The Talgar Beauty pear was born in Kazakhstan from the seeds of the Belgian pear “Forest Beauty”. Breeder A.N. Kaceyok bred it by the method of free pollination at the Kazakh Research Institute of Fruit Growing and Viticulture. Since 1960, the variety has been undergoing state tests, and only in 1991 the pear was zoned in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.
Crown Description
The pear tree is a southern plant and Talgarka is no exception. This pear variety grows best in the southern regions of Our Country. Stavropol, Krasnodar Territory, Caucasus, Crimea – the habitat of this pear tree. Well suited to this variety of pears and the territory of Ukraine and Moldova.
Description of the pear variety Talgar beauty is better to start with a photo of the crown of a pear tree.
The crown of a pear tree is pyramidal in shape with a wide base. A tree of medium height – 3 m. The density of the crown of a tree of this variety is medium. Branches of the second and more orders hanging down. The fruits are mainly formed on the annulus.
The bark on the standard tree trunk and branches of the first order is gray. In the process of growth, the old “tight” bark leaves the tree trunk and branches with scales. Shoots of the second order with brown bark, medium size, hairless. The kidneys are large, conical, hairless.
The leaves of the tree are dark green, smooth, large. The shape of the leaves is ovoid with an elongated pointed tip. The leaves are slightly concave in the middle. The edges of the leaves are serrated. The leaves are planted on long petioles.
Talgarka belongs to the autumn group of fruit trees. Next to the talgarka, pear trees of other varieties are planted, also belonging to the autumn group: Kucheryanka, Goverla, Clapp’s Favorite, Conference and others.
Description of fruits
The description of the fruits of the pear Talgar beauty can be started with a photo and reviews about her of those who have tried these fruits. As can be seen in the photo, the Talgar pear has an irregular “one-sided” fruit shape.
Often buyers of fruits are worried about such an irregular shape of pears. In this case, there is no reason to worry. But there is also a reason why the fruits of the Talgar beauty pear become ugly. Not just irregularly shaped, but ugly. Reason: disease of pear trees – scab. If the scab infects the fruits at an early stage of development, the fruits grow mutilated. If the fruit is damaged at a late stage, a dark brown, almost black, spot appears on the pear, under which corky tissue forms. As long as the fruit is small and there are no cracks on the spot, nothing threatens the fruit. With an increase in the size of the fetus, the stain cracks, and pathogenic bacteria penetrate through the cracks into the pear.
The weight of a medium-sized fruit is 170 g. Sometimes pears can grow up to 250 g. By the time of removal, the color of the fruit should be light yellow. Most of the surface of the pear skin is occupied by a bright dark pink blush. The skin of a ripe pear is shiny, smooth, of medium thickness. Small dots are visible on the inside of the pear skin, which are green on the main color and white on the “blush”. The pulp of the fruit is creamy, medium density, granular.
The stalk of a pear is curved, medium in size. The calyx is open, the saucer is even, narrow, deep. The funnel is small in the fetus, may be completely absent. The core of the fruit is elliptical, medium in size. Seeds closed, small.
Reviews about the taste of pear Talgar beauty are extremely positive. The specific pear aroma of Talgarka is weak. The pulp is sweet, crispy.
Sugar in a pear is 9%, and acids are only 0,37%. The fruits are very juicy and well suited for making juices.
Gardeners highly appreciate the productive characteristics of the Talgar Beauty pear, since this pear tree does not have lean years due to its “fault”. Talgarka begins to bear fruit at the age of 5 years.
The ripening period of the pear Talgar beauty is the beginning of September in the southern regions. To the north, dates may shift to a later time. But according to the reviews of gardeners-experimenters, the Talgar beauty pear in the Moscow region freezes out in cold winters. The only way to save a tree is to graft it onto a frost-resistant stock. This measure also does not guarantee that the pear will not freeze in winter, but its chances of survival increase.
Since in cold regions the vegetative period begins later and ends earlier than in the southern regions, in Central Our Country, the ripening period of the Talgar pear is shifted to the time of autumn frosts and the fruits must be harvested prematurely in order to preserve the crop.
The issue of ripening is more about Talgar beauty pears grown in the Moscow region. Fruit tree products are not considered capable of ripening after they have been plucked from the branch. It is always better if the pear ripens on a branch. But due to bad weather or the imminent onset of frost, especially in the northern regions, the harvest sometimes has to be harvested ahead of time. If the difference between the time when the Talgar beauty pear had to be harvested and the date of the actual harvest is small, the pears can ripen with the right storage technology.
If the pears were not even harvested at the stage of technical ripeness, but earlier, then it is important to know how to properly ripen the green pears of Talgark. The technology of ripening is simple, but with a large crop, it may be problematic to properly store fruits for storage.
How to equip a place for ripening
To ripen fruit, you will need a lockable box lined with newspapers or toilet paper. You can use a plastic bag. Fruits are placed in a box / bag so that there is a possibility of free air exchange between them. Toilet paper is placed in the bag along with the fruit. Paper is needed to absorb moisture, which will be released during the “breathing” of pears. Together with green fruits, 2-3 ripe fruits are placed in a container.
Ripe fruits and vegetables release ethanol gas, which speeds up the ripening process. Without ethanol, green fruits may not ripen at all.
The box is closed and the bag is tied to prevent loss of ethanol. The fruits are checked periodically. If necessary, replace wet paper with dry paper.
