and rich;
- hardness is medium, so the crop is suitable for consumption by adults and children;
- before the fruiting period, it has a beautiful color and shape of a tree.
- the tree does not like excessively and constantly moist soil;
- requires a large space and open area for growth;
- begins to bear fruit only 6-7 years after planting.
Rules of landing
Most often, seedlings are planted in spring or autumn. Amateur gardeners and professionals still prefer the spring time so that the tree has time to take root and be ready for the upcoming winter.
For the full development of a pear tree, it needs a sufficient amount of light and a spacious area without being adjacent to other trees or buildings. If it is nevertheless decided to place several trees nearby, this should be done with a sufficient interval of 3-4 meters.
Pear Tatyana does not tolerate flooding of the soil. If this fact is a constant occurrence on the site, it is worth creating a small artificial embankment, ridge or hill. Excess water from the tree can also be separated by grooves. The planting hole has an average depth of 1 meter, and the hole itself is 80 cm in diameter. For planting, fertile and less fertile soil is separated. A hill is created around the pit so that the water is properly distributed during irrigation. The soil is flavored with humus, superphosphate, potassium salts and ash. A dense hill is also created in the pit, along the slopes of which the roots are placed and sprinkled. A mandatory element is the presence of a peg for gartering a still fragile trunk. The seedling is watered and mulched.
Care instructions
Most often, one- or two-year-old seedlings are planted. After planting, they shorten the tops. If the tree is frozen, it is necessary to remove part of the formed growths. The rest will replace the affected shoot and will be able to bear fruit, but only if placed horizontally and tied to a peg. Watering for a pear is a necessary event. Top dressing should be done once every three years. It will be easy to see from the tree whether it needs nutrients – the shoots will begin to grow rather slowly. In this case, it is worth adding fertilizer. With an excess of organic matter, there will be a lot of shoots, but they will not have time to ripen by winter. Before fruiting, the soil around is dug up, watered abundantly, and weeds are regularly removed.
Collection and storage
The fruits of the tree reach maturity by the end of summer. Depending on the type of climate, this period can shift by about 15 days, in some cases by a month. Gardeners note that the variety is not prone to shedding, so the collection is done by hand. The pear must be carefully twisted along with the stalk. So that the fetus can lie quietly for the required time, it is placed in a box. Use only whole specimens without visible bumps or cracks. Pears are best shot on a cloudy and dry day. If the collection is made in a sunny and hot period, the fruits will begin to emit condensate, in which case the shelf life will noticeably decrease.
Pear Tatiana is a great addition to any garden. The tree is quite unpretentious in care, bears fruit annually. With this variety, you can always collect whole fruits, because they do not fall off ahead of time.