Pear variety in memory of Yakovlev – characteristics and advantages of the variety

A group of employees of the All- Research Institute of Breeding and Genetics of Fruit Plants bred a wonderful variety – a pear in memory of Yakovlev, by crossing varieties such as Olivier de Serre and Tema. The results of their experiments met the expectations of gardeners – this variety is very popular due to its unpretentious care, disease resistance and high yield. Over the years of cultivation, only positive reviews can be heard about this pear.


The Yakovlev pear tree variety is fast-growing, undersized, reaching 1,5-2m in height. The crown is spherical, medium density, symmetrical. The bark is gray, smooth on young shoots, scaly on the trunk and skeletal branches. The branches diverge at a right angle, with time numerous annelids are formed. Young shoots are brown, often with lenticels and spines. The kidneys are smooth, slightly recurved, conical in shape. The foliage is dark green, leathery, ovate with a twisted top, serrated along the edge, the petiole is 1,5-2 cm long. In the photo you can see how an adult tree and the fruits of Yakovlev’s memory pear look.

Pear variety in memory of Yakovlev - characteristics and advantages of the variety

The flowers are large, white, with separate petals. Collected in inflorescences of 3-7 pieces. The fruits are large, weighing 150-200 g, with a shiny smooth skin, blunt pear-shaped or wide pear-shaped, light yellow or golden yellow. The peduncle is curved, long, up to 3-4,5 cm. They ripen in the middle, end of September, hang on the tree for a long time and do not crumble. The pulp is juicy, sweet, without astringency, semi-oily, white or cream color. Fruits are rich in sugars, arbutins, catechins, various acids.

Fruiting begins as early as 4-5 years after planting. The yield increases every year and with proper care, 7-8 kg of pears can be harvested from a young 15-22 year old tree.

Advantages and disadvantages

Yakovlev’s memory pear belongs to self-fertile and early-fruiting varieties and is a pollinator for other fruit crops. At the same time, two or three trees should be planted side by side in the garden plot, this will ensure a high and stable harvest, and the compactness of the crown of this variety allows you to easily place several pears in a small area.

Another important advantage of this pear is its high winter hardiness. Even young seedlings are resistant to spring frosts and sudden temperature changes. But one should take into account the low drought resistance of the plant and provide the tree with abundant and regular watering. This pear has good transportability and high resistance to scab and other common diseases of fruit crops, which greatly facilitates its cultivation.

There are no significant shortcomings in this variety. With abundant fruiting, with age, the presence of stone cells and some uneven fruiting are noted. However, with proper care and timely regular feeding, this can be avoided.

 Pear variety in memory of Yakovlev - characteristics and advantages of the variety

Growing features

Soil and watering

The right choice of location and planting are of great importance when growing Yakovlev’s memory pear. It is not whimsical to the soil, but preference should be given to light, loamy soils with groundwater occurrence not higher than 1,2-1,5 m. frosts.

In the first year after planting, fertilization is not required, but since Yakovlev’s memory pear is not resistant to drought, it is necessary several times, at intervals of 20-25 days, to water the tree abundantly, and in a dry hot summer to keep the soil moist, but not swamp. If the soils are clayey, then when planting, river sand, peat, compost or humus mixed in equal parts with black soil should be added. This will ensure good drainage and oxygen supply. It is recommended to plant plants with a shallow root system in the aisle, such as pumpkin, beans, peas, cabbage. This will reduce weeds and keep the root zone clean, which is also necessary for the pear to develop fully.

Pear variety in memory of Yakovlev - characteristics and advantages of the variety

Pollinators and top dressing

This variety can be planted alone, however, for better fruiting, the neighborhood of Lada or August pear varieties is recommended for cross-pollination. Under a biennial plant, and then annually, it is necessary to make a variety of top dressings – potassium salts, superphosphates and nitrogenous fertilizers. The first top dressing is carried out before flowering, combined with abundant watering in 3-5 buckets for each tree. Then, immediately during the flowering period and when ovaries appear with a diameter of 1,5-2,5 cm, the procedure is repeated.

Although the tree is resistant to many diseases, regular chemical treatment should be carried out in early spring. As well as annual anti-aging pruning, removing excess or damaged branches. Pruning is carried out before the start of sap flow in the spring, treating the cut points with garden pitch.

Video “Description of the pear in memory of Yakovlev”

The author of the video talks in detail about the benefits of the pear variety Memory Yakovlev.

Pear cultivar Memory of Yakovlev

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