Storage of pears Talgar beauty is produced in a cool place with a temperature of about 10 ° C. Fruits are laid out on straw or sawdust. If you need to put the fruits in several rows, they are obligatory shifted with straw. Pears should not touch each other. Talgarka plucked at the stage of technical ripeness can be stored until the end of winter. If the fruits are ripe on the tree, they lie no longer than a month, although such pears are tastier. Therefore, to the question “when to shoot pears Talgar beauty” everyone answers for himself. Depending on your desires. If you need to keep fruits for a long time, they are plucked before full ripeness. If you are planning jam, liqueur or just eat now, it is more profitable to wait until the fruit is completely ripe.
In the description of the pear Talgarskaya beauty, its early maturity, good keeping quality of fruits, high palatability, good transportability, resistance to diseases, and frost resistance are indicated as advantages of the variety.
But the reviews about the Talgar beauty pear variety are rather contradictory. Someone likes the sugary sweetness of the fruit, someone considers this taste insipid. Therefore, a large amount of sugar can be attributed to both advantages and disadvantages. Much depends on how the fruit is used.
Frost resistance, judging by the reviews on planting and caring for the Talgar Beauty pear, is also a moot point and largely depends on the clone that the summer resident is trying to grow. At the same time, it is not possible to find out the origin of the seedling. Because of this, in the Middle lane, the purchase of this variety turns into a lottery. Maybe you’ll be lucky, and the seedling will be quite hardened. Or maybe not.
The main disadvantage of the Talgar beauty pear, judging by the description and photo, is the appearance of dark spots on the pulp in case of late fruit harvest. This is due to the fact that the ripe fruit is soft and damaged at the slightest pressure. Fruits in the technical stage of ripeness do not have such a disadvantage.
Also, not everyone may like the crispy pulp of fruits in the stage of technical maturity. But this is a matter of personal preference.
Talgarka is an unpretentious variety and takes root well almost everywhere, except for clay, sandy or waterlogged soil. Other types of soil are considered suitable for this pear tree.
The description of the Talgar beauty pear, as well as photos and reviews of planting seedlings of this variety, unanimously agree that the best time for trees with an open root system is autumn. In the time before frost, the root system of the tree will have time to adapt to new conditions, and in the spring it will actively grow. When planted in autumn, pear seedlings are already forming and budding in spring. If time is lost, you can plant a pear tree in the spring, but in this case, the full development of the seedling will begin only next year.
Ideally, young trees are not allowed to bloom for a couple of years so that the root system can develop fully.
Site Selection
Pear trees require good lighting, therefore, when choosing a place for Talgarka, you need to allocate an area open to the sun’s rays on the southern, western or southwestern side of the dacha. In this case, the tree will receive enough sunlight to set a sufficient number of fruits, and the fruits will acquire a blush characteristic of Talgarka.
When buying seedlings from a nursery, it is better not to be stingy and take a little more young trees than you plan to leave in the garden. Some seedlings may not take root.
The permissible distance between adult pear trees of talgarok is 4-5 m. So that the place between the pears is not empty, it can be planted with berry bushes.
How to plant a pear seedling:
- a hole for a pear tree is dug 2 weeks before the planned planting of a seedling. The upper fertile layer is removed first and laid in one direction, the lower one in the other. The size of the pit is determined by the size of a pear seedling, but the average size is: 0,6 m deep, 1,5 m in diameter;
- fertilizers are applied to the soil before planting. Only the top fertile soil layer is used, to which about 3-4 buckets of rotted compost or manure are added. With strong acidity of the soil 1 – 2 cups of ash;
- the resulting mixture is poured into the pit, making a mound. A support stake is driven into the top of the mound. Stake length 1,4 m, diameter 5 cm;
- pear seedlings are prepared for planting by inspecting and pruning dry and rotten roots. If the root system of the seedling has dried out during storage, the pear tree is placed in water for a couple of days;
- it is better to plant a pear tree together, while one holds a pear seedling, the other fills it around with fertile soil;
- after planting a pear tree, the soil is carefully tamped with hands;
- penultimate planting point: watering a pear seedling with 2 – 3 buckets of water;
- in order to retain moisture in the soil longer, the hole under the pear seedling must be mulched with dry leaves, straw or sawdust.
Pear trees need watering in spring and summer. The amount of water and the frequency of watering depends on the specific weather conditions and the need of the tree for water. Average water consumption: 30 – 40 liters per 1 m². Water consumption increases in dry and hot weather. At the beginning of fruit ripening, watering is slightly reduced to allow the fruits to gain sugar.
Pruning forms the crown of pear trees, preventing crowding and disease, and also providing the set fruits with a sufficient amount of sunlight. If you do not regularly prune pear trees, the branches, growing, will no longer receive enough light, and the yield will begin to fall.
The first pruning of a pear tree is carried out after planting. In a two-year-old pear seedling, skeletal branches are cut. Not all, but 4 of those located at approximately the same distance. The side branches of a pear 2-year-old are also shortened by a quarter. An annual seedling is cut to a height of 55 cm.
An adult pear tree is pruned every spring, thinning out the branches and removing diseased and old branches that rob the tree of vital juices. Dry branches are removed without fail.
Talgarka is a pear variety with good taste, suitable for making juices, jams and fruit mixtures. But when growing fruit, gardeners may be faced with the inability of pear trees of this variety to withstand severe frosts.