Pear salad with cheese: how to cook? Video
If the usual dishes are bored and you want to please yourself and your loved ones with something tasty, it’s time to remember the existence of a pear salad with dor blue cheese. It is very easy to make and at the same time has a great delicate taste.
Dor Blue cheese and pear salad
Dor Blue cheese and pear salad – an exquisite addition to the table
To surprise their household, housewives go for tricks. Recipes for new dishes are taken literally from everywhere, many lovers of cooking something like that are actively experimenting, because a completely new recipe can be created only by mixing products, a tasty combination of which has not yet been revealed to the world.
As such a novelty that can surprise even an avid gourmet, a salad with cheese and pear can become. The unusual combination of these products gives a delicate and great taste. The aromatic sweetness of the pear and the slightly salty cheese create an unusual composition that you want to try again and again.
Most often, this salad is prepared using dor blue cheese, since it is he who has a delicate taste that allows you to achieve such an exquisite combination of products. However, this cheese is very expensive and has an unusual appearance; it is these factors that sometimes scare away lovers of this type of cheese from it. At the same time, it is one of the most popular in Russia, as it has a spicy and at the same time very moderate taste.
How to make a salad with cheese and pear
To prepare two large servings of pear salad with dor blue cheese, you will need:
– pear – 2 pcs.; – dor blue cheese – 200 g; – a bunch of lettuce; – peeled sunflower seeds – 100 g; – lemon; – olive oil – 4 tablespoons; – wine vinegar – 2 tablespoons; – mustard – 1 tablespoon; – ground black pepper; – sugar.
First you need to prepare the sauce, for this you need to mix wine vinegar, mustard and olive oil. Then add a pinch of sugar to this mixture, and then mix everything thoroughly. You can tear green lettuce leaves with your hands, and it is not at all necessary to ensure that they are neat. In a chaotic order, the leaves need to be placed on the bottom of the plate, in which the salad will then be placed.
It is recommended to lay out the salad in a flat plate in order to preserve the aesthetically pleasing appearance of the dish.
The pears must be rinsed thoroughly, then peeled and cut into medium-sized cubes. The lemon must be peeled and passed through a juicer. The resulting juice must be sprinkled on the pears, this is necessary in order to prevent them from darkening and, as a result, rapid deterioration.
All pieces of pear must be laid out on chaotically torn lettuce leaves, and then add to them the cheese with mold, pre-cut into small cubes, – dor blue. It is necessary to lightly fry the sunflower seeds, and then sprinkle them on the salad. Then you need to pour the prepared sauce over the dish. It is recommended to eat the pear and cheese salad right away, as it quickly loses its flavor.