Pear Lada: characteristics of a delicious early summer variety

Pear Lada was bred by a group of researchers from the Moscow Agricultural Institute by crossing the popular varieties Forest Beauty and Olga. It is grown mainly in central Our Country. It has a positive response among gardeners, it is especially valued for its high, regular harvest and excellent fruit quality, as well as unpretentious care and resistance to fairly low temperatures.


Pear Lada belongs to the early summer variety. The tree is medium-sized, standard, with a pyramidal or funnel-shaped crown, medium density. The bark is dark gray or gray, on young, slightly curved shoots it is light brown. Shoots of medium thickness, long, with few lenticels, without pubescence. The leaves are saturated dark green in color, medium in size, curved along the central vein of an oval-elongated shape, smooth, shiny. Petiole of medium length 1,5-2,5 cm, stipules fall off early.

The flowers are medium, cup-shaped, collected in inflorescences of 5-8 pieces. The fruits are medium or medium small, weighing 100-115 g, with a smooth, shiny surface, obovate. The skin is thin, light yellow with a faint light red blurred blush. Subcutaneous dots are almost invisible. The peduncle is short 1,8-2,2 cm, there is no funnel. The number of seeds in a seed box is up to 4-5 pieces. The pulp is whitish-yellow in color, granular, medium-dense, medium juicy, has a sour-sweet taste and a weak, not pronounced aroma. However, Lada pear fruits are distinguished by a high content of sugars, titratable acids and P-active substances. Lada belongs to early ripening varieties, however, the fruits do not crumble and hang on the branches for a long time, at a temperature of 0-5 C they can be stored for 55-65 days.

In the photo below you can see the shape of an adult pear tree, what ripe fruits look like.

 Pear Lada: characteristics of a delicious early summer variety

Advantages of the variety

Pear Lada belongs to self-fertile varieties, and brings a significant yield even planted in a single quantity in a garden plot. However, the proximity of such pollinating varieties as Rogneda, Severyanka, Otradnenskaya, Chizhovskaya or Kosmicheskaya makes it possible to significantly improve the quality of fruits and increase the fruiting of both varieties.

One of the clear advantages of this pear is a very high and regular fruiting. Lada is fast-growing and already 2-4 years after budding it can bring a full-fledged crop. From an adult tree with proper care, regular feeding and pruning, you can collect more than 45-50 kg of pears annually. In addition, this variety has a high winter hardiness. Even young trees planted in autumn can easily survive the winter without shelter. Also, the Lada pear is highly resistant to many diseases, such as scab or bacterial burn.

This pear has no significant drawbacks, because it is not whimsical in care and generously thanks the owners for their care. Its only drawback is the low transportability of fruits and the short period of their consumption.

 Pear Lada: characteristics of a delicious early summer variety

Planting and care

Lada pear is not whimsical to soils, however, fruiting will be maximum when planted in chestnut, black earth, loamy, gray forest or light texture soils, in any case they should be structural, fertile, with good drainage. Therefore, on depleted, structureless soils, fertilizer is applied in larger quantities than in normal cases.

Lada is very sensitive to the lack of organic fertilizers, in a short time the tree can get sick and become very weak, which can lead to its death during severe winter frosts.

This variety has low drought resistance, so you should water the pear infrequently, but plentifully throughout the summer. Especially it needs moisture in May-July during the period of active growth and during the pouring of fruits. As a rule, the application of fertilizers – potassium salts, superphosphates, nitrogenous and humus, is combined with irrigation. At the same time, at least 2-3 buckets are brought under each tree, if the pear is an adult, the number of buckets for one-time watering should be 4-5. The first top dressing is carried out before flowering, then during flowering and when small ovaries appear.

Pear Lada: characteristics of a delicious early summer variety

Although the Lada pear needs good lighting, it should be shaded in hot, dry summers, since the tops of the shoots and young leaves can turn black and dry out during intense solar insolation. Regular spring pruning also allows you to increase the yield and taste of fruits. At the same time, old, dead, unnecessary branches thickening the crown are removed, thus forming its correct and symmetrical shape. Annual chemical treatment will protect the tree from many pests and common diseases.

Video “Pear Lada – how to increase productivity”

The video below tells about simple and affordable methods for increasing the yield of this pear variety, the intricacies of pruning and feeding features.

